* LibAxl: Another XML library
* Copyright (C) 2006 Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307 USA
* You may find a copy of the license under this software is released
* at COPYING file. This is LGPL software: you are welcome to
* develop proprietary applications using this library without any
* royalty or fee but returning back any change, improvement or
* addition in the form of source code, project image, documentation
* patches, etc.
* For commercial support on build XML enabled solutions contact us:
* Postal address:
* Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.
* Edificio Alius A, Oficina 102,
* C/ Antonio Suarez Nº 10,
* Alcalá de Henares 28802 Madrid
* Spain
* Email address:
* info@aspl.es - http://www.aspl.es/xml
#include <axl_decl.h>
#include <axl_stack.h>
#include <axl_list.h>
#include <axl_log.h>
#define LOG_DOMAIN "axl-stack"
struct _axlStack {
axlPointer * stack;
int size;
int items;
axlDestroyFunc destroy;
* \defgroup axl_stack_module Axl Stack: A stack built used across AXL library
* \addtogroup axl_stack_module
* @{
* @brief Creates a new stack.
* Creates a new \ref axlStack object, which will accept to store a
* retrieve objects in a FIFO manner.
* @param destroy_data A function to be used to destroy data stored on
* the stack is the stack is deallocated containing data. This
* parameter is optional. If not provided, no automatic memory
* deallocation will peformed.
* @return A newly allocated stack that must be deallocated by using
* axl_stack_destroy.
axlStack * axl_stack_new (axlDestroyFunc destroy_data)
axlStack * stack;
/* create an empty stack */
stack = axl_new (axlStack, 1);
/* check returned value */
if (stack == NULL)
return NULL;
stack->destroy = destroy_data;
return stack;
* @brief Push data on top of the stack.
* The stack doesn't support storing NULL references. If a null
* reference is provided the function won't perform any operation on
* the stack.
* @param stack The stack where the data will be pushed.
* @param data The data to push.
void axl_stack_push (axlStack * stack, axlPointer data)
axlPointer * temp;
axl_return_if_fail (stack);
axl_return_if_fail (data);
/* check if we have enough space to store the pointer */
if (stack->size == stack->items) {
if (stack->size == 0) {
/* ask for a single pointer */
stack->stack = axl_new (axlPointer, 1);
/* check allocated result */
if (stack->stack == NULL)
}else {
/* ask to grow the memory already allocated */
temp = stack->stack;
stack->stack = realloc (stack->stack, sizeof (axlPointer) * (stack->size + 1));
/* check allocated value */
if (stack->stack == NULL) {
stack->stack = temp;
} /* end if */
/* update the size available */
/* store the item */
stack->stack[stack->items] = data;
/* update items stored */
* @brief Pop data from the stack.
* @param stack The stack where the pop operation will be performed.
* @return A \ref axlPointer containing previously pushed data or NULL
* if fails.
axlPointer axl_stack_pop (axlStack * stack)
axlPointer pointer;
axl_return_val_if_fail (stack, NULL);
/* do not perform any operation if the stack is empty */
if (axl_stack_is_empty (stack))
return NULL;
/* reduce the items stored */
/* return the pointer */
pointer = stack->stack[stack->items];
return pointer;
* @brief Allows to get current current element at the top of the
* stack without removing it.
* This function allows to perform the same operation like pop (\ref
* axl_stack_pop) function, but without removing the element from the
* top.
* @param stack The stack where the element from the top will be returned.
* @return An \ref axlPointer reference or NULL if fails.
axlPointer axl_stack_peek (axlStack * stack)
axl_return_val_if_fail (stack, NULL);
/* do not perform any operation if the stack is empty */
if (axl_stack_is_empty (stack)) {
return NULL;
/* return the very first element without poping */
return stack->stack[stack->items - 1];
* @internal Common support function for foreach over an stack for all
* foreach functions defined.
axl_bool __axl_stack_foreach_common (axlStack * stack,
axlStackForeach2 func,
axlStackForeach3 func3,
axlPointer user_data,
axlPointer user_data2,
axlPointer user_data3)
int iterator;
axl_return_val_if_fail (stack, axl_false);
/* for each item inside the stack */
iterator = 0;
while (iterator < stack->items) {
/* call fo the function and check returning value */
if (func != NULL && func (stack->stack [stack->items - iterator - 1], user_data, user_data2))
return axl_false;
/* call fo the function and check returning value */
if (func3 != NULL && func3 (stack->stack [stack->items - iterator - 1], user_data, user_data2, user_data3))
return axl_false;
/* update the iterator */
iterator ++;
/* iteration performed completely */
return axl_true;
* @brief Allows to perform a foreach operation from the head of the
* stack (the next item to be poped) to the tail of the stack (the
* very first item pushed).
* The foreach process is non intrusive: it doesn't perform any change
* of the stack, but allows to traverse all items in the natural order
* in which items are stored (push) and removed (pop).
* The function provided to perform the foreach operation will be
* called providing the stack data found, and the two user defined
* pointers provided.
* @param stack The stack where the foreach operation will be
* performed.
* @param func The foreach function to be called for each item found
* in the stack.
* @param user_data User defined pointer to be passed to the function
* provided.
* @param user_data2 User defined pointer to be passed to the function
* provided.
* @return \ref axl_true if the foreach process was performed completely
* through all items inside the stack or \ref axl_false if not. The
* function will also return \ref axl_false to indicate a failure the
* stack and func parameters are null.
axl_bool axl_stack_foreach (axlStack * stack,
axlStackForeach2 func,
axlPointer user_data,
axlPointer user_data2)
/* call to common function */
return __axl_stack_foreach_common (stack, func, NULL, user_data, user_data2, NULL);
* @brief Allows to perform a foreach operation from the head of the
* stack (the next item to be poped) to the tail of the stack (the
* very first item pushed).
* The foreach process is non intrusive: it doesn't perform any change
* of the stack, but allows to traverse all items in the natural order
* in which items are stored (push) and removed (pop).
* The function provided to perform the foreach operation will be
* called providing the stack data found, and the three user defined
* pointers provided.
* @param stack The stack where the foreach operation will be
* performed.
* @param func The foreach function to be called for each item found
* in the stack.
* @param user_data User defined pointer to be passed to the function
* provided.
* @param user_data2 User defined pointer to be passed to the function
* provided.
* @param user_data3 User defined pointer to be passed to the function
* provided.
* @return \ref axl_true if the foreach process was performed completely
* through all items inside the stack or \ref axl_false if not. The
* function will also return \ref axl_false to indicate a failure the
* stack and func parameters are null.
axl_bool axl_stack_foreach3 (axlStack * stack,
axlStackForeach3 func,
axlPointer user_data,
axlPointer user_data2,
axlPointer user_data3)
/* call to common function */
return __axl_stack_foreach_common (stack, NULL, func, user_data, user_data2, user_data3);
* @brief Returns current stack size, that is, elements stored on the
* stack.
* @param stack The stack where the operation will performed.
* @return The number of items stored.
int axl_stack_size (axlStack * stack)
axl_return_val_if_fail (stack, -1);
/* current items stored */
return stack->items;
* @brief Allows to check if the given stack is empty.
* @param stack The stack to check.
* @return \ref axl_true if the stack is empty or axl_false if not.
axl_bool axl_stack_is_empty (axlStack * stack)
axl_return_val_if_fail (stack, axl_false);
/* return if there are stored items in the stack */
return (stack->items == 0);
* @brief Destroy the given stack.
* @param stack The stack to destroy.
void axl_stack_free (axlStack * stack)
axl_return_if_fail (stack);
/* destroy the list inside (if the destroy function is
* defined) */
if (stack->destroy) {
while (! axl_stack_is_empty (stack)) {
/* destroy */
stack->destroy (axl_stack_pop (stack));
} /* end while */
} /* end if */
/* free stack array */
axl_free (stack->stack);
/* destroy the stack */
axl_free (stack);
/* @} */
typedef struct _axlBinaryStackNode {
int count;
axl_bool state;
} axlBinaryStackNode;
struct _axlBinaryStack {
axlBinaryStackNode * last;
axlStack * stack;
axlFactory * factory;
int count;
* \defgroup axl_binary_stack_module Axl Binary Stack: A compact binary state stack
* \addtogroup axl_binary_stack_module
* @{
* @brief Allows to create a compact binary state stack.
* To stack is designed to store boolean values in an efficient
* way. In idea behind this structure is that storing 10 boolean axl_true
* values only holds a node, with the axl_true value and the count of
* items that previously was signaled with the same value.
* The intention is to compact a binary succession of data into a list
* of touples signaling the state and the number of times it was
* signaled.
* This structure is meant to be more efficient than a plain \ref
* axlStack but there is a case where is not more efficient, that is,
* when all stored boolean values alternates.
* @return A newly allocated binary stack. Push boolean values with
* \ref axl_binary_stack_push. Pop previous stored value with \ref
* axl_binary_stack_pop. Once finished, use \ref axl_binary_stack_free
* to free the binary stack.
axlBinaryStack * axl_binary_stack_new (void)
axlBinaryStack * result;
result = axl_new (axlBinaryStack, 1);
/* check allocated value */
if (result == NULL)
return NULL;
result->stack = axl_stack_new (axl_free);
/* return stack created */
return result;
* @brief Push a new boolean item into the binary stack.
* @param bstack The binary stack
* @param state The state to push into the queue.
void axl_binary_stack_push (axlBinaryStack * bstack, axl_bool state)
axlBinaryStackNode * node;
/* check references */
axl_return_if_fail (bstack);
/* check basic case */
if (bstack->last == NULL) {
/* configure last */
node = axl_new (axlBinaryStackNode, 1);
/* check allocated value */
if (node == NULL)
node->count = 1;
node->state = state;
/* configure */
bstack->last = node;
/* store in the stack */
/* __axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Storing first item: 0x%x", node); */
axl_stack_push (bstack->stack, node);
/* update count */
/* __axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Storing item state=%d, count=%d, bcount=%d",
node->state, node->count, bstack->count); */
} /* end if */
/* default case, check current state */
if (bstack->last->state == state) {
/* found same state, increase count and return */
/* update count */
/* __axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Found same state, reusing..state=%d, count=%d, bcount=%d",
bstack->last->state, bstack->last->count, bstack->count); */
} /* end if */
/* __axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Found state changed, creating..state=%d (previuos state: %d), count=%d, bcount=%d",
state, bstack->last->state, bstack->last->count, bstack->count); */
/* if reached this place, create a new node */
goto axl_binary_stack_push_create_and_return;
* @brief Convenience function that allows to push a new value using
* the last one pushed in the stack. This function allows to implement
* the same feature provided by peeking (\ref axl_binary_stack_peek)
* the next visible value on the stack head and then pushing it again.
* @param bstack The binary stack where to perform the operation.
* NOTE: The stack must not be empty before calling to this
* function. It has to have at least one value already pushed.
void axl_binary_stack_push_the_same (axlBinaryStack * bstack)
axl_return_if_fail (bstack);
axl_return_if_fail (bstack->last);
/* update stack */
* @brief Allows to pop the next value from the stack.
* @param bstack The binary stack where the next value will be
* restored.
* @return The next value stored in the stack. You must check if the
* stack is empty before calling to this function since you won't be
* able to differenciate a axl_false value stored from a axl_false value
* returned by an error.
axl_bool axl_binary_stack_pop (axlBinaryStack * bstack)
axlBinaryStackNode * node;
axl_bool state;
axl_return_val_if_fail (bstack, axl_false);
/* get last value */
node = bstack->last;
if (node == NULL) {
/* return axl_false because the stack is empty */
return axl_false;
} /* end if */
/* check if there are more than 1 item, that is, at least
* 2. */
if (node->count > 1) {
/* update count */
/* decrease the counter and return */
/* __axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "POP: found state with more than 1 item, poping: state=%d, count=%d, bcount=%d",
node->state, node->count, bstack->count); */
return node->state;
} else if (node->count == 1) {
/* __axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "POP: found state with only 1 item, poping: state=%d, count=%d, bcount=%d",
node->state, node->count, bstack->count); */
/* get the value */
state = node->state;
/* update the next last (remove the current last) and
* use the next */
axl_stack_pop (bstack->stack);
bstack->last = axl_stack_peek (bstack->stack);
/* release to the factory */
/* __axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "POP: new node to use: 0x%x, about to release 0x%x",
bstack->last, node); */
axl_free (node);
/* update count */
node = bstack->last;
/* if (node != NULL) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "POP: after poping: state=%d, count=%d, bcount=%d",
node->state, node->count, bstack->count);
} */
return state;
} /* end if */
/* this shouldn't be reached */
return axl_false;
* @brief Allows to get the current stack head value stored without
* removing it from the stack.
* @param bstack The binary stack where to perform the operation.
* @return The value stored in the stack head. The stack must contain
* at least one value, otherwise the returned value is not
* reliable. See \ref axl_binary_stack_is_empty to avoid calling to this function.
axl_bool axl_binary_stack_peek (axlBinaryStack * bstack)
axl_return_val_if_fail (bstack, axl_false);
/* return current state */
return (bstack->last && bstack->last->state);
* @brief Check current emptyness status for the provided binary
* stack.
* @param bstack The binary stack to check.
* @return axl_true if the binary stack is empty, otherwise axl_false is
* returned.
axl_bool axl_binary_stack_is_empty (axlBinaryStack * bstack)
axl_return_val_if_fail (bstack, axl_false);
/* return current emptyness status */
return (bstack->last == NULL && axl_stack_is_empty (bstack->stack));
* @brief Allows to get current number of items stored.
* @param bstack The binary stack to check current number of items
* stored.
* @return The number of items stored or -1 if it fails.
int axl_binary_stack_size (axlBinaryStack * bstack)
axl_return_val_if_fail (bstack, -1);
/* return item count */
return bstack->count;
* @brief Release the provided binary stack.
* @param bstack The binary stack to release.
void axl_binary_stack_free (axlBinaryStack * bstack)
if (bstack == NULL)
/* free resources */
axl_stack_free (bstack->stack);
axl_free (bstack);
* @}
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