* LibAxl: Another XML library
* Copyright (C) 2006 Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307 USA
* You may find a copy of the license under this software is released
* at COPYING file. This is LGPL software: you are welcome to
* develop proprietary applications using this library without any
* royalty or fee but returning back any change, improvement or
* addition in the form of source code, project image, documentation
* patches, etc.
* For commercial support on build XML enabled solutions contact us:
* Postal address:
* Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.
* Edificio Alius A, Oficina 102,
* C/ Antonio Suarez Nº 10,
* Alcalá de Henares 28802 Madrid
* Spain
* Email address:
* info@aspl.es - http://www.aspl.es/xml
#include <axl.h>
#include <math.h>
#define LOG_DOMAIN "axl-stream"
* @internal
* @brief Basic checking which allows to test if the provided size
* could be satisfied by the current status of the provided stream.
* @param stream The stream where the operation will be performed.
* @param size The size to check.
* @return 1 if the size falls out side the stream limit or 0 it not.
#define fall_out_side_checking(stream, size) ((size + stream->stream_index) > stream->stream_size)
* @internal
* This is the size of the buffer allocated while using the axlStream
* as a representation of a streaming media, like a file
* descriptor. This value should contain a value using the (4k * n + 1).
* @param stream
* @internal
* Internal definition used to represent the maximum value used for
* calls done to match a set of chunks.
typedef enum {
struct _axlStream {
/* current stream content */
char * stream;
/* where the current stream is positioned. */
int stream_index;
/* global index for the device being streamed */
int global_index;
/* current stream size */
int stream_size;
/* stream buffer size (maximum amount of bytes to hold, used
* also to measure the temporal buffer) */
int buffer_size;
/* previous inspected stream size */
int previous_inspect;
/* last chunk get from the stream */
char * last_chunk;
/* last near to reference. */
char * last_near_to;
/* last get following reference */
char * last_get_following;
/* support variable for chunk matching */
char ** chunks;
/* support variable for chunk matching */
int * lengths;
/* a reference to the associated element to this stream */
axlList * elements_linked;
/*The function to execute when the element must be destroyed. */
axlDestroyFunc element_destroy;
/* Stream type configuration. Information source is coming
* from a file descriptor of a memory address. */
axlStreamType type;
/* File descriptor associated with the given stream. In the
* case the stream if a STREAM_FD, this is the file descriptor
* associated. */
int fd;
/* Temporal buffer used by the stream to handle prebuffering
* operations.
char * temp;
char * decode_temp;
int decode_temp_size;
int decode_temp_index;
int decode_temp_last;
int decode_temp_remain;
char * source_encoding;
/* here is how these variables are used to decode content:
* [ <--- decode_temp buffer ---> ] <- decode_temp_size: total buffer size (bytes)
* ^ ^
* | |
* | +-- decode_temp_last: last valid content in the buffer (bytes)
* +-- decode_temp_index: next content to be consumed (bytes)
* [decode_temp_remain]: is the amount of content pending to
* be decoded. That is, starting from decode_temp_remain until
* last is the valid content still to be decoded.
* [source_encoding]: is defined to hold the value of the
* format for the source.
/* more variables used to perform work: at get until */
char * valid_chars;
int chunk_matched;
axl_bool accept_terminator;
int result_size;
int chunk_num;
* @internal Internal variable used to notify get_until
* function that the last 0 character for stream memory
* operation done in a STREAM_MEM must be considered as a
* terminator character found.
axl_bool zero;
* @internal Alloc function to be used to require memory for
* chunks to be returned. This is used by Axl Stream to allow
* external modules to handle how memory is allocated while
* calling to axl_stream_get_until* API.
* Currently, it is used by the axl_doc module to allocate axl
* stream using a string factory.
axlStreamAlloc alloc;
* @internal User defined data to be passed to the alloc
* function.
axlPointer alloc_data;
* @internal Function used by the stream to decode content
* into utf-8. This is not used in all cases.
axlStreamDecode decode_f;
* @internal Reference to user defined pointer provided to the
* decode_f function.
axlPointer decode_f_data;
* @internal Value that allows to signal that the buffer needs
* to be expanded (no matter what shows current indexes).
axl_bool needs_expansion;
* @internal Reference to the content check function
* installed.
axlStreamContentCheck check_f;
* @internal Reference to user defined pointer to be passed to
* the content check function (check_f).
axlPointer check_f_data;
* \defgroup axl_stream_module Axl Stream Document: Abstract stream where a xml document is expected (also provided string functions)
* \addtogroup axl_stream_module
* @{
* @internal
* @brief Read the next available information on the file descriptor
* placing that information into the stream.
* @param stream The stream where the pre-buffering operation will be
* performed.
* @param appended_content New content to be included at the begining
* of the stream while doing the prebuffer operation. This value could
* be null.
* @param appended_size The size for the appended content to be added.
* @return \ref axl_true if the requested padding and buffer size were
* filled or \ref axl_false if end of file was reached. In that case the
* stream size is not updated.
axl_bool axl_stream_prebuffer (axlStream * stream)
int bytes_read;
int op_result;
/* check some environment conditions */
axl_return_val_if_fail (stream, axl_false);
/* no prebuffering is the stream type is not a file descriptor
* source and if the socket is closed */
if (stream->type != STREAM_FD || stream->fd == -1) {
return axl_false;
} /* end if */
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "prebuffering the stream..");
/* displace memory only if there were data already consumed */
if (stream->stream_index > 0 && ((stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index) > 0)) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, " moving previous content at the begining of the buffer, current index: %d, size: %d, current status: %s",
stream->stream_index, stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index,
stream->stream + stream->stream_index);
/* displace memory already read to be at the begining
* of the stream */
memcpy (stream->temp, stream->stream + stream->stream_index,
stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index);
/* now copy displaced content back to the stream */
memcpy (stream->stream, stream->temp,
stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index);
/* update the index to the positioned at the next byte
* available on the buffer */
stream->stream_size = (stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index);
} else {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, " nothing to prebuffer on the head (stream->size=%d, stream-index=%d, buffer-size=%d)",
stream->stream_size, stream->stream_index, stream->buffer_size);
/* check here if the buffer is full of content and a call to
* prebuffer was done */
if (((stream->stream_size == stream->buffer_size) &&
(stream->stream_index == 0)) || stream->needs_expansion) {
/* looks like the caller is prebuffering
* having all buffers full of content .. */
" requested to prebuffer with buffers full of content (stream-index=%d, stream-size=%d, stream-buffer-size=%d, stream-needs-expansion=%d)",
stream->stream_index, stream->stream_size, stream->buffer_size, stream->needs_expansion);
/* unflag expansion requested */
if (stream->needs_expansion)
stream->needs_expansion = axl_false;
/* duplicate the buffer size */
stream->buffer_size += (stream->buffer_size);
stream->stream = realloc (stream->stream, stream->buffer_size + 1);
stream->temp = realloc (stream->temp, stream->buffer_size + 1);
if (stream->stream == NULL) {
" failed to update buffer sizes (realloc operation failed)",
stream->stream_index, stream->stream_size, stream->buffer_size);
close (stream->fd);
stream->fd = -1;
return axl_false;
} /* end if */
" buffer updated (stream-index=%d, stream-size=%d, stream-buffer-size=%d)",
stream->stream_index, stream->stream_size, stream->buffer_size);
} else {
" clearing stream-size=%d, having stream-index=%d and stream-buffer-size=%d",
stream->stream_size, stream->stream_index, stream->buffer_size);
/* reset if the stream size is just the content consumed */
if (stream->stream_size == stream->stream_index)
stream->stream_size = 0;
/* reset current index */
stream->stream_index = 0;
/* check if we have decode functions defined */
if (stream->decode_f) {
while (1) {
"check temporal decode buffer for pending content: decode_temp_index=%d, decode_temp_last=%d, decode_temp_size=%d",
if (stream->decode_temp_last > 0) {
/* call to decode */
if (! axl_stream_decode (stream,
/* output */
stream->stream + stream->stream_size,
/* max output size */
stream->buffer_size - stream->stream_size,
/* output decoded */
&bytes_read, &op_result, NULL)) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "failed to decode content at the temporal decode buffer");
return axl_false;
} /* end if */
/* check if the decode operation
* signaled that not enough espace was
* available to decode and no output
* was decoed, int his case flag the
* stream to do a stream expansion on
* the next call */
if (op_result == 2 && bytes_read == 0)
stream->needs_expansion = axl_true;
/* add bytes read to the size */
stream->stream_size += bytes_read;
} /* end if */
"after checking to decode, op_result=%d, bytes_read=%d, stream->buffer_size=%d, stream->stream_size=%d",
op_result, bytes_read, stream->buffer_size, stream->stream_size);
/* stop if no enought space if left and no
* more bytes were translated */
if (op_result == 2)
/* check if there are still space to decode at the stream */
if ((stream->buffer_size - stream->stream_size) > 0) {
/* read content inside the decde temp buffer */
bytes_read = read (stream->fd, stream->decode_temp + stream->decode_temp_last,
stream->decode_temp_size - stream->decode_temp_last);
/* update the amount of data available tat the decode temp */
if (bytes_read > 0)
stream->decode_temp_last += bytes_read;
else if (bytes_read == 0 && stream->fd > 0) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "end of file reached");
close (stream->fd);
stream->fd = -1;
} /* end if */
} else {
/* no more space is available at the reading buffer */
} /* end if */
/* check to terminate */
if (stream->decode_temp_index == 0 &&
stream->decode_temp_last == 0 &&
stream->fd == -1)
return axl_true;
} /* end while */
} else {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, " reading on buffer index: %d, size: %d (starting from: %d, length: %d)",
stream->stream_index, stream->stream_size, stream->stream_size, stream->buffer_size - stream->stream_size);
/* read current content */
bytes_read = read (stream->fd, stream->stream + stream->stream_size,
stream->buffer_size - stream->stream_size);
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, " bytes read from the file, size %d", bytes_read);
/* call to check */
if (stream->check_f) {
/* call to check */
if (! axl_stream_content_check (stream, stream->stream + stream->stream_size, bytes_read, NULL)) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "failed to prebuffer, content check function have failed");
return axl_false;
} /* end if */
/* check for end of file reached */
if (bytes_read == 0) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "end of file reached");
close (stream->fd);
stream->fd = -1;
return axl_false;
/* set the new size, that is the padding, the content already
* read, and the bytes already read */
stream->stream_size += bytes_read;
} /* end if */
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, " (before read) current buffer size: %d",
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, " prebuffered data: stream size: %d, new content: %s",
bytes_read, stream->stream + stream->stream_index);
return axl_true;
* @brief Creates a new byte stream using as data the string pointer
* and the size.
* The \ref axlStream object is an abstraction that allows to
* interface with a memory chunk, a file descriptor (or a socket) or a
* direct path, with a contenience API that allows inspecting and
* accepting the streamed content.
* Here is an example on how to create an stream from a memory chunk:
* \code
* axlStream * stream;
* axlError * error;
* // create the stream and check result
* stream = axl_stream_new (source_content, size_content, -1, NULL, &error);
* if (stream == NULL) {
* printf ("An error was found: %s\n", axl_error_get (error));
* axl_error_free (error);
* return;
* }
* // stream created
* \endcode
* In the case an stream is required to parse a file descriptor
* (including a socket):
* \code
* stream = axl_stream_new (NULL, -1, NULL, fd, &error);
* \endcode
* You can also provide a file path to let the axl stream module to
* open the file and buffer it as it requires to consume characters:
* \code
* stream = axl_stream_new (NULL, -1, "c:/myFiles/document.xml", -1, &error);
* \endcode
* Once initialized the \ref axlStream object, you can use the
* following function to check and consume characters:
* - \ref axl_stream_inspect
* - \ref axl_stream_peek
* - \ref axl_stream_accept
* There alternatives APIs that allows to get the content until some
* patter is found (or a set of patterns):
* - \ref axl_stream_get_until
* @param stream_source A pointer to the memory where the data to be
* streamed is located.
* @param stream_size How many bytes are available to perform
* streaming. You can pass a -1 value to allow the function to
* calculate the stream source size (stream_source param).
* @param file_path Optional parameter to allow reading the stream
* from a file using the open API.
* @param fd_handler Optional parameter to allow reading the stream
* from a file descriptor, that could be a file, a socket, etc..
* @param error Optional \ref axlError reference where errors will be reported.
* @return A newly allocated stream instance that should be
* deallocated by using \ref axl_stream_free. The function could
* return a NULL value is received a NULL stream or a non positive
* stream size.
axlStream * axl_stream_new (const char * stream_source, int stream_size,
const char * file_path, int fd_handler,
axlError ** error)
axlStream * stream;
int fd;
/* perform some environmental checkings */
if (file_path != NULL || (fd_handler > 0)) {
if (fd_handler < 0) {
/* a file handle */
if ((fd = open (file_path, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "unable to open file a the location provided: %s, check location and permissions.", file_path);
axl_error_new (-1, "unable to read file provided", NULL, error);
return NULL;
fd = fd_handler;
/* create the stream holder */
stream = axl_new (axlStream, 1);
stream->buffer_size = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE;
stream->type = STREAM_FD;
stream->fd = fd;
/* allocate 4k to perform streaming */
stream->stream = axl_new (char, stream->buffer_size + 1);
stream->temp = axl_new (char, stream->buffer_size + 1);
/* prebuffer */
axl_stream_prebuffer (stream);
}else {
/* check chunk received */
if (stream_source == NULL) {
axl_error_new (-1, "Requested to open a stream without providing an memory chunk, file descriptor or a file path", NULL, error);
return NULL;
/* check memory chunk size */
if (stream_size == -1)
stream_size = strlen (stream_source);
/* create the stream holder */
stream = axl_new (axlStream, 1);
stream->buffer_size = stream_size;
stream->type = STREAM_MEM;
/* copy source */
stream->stream = axl_new (char, stream_size + 1);
memcpy (stream->stream, stream_source, stream_size);
/* nullify the last entry to avoid problems with
printing functions and other APIs relaying on
finding \0 at the end of the string */
stream->stream[stream_size] = 0;
/* set initial indicators */
stream->stream_size = stream_size;
/* initilize common stream part */
stream->chunks = axl_new (char *, MAX_INSPECTED_CHUNKS + 1);
stream->lengths = axl_new (int, MAX_INSPECTED_CHUNKS + 1);
/* return newly created stream */
return stream;
* @internal
* Internal implementation to support axl_stream_inspect and
* axl_stream_peek.
* @param stream The stream where the inspect operation will be
* performed.
* @param chunk The chunk to be used while performing the inspect
* operation.
* @param inspected_size The size for the chunk to be checked or -1 if
* a chunk size calculation is required.
* @param alsoAccept axl_true to make the function to accept stream
* that is properly inspected, axl_false if not.
* @return See \ref axl_stream_inspect.
#define axl_stream_common_inspect(i,stream,chunk,inspected_size,alsoAccept)\
if (inspected_size == -1)\
inspected_size = strlen (chunk);\
if (axl_stream_fall_outside (stream, inspected_size))\
return -1;\
i = 0;\
while (chunk [i] != 0 && (stream->stream + stream->stream_index) [i] != 0) {\
if (chunk [i] != (stream->stream + stream->stream_index) [i])\
return 0;\
if (i == inspected_size) {\
stream->previous_inspect = inspected_size;\
if (alsoAccept) {\
axl_stream_accept (stream);\
return 1;\
return 0
* @brief Allows to perform an inspection of the given chunk on the
* given stream.
* The <i>chunk</i> will be checked to apper at the begining of the
* stream. This means that, having the current state of the stream,
* the chunk is checked to be found at the very begining of the
* stream.
* If the function succeed, an implict call to \ref axl_stream_accept
* is done. In the case you are only checking but no stream acceptance
* is required, use instead: \ref axl_stream_peek.
* @param stream The \ref axlStream where the operation will be
* performed.
* @param chunk The chunk that is expected to be found at the begin of the stream.
* @param inspected_size The size of the chunk provided to be inspected.
* @return The function returns the following values according to the result:
* - <b>0</b> if the chunk wasn't found inside the stream but no error was
* found.
* - <b>1</b> if the chunk is found inside the given stream.
* - <b>-1</b> means that no more stream is left to satify the operation.
* - <b>-2</b> means that the parameters received are wrong either
* because stream is a NULL reference or because chunk is the same.
int axl_stream_inspect (axlStream * stream, const char * chunk, int inspected_size)
int iterator;
/* call to common implementation */
axl_stream_common_inspect (iterator, stream, chunk, inspected_size, axl_true);
* @brief Allows to check the provide char code at the given \ref
* axlStream, using optionally an offset to perform the check.
* @param stream The stream where the check operation will be
* implemented.
* @param value The value to check.
* @param offset The stream offset to apply to the check. Use 0 to not
* apply offset.
* @return \ref axl_true if the provided value is found at the current
* stream index (taking into consideration offset).
axl_bool axl_stream_inspect_code (axlStream * stream, char value, int offset)
axl_return_val_if_fail (stream, axl_false);
/* check the value */
return stream->stream [stream->stream_index + offset] == value;
* @brief Allows to perform a stream inspection without automatically
* accept content properly inspected.
* @param stream The stream where the peek operation will be
* performed.
* @param chunk The chunk to lookup.
* @param inspected_size The size of the chunk provided to be
* inspected.
* @return See \ref axl_stream_inspect.
int axl_stream_peek (axlStream * stream, const char * chunk, int inspected_size)
int iterator;
/* call to common implementation */
axl_stream_common_inspect (iterator, stream, chunk, inspected_size, axl_false);
* @brief Allows to perform several, not excluyen inspect operations,
* over the given stream.
* Here is an example:
* \code
* if (axl_stream_inspect_several (stream, // the stream
* 2, // two chunks to recognize
* "or", 2, // first chunk and its length
* "||", 2) > 0) { // second chunk and its length
* // chunk matched!!
* }
* \endcode
* @param stream The stream where the operation will be performed.
* @param chunk_num The chunk number to inspect.
* @return The function returns the following values:
* - <b>0</b>: if no chunk is found inside the given stream, according to the
* provided chunks.
* - <b>N</b>: is returned to denote that the Nth chunk was found.
* - <b>-1</b>: is returned if no more stream is left to satisfy the operation.
* - <b>-2</b>: means that the parameters received are wrong either because
* stream is NULL or any other parameter.
int axl_stream_inspect_several (axlStream * stream, int chunk_num, ...)
va_list args;
int iterator = 0;
char * chunk = NULL;
int length = 0;
int last_value = 0;
axl_return_val_if_fail (stream, -1);
axl_return_val_if_fail (chunk_num > 0, -1);
va_start (args, chunk_num);
/* check each chunk */
while (iterator < chunk_num) {
/* get the next chunk */
chunk = va_arg (args, char *);
length = va_arg (args, int);
if (length == -1)
length = strlen (chunk);
/* check the chunk read */
switch (axl_stream_inspect (stream, chunk, length)) {
case -2:
/* wrong parameter received */
last_value = -2;
case -1:
/* there is no more stream left */
last_value = -1;
case 0:
/* the chunk wasn't found, break and
* continue. */
/* the chunk was found */
va_end (args);
return (iterator + 1);
/* update the iterator */
iterator ++;
/* close va arg */
va_end (args);
/* return that no chunk was found */
return last_value;
* @brief Accept previous inspected chunk to be consumed and moves
* current stream current the size equal to the chunk inspected.
* @param stream The stream where the byte inspected size will be
* accepted.
void axl_stream_accept (axlStream * stream)
axl_return_if_fail (stream);
/* simple memory chunk parsing */
stream->stream_index += stream->previous_inspect;
stream->global_index += stream->previous_inspect;
stream->previous_inspect = 0;
if (stream->last_chunk != NULL)
axl_free (stream->last_chunk);
stream->last_chunk = NULL;
* @brief Push new content at the begin of the stream.
* @param stream The stream that will be updated with new content.
* @param content The content to be added.
* @param size The size of the content to be added.
void axl_stream_push (axlStream * stream, const char * content, int size)
axl_return_if_fail (stream && content);
/* place the content at the begin of the stream */
axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "calling to push the stream..");
/* check if the current stream buffer could hold the pushed
* content plus the content that is already placed */
if (stream->stream_size < (stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index + size)) {
/* seems we can't hold the content at this moment, so, update the stream size */
stream->buffer_size = stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index + size;
/* alloc a new temporal buffer */
axl_free (stream->temp);
stream->temp = axl_new (char, stream->buffer_size + 1);
memcpy (stream->temp, content, size);
/* displace memory already read to be at the begining
* of the stream */
memcpy (stream->temp + size, stream->stream + stream->stream_index,
stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index);
/* now realloc the buffer */
axl_free (stream->stream);
stream->stream = axl_new (char, stream->buffer_size + 1);
/* now copy displaced content back to the stream */
memcpy (stream->stream, stream->temp,
(stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index) + size);
} else {
/* check for the temporal buffer to be created */
if (stream->temp == NULL)
stream->temp = axl_new (char, stream->buffer_size + 1);
/* copy the content */
memcpy (stream->temp, content, size);
/* displace memory already read to be at the begining
* of the stream */
memcpy (stream->temp + size, stream->stream + stream->stream_index,
stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index);
/* now copy displaced content back to the stream */
memcpy (stream->stream, stream->temp,
(stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index) + size);
} /* end if */
/* update the index to the positioned at the next byte
* available on the buffer */
stream->stream_size = (stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index) + size;
/* reset the index */
stream->stream_index = 0;
/* clean previous state */
axl_stream_accept (stream);
* @brief Allows to configure current index to be accepted by the
* stream.
* @param stream The stream where the operation will be performed.
* @param index Count to move internal stream index.
* NOTE: the function reset current internal state (by doing an
* implicit call to \ref axl_stream_accept).
void axl_stream_move (axlStream * stream, int index)
axl_return_if_fail (stream);
axl_stream_accept (stream);
stream->stream_index = index;
* @brief Makes the current index to be moved the amount of bytes
* signaled by the parameter bytes.
* @param stream The stream to update.
* @param bytes The number of bytes to move the index.
void axl_stream_step (axlStream * stream, int bytes)
axl_return_if_fail (stream);
axl_return_if_fail (bytes >= 0);
axl_stream_accept (stream);
stream->stream_index += bytes;
* @brief Returns the next chunk available on the stream.
* This function allows to get next available chunk, validating it
* with provided valid_chars variable, until the chunk provided are
* found.
* Currently, valid_chars is not used, so, the chunk returned is not
* validated against the value provided.
* As an example if it is required to get the encoding content, you
* could do the next call:
* \code
* // reference to the allocated result
* char * result;
* // chunk matched variable
* int chunk_matched;
* // get the next chunk until a " or ' is found
* result = axl_stream_get_until (stream, NULL, &chunk_matched, AXL_TRUE, 2, "\"", "'");
* \endcode
* Value returned from this function mustn't be deallocated. However,
* because the value returned is dinamically allocated by the
* function, you can avoid doing a double allocation operation by
* nullifying the internal reference to the result returned, making
* the caller the only owner of the reference returned. To do this
* use: \ref axl_stream_nullify with \ref LAST_CHUNK.
* @param stream The stream were the chunk will be extracted.
* @param valid_chars The valid set of characters, to validate content
* to be returned. Currently this is not implemented, so, you can
* provide a NULL value.
* @param chunk_matched An optional pointer to an integer to notify
* the chunk matched by the function. Chunk matching notification
* starts from 0 up to number of chunks to match - 1. If the end of
* the stream is reached, -2 is returned.
* @param accept_terminator While calling to this function, the
* terminator detected to stop the operation could also be accepted by
* the stream, making it not necessary to accept the terminator once
* the function have ended. However, this could be a problem while
* performing peeking code. You can provide a AXL_FALSE value to make the
* function to not accept the terminator found as to be consumed.
* @param chunk_num The number of chunks to be checked as a valid terminators.
* @return The chunk recognizied, not including the terminator that
* have made this operation to stop.
char * axl_stream_get_until (axlStream * stream,
char * valid_chars,
int * chunk_matched,
axl_bool accept_terminator,
int chunk_num, ...)
char * result;
va_list args;
/* open the standard argument */
va_start (args, chunk_num);
/* call to get next chunk separated by the provided values */
result = axl_stream_get_untilv (stream, valid_chars, chunk_matched, accept_terminator, NULL, chunk_num, args);
/* close the standard argument */
va_end (args);
/* return value read */
return result;
* @brief Works the same way like axl_strteam_get_until but wihtout
* allocating the memory returned, and filling the size for the chunk
* returned in result_size reference.
* @param stream The stream where the operation will be performed.
* @param valid_chars The valid chars reference to match (currently
* not implemented).
* @param chunk_matched The chunk matched reference
* @param accept_terminator Configure if the terminator should be
* accepted or not.
* @param result_size The variable where the result size will be
* returned. This variable is not optional. It must be configured to
* hold the size of the content returned. If you provided a NULL
* reference to this value then the function will fail.
* @param chunk_num The number of chunks to match.
* @return A reference to the internal stream copy. The reference
* returned must not be deallocated.
* NOTE: This function have a particular function that could produce
* not desired results. Because the stream returns a reference to the
* current allocated stream, if nullifies the last position (\\0) to
* avoid memory problems with printf APIs and any other code that
* relay on the fact that C strings are NULL terminated. If the
* content immediately following to the string returned is meaningful,
* then you can't use this function. Example:
* \code
* ^
* |
* +--- stream index
* calling to axl_stream_get_until_ref (stream, NULL, NULL, axl_false,
* &size, 1, "CONTENT");
* while cause stream: CONTENT\0ONTENT2
* ^
* |
* +--- stream index
* and the function returning "CONTENT". See the fact that the
* next "C" from the word CONTENT2 is nullified.
* \endcode
* An indication that this function is not what you want is that you
* are not accepting the terminator (accept_terminator=axl_false).
char * axl_stream_get_until_ref (axlStream * stream,
char * valid_chars,
int * chunk_matched,
axl_bool accept_terminator,
int * result_size,
int chunk_num, ...)
char * result;
va_list args;
axl_return_val_if_fail (result_size, NULL);
/* open the standard argument */
va_start (args, chunk_num);
/* call to get next chunk separated by the provided values */
result = axl_stream_get_untilv (stream, valid_chars, chunk_matched, accept_terminator, result_size, chunk_num, args);
/* close the standard argument */
va_end (args);
/* return value read */
return result;
* @brief Allows to get the next string until the separators provided
* are found or the end of the stream memory is reached.
* \ref axlStream type was designed to support parsing xml
* documents. This documents have elements that allows to now where
* the input has finished. Howerver, \ref axlStream abstraction has
* showed to be powerful enough to be usable to parse other kinds of
* elements that don't have lexical terminators to let the user to
* provide that chunk to be matched.
* In those cases, this function allows to perform the same function
* as \ref axl_stream_get_until but also checking, and using, as
* terminator the end of the stream.
* This allows to parse expressions like:
* \code
* int chunk_matched;
* axlStream * stream;
* char * string;
* // create the stream
* stream = axl_stream_new ("array.value", -1, NULL, -1, &error);
* // parse first array identifier
* string = axl_stream_get_until_zero (stream, NULL, &chunk_matched,
* axl_false, 2, "[", ".", NULL);
* // received "array"
* // parse again
* string = axl_stream_get_until_zero (stream, NULL, &chunk_matched,
* axl_false, 2, "[", ".", NULL);
* // received "value" and chunk_matched == (-2)
* \endcode
* @param stream The stream were the chunk will be extracted.
* @param valid_chars The valid set of characters, to validate content
* to be returned. Currently this is not implemented, so, you can
* provide a NULL value.
* @param chunk_matched An optional pointer to an integer to notify
* the chunk matched by the function. Chunk matching notification
* starts from 0 up to number of chunks to match - 1. If the end of
* the stream is reached while searching for the content to match,
* chunk_matched is configured to -2.
* @param accept_terminator While calling to this function, the
* terminator detected to stop the operation could also be accepted by
* the stream, making it not necessary to accept the terminator once
* the function have ended. However, this could be a problem while
* performing peeking code. You can provide a AXL_FALSE value to make the
* function to not accept the terminator found as to be consumed.
* @param chunk_num The number of chunks to be checked as a valid terminators.
* @return The chunk recognizied, not including the terminator that
* have made this operation to stop. Rembember to check the
* chunk_matched variable to be equal to -2. This will mean that the
* string returned doesn't match any terminator provided because end
* of the stream was reached while looking for them.
char * axl_stream_get_until_zero (axlStream * stream,
char * valid_chars,
int * chunk_matched,
axl_bool accept_terminator,
int chunk_num, ...)
char * result;
va_list args;
/* open the standard argument */
va_start (args, chunk_num);
/* call to get next chunk separated by the provided values */
stream->zero = axl_true;
result = axl_stream_get_untilv (stream, valid_chars, chunk_matched, accept_terminator, NULL, chunk_num, args);
stream->zero = axl_false;
/* close the standard argument */
va_end (args);
/* return value read */
return result;
char * axl_stream_get_until_ref_zero (axlStream * stream,
char * valid_chars,
int * chunk_matched,
axl_bool accept_terminator,
int * result_size,
int chunk_num, ...)
char * result;
va_list args;
/* open the standard argument */
va_start (args, chunk_num);
/* call to get next chunk separated by the provided values */
stream->zero = axl_true;
result = axl_stream_get_untilv (stream, valid_chars, chunk_matched, accept_terminator, result_size, chunk_num, args);
stream->zero = axl_false;
/* close the standard argument */
va_end (args);
/* return value read */
return result;
* @brief Allows to configure the handler to be executed to alloc
* memory for the axl_stream_get_until* API.
* @param stream The stream to configure with the alloc function.
* @param handler The handler to be called when the streams requires
* to alloc memory.
* @param data User defined pointer to be called to the allocator
* function defined by the <b>handler</b> parameter.
void axl_stream_set_buffer_alloc (axlStream * stream,
axlStreamAlloc handler,
axlPointer data)
axl_return_if_fail (stream);
/* just configure the alloc handler */
stream->alloc = handler;
stream->alloc_data = data;
* @brief Allows to nullify the internal reference of the stream,
* making that reference to be not deallocated once the stream is
* moving.
* This is mainly used to reduce the malloc/free round trip while
* using the stream abstraction, making the stream received from the
* memory chunk to be allocated only once, avoiding the double
* allocate-free cycle.
* @param stream The \ref axlStream where the operation will be
* performed.
* @param item The item to nullify.
void axl_stream_nullify (axlStream * stream,
NullifyItem item)
/* do not operate if a null stream reference is received */
axl_return_if_fail (stream);
switch (item) {
stream->last_chunk = NULL;
stream->last_near_to = NULL;
stream->last_get_following = NULL;
/* nothing more to do here */
* @internal
* Wide implementation for axl stream get until (which checks for
* every index chunks provided instead of checking the first one until
* a prebuffer operation is required).
char * __axl_stream_get_untilv_wide (axlStream * stream, va_list args)
int iterator = 0;
int index = 0;
int _index = 0;
int length = 0;
int max_length = 0;
axl_bool matched;
char * string = NULL;
axl_bool match_empty = axl_false;
int empty_index = 0;
/* get how many bytes remains to be read */
int remains;
/* set current matched value */
stream->chunk_matched = -1;
/* iterate over the chunk list */
while (iterator < stream->chunk_num) {
/* get the chunk */
stream->chunks [iterator] = va_arg (args, char *);
/* check if we have to match the emtpy string, and
* don't install the value to be matched */
if (axl_cmp (stream->chunks[iterator], " ")) {
match_empty = axl_true;
/* reset the length size to detect an emtpy
* string */
stream->lengths [iterator] = 0;
empty_index = iterator;
}else {
/* get the size */
stream->lengths [iterator] = strlen (stream->chunks [iterator]);
/* get current length */
if (stream->lengths [iterator] > max_length)
max_length = stream->lengths [iterator];
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "found matching chunk: '%s' length: %d",
stream->chunks[iterator], stream->lengths [iterator]);
/* update index */
iterator ++;
/* calculate how many bytes ara available */
remains = stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index;
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "remaining data to be inspected: %d bytes (stream->stream-size=%d, stream->stream-index=%d)",
remains, stream->stream_size, stream->stream_index);
/* now we have chunks to lookup, stream until get the stream
* limited by the chunks received. */
do {
/* decrease remain bytes to be read until perform a
* prebuffer operation */
/* only prebuffer for this type of stream */
if (stream->type == STREAM_FD) {
/* check if the index is falling out side the buffer boundaries */
if (remains < 0) {
if (! axl_stream_prebuffer (stream)) {
/* check if a call to zero was found */
if (stream->zero) {
/* flag that chunk matched
* will be -2 */
stream->chunk_matched = -2;
goto matched_return_result;
} /* end if */
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "failed while prebuffer (stream->type = %d)", stream->type);
return NULL;
/* update remains value but this time removing
* one unit (the unit to be consumed at the
* next sentence) */
remains = stream->stream_size - index - 1;
/* work around: because the index is updated
* at the end of the loop, it is required to
* decrease the index in one unit in the case
* a prebuffer operation happens */
if (index > 0) {
} /* end if */
/* check we don't get out side the memory */
if (stream->type == STREAM_MEM) {
if (remains < 0) {
/* check for zero stream ended
* support */
if (stream->zero) {
/* flag that chunk matched
* will be -2 */
stream->chunk_matched = -2;
goto matched_return_result;
/* seems there is no more room to
* read */
return NULL;
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
/* compare chunks received for each index increased
* one step */
_index = stream->stream_index + index;
matched = axl_false;
iterator = 0;
/* before iterating, check if we have to match the
* empty string */
if (match_empty) {
/* check for a white space item */
if ((stream->stream[_index] == ' ') ||
(stream->stream[_index] == '\n') ||
(stream->stream[_index] == '\t') ||
(stream->stream[_index] == '\r')) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "matched by white space value matched_chunk=%d",
/* string matched */
length = 1;
matched = axl_true;
iterator = empty_index;
} /* end if */
/* the empty string wasn't matched, now check for the
* rest of chunks */
while ((! matched) && (iterator < stream->chunk_num)) {
/* get current length for the chunk to check */
length = stream->lengths [iterator];
/* check the length returned */
matched = axl_false;
if (length > 0 && ((_index + length) <= stream->stream_size)) {
/* try to figure out if the next
* string match */
if ((stream->chunks [iterator][0] ==
stream->stream [_index])) {
if ((length == 1) ||
(axl_memcmp (stream->chunks [iterator] + 1, stream->stream + _index + 1, length -1))) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "matched as normal situation.. at index=%d (stream size=%d)",
stream->stream_index + _index + 1, stream->stream_size);
/* flag as matched */
matched = axl_true;
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
/* check if we have found the chunk we were looking */
if (! matched) {
/* update iterator */
iterator ++;
} /* end while */
/* check that the function have found a chunk */
if (matched) {
/* check for matching a more specific
* terminal than a general */
if ((length < max_length) &&
((_index + length) == stream->stream_size)) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "detected possible false positive");
/* do a prebuffer operation,
* and if success, try to
* check again all chunks at
* the current index */
if (axl_stream_prebuffer (stream))
goto init_get_until;
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "matched_chunk=%d", iterator);
/* report which is the chunk being
* matched by the expresion */
stream->chunk_matched = iterator;
/* result is found from last stream
* index read up to index */
if (stream->last_chunk != NULL) {
axl_free (stream->last_chunk);
stream->last_chunk = NULL;
/* get a copy to the chunk to be returned */
if (! stream->result_size) {
if (stream->alloc != NULL)
stream->last_chunk = stream->alloc (index + 1, stream->alloc_data);
stream->last_chunk = axl_new (char, index + 1);
memcpy (stream->last_chunk, stream->stream + stream->stream_index, index);
}else {
/* *result_size = index;*/
stream->result_size = index;
string = stream->stream + stream->stream_index;
/* set a termination mark */
string [ index ] = 0;
"Nullify internally index=%d to avoid printf problems", index);
/* in the case a memory chunk is being read */
if (stream->accept_terminator) {
stream->stream_index += length;
stream->global_index += length;
stream->stream_index += index;
stream->global_index += index;
stream->previous_inspect = 0;
/* return allocated result */
if (! stream->result_size)
return stream->last_chunk;
/* return reference result */
return string;
} /* end if */
/* it seems that the chunk wasn't found */
}while (axl_true);
/* return a NULL chunk. */
return NULL;
* @brief Allows to perform the same operation like \ref
* axl_stream_get_untilv but providing an already initialized and
* opened std arg.
* This function is in fact, used by \ref axl_stream_get_untilv.
* @param stream The stream where the operation will be peformed.
* @param valid_chars The valid chars set to be used while reading
* data.
* @param chunk_matched An optional value where the matched chunk will
* be reported.
* @param accept_terminator Configure if terminator read should be
* accepted or only the chunk read.
* @param result_size Allows to notify the caller with the chunk size
* that is being returned by the function.
* @param chunk_num How many terminators are configured.
* @param args The list of terminators.
* @return The chunk read or NULL if fails.
char * axl_stream_get_untilv (axlStream * stream,
char * valid_chars,
int * chunk_matched,
axl_bool accept_terminator,
int * result_size,
int chunk_num,
va_list args)
char * result;
/* check max inspected chunks */
if (chunk_num > MAX_INSPECTED_CHUNKS) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "unable to parse stream for the number of chunks to recognize. Max number supported is %d, but received %d",
MAX_INSPECTED_CHUNKS, stream->chunk_num);
return NULL;
/* configure variables for the operation */
stream->valid_chars = valid_chars;
stream->accept_terminator = accept_terminator;
stream->result_size = (result_size != NULL);
stream->chunk_num = chunk_num;
/* call to current implementation */
result = __axl_stream_get_untilv_wide (stream, args);
/* check for returning references */
if (result_size != NULL)
*result_size = stream->result_size;
if (chunk_matched != NULL)
*chunk_matched = stream->chunk_matched;
/* return string matched */
return result;
* @brief Returns current index status for the given stream.
* This function could be used to get current index being read for the
* stream received.
* @param stream The stream where the index will be reported.
* @return The index or -1 if fails.
int axl_stream_get_index (axlStream * stream)
axl_return_val_if_fail (stream, -1);
return stream->stream_index;
* @brief Returns current global index for the device being streamed.
* @param stream The stream where the data is being requested.
* @return The index or -1 if fails.
int axl_stream_get_global_index (axlStream * stream)
axl_return_val_if_fail (stream, -1);
return stream->global_index;
* @brief Allows to get current stream size.
* @param stream The stream where the stream size will be returned.
* @return The stream size or -1 if fails.
int axl_stream_get_size (axlStream * stream)
axl_return_val_if_fail (stream, -1);
return stream->stream_size;
* @brief Allows to get current status of the given stream, taking the
* current index, getting an amount of <b>count</b> bytes before and
* after the given index.
* This function is mainly used to get a piece of the stream at the
* given position while reporting errors. This allows to show the
* piece of xml that is failing.
* The string return must not be deallocated. Value returned is
* actually managed by the stream object associated.
* @param stream The stream where the near to operation will be performed.
* @param count The amount of bytes to take.
* @return A string that is taken counting bytes with provided
* <b>count</b> value starting from the index. Stream provided must be
* not NULL and count value must be greater than 0.
const char * axl_stream_get_near_to (axlStream * stream, int count)
int first_index;
int last_index;
axl_return_val_if_fail (stream, NULL);
axl_return_val_if_fail (count > 0, NULL);
/* get first index */
if ((stream->stream_index - count) <= 0)
first_index = 0;
first_index = stream->stream_index - count;
/* get last index */
if ((stream->stream_index + count) >= (stream->stream_size - 1) )
last_index = (stream->stream_size) - first_index;
last_index = (stream->stream_index + count) - first_index;
/* release previous near to chunk */
if (stream->last_near_to != NULL)
axl_free (stream->last_near_to);
stream->last_near_to = axl_new (char, last_index + 1);
memcpy (stream->last_near_to, stream->stream + first_index, last_index);
/* return current near to operation */
return stream->last_near_to;
* @brief Allows to get the following <b>count</b> bytes read from the
* stream.
* @param stream The stream where the operation will be performed.
* @param count How many bytes to get from the stream.
* @return A string referece, containing the first <b>count</b> bytes
* or NULL if fails. Reference returned shouldn't be deallocated.
const char * axl_stream_get_following (axlStream * stream, int count)
axl_return_val_if_fail (stream, NULL);
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "getting next characters from stream: index=%d size=%d",
stream->stream_index, stream->stream_size);
/* check index */
if (stream->stream_index >= stream->stream_size)
return NULL;
if ((count + stream->stream_index) > stream->stream_size) {
count = stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index;
/* free previously allocated memory */
if (stream->last_get_following != NULL)
axl_free (stream->last_get_following);
/* copy stream content */
stream->last_get_following = axl_new (char, count + 1);
memcpy (stream->last_get_following, stream->stream + stream->stream_index, count);
/* return reference created */
return stream->last_get_following;
typedef struct _AxlStreamAssociatedData {
axlPointer data;
axlDestroyFunc destroy_func;
axl_bool free_on_finish;
* @internal
* Internal deallocation function to reclaim memory used by the \ref
* AxlStreamAssociatedData.
* @param data The data to be deallocated.
void __stream_associated_data_free (AxlStreamAssociatedData * data)
/* do nothing if NULL is received */
if (data == NULL)
/* destroy associated data used provided destroy function */
if (data->destroy_func != NULL && data->data != NULL)
data->destroy_func (data->data);
/* now free the node it self */
axl_free (data);
* @brief Associates the given \ref axlPointer with the given stream to be
* life-time dependant.
* While performing the XML parsing, errors will be produced. This
* function ensures that the axlDoc document will be released if the
* stream is also released.
* This not only reduces the possibility to produce a memory leak also
* allows to write less code.
* Once the stream is not useful and it is required to be released,
* but not doing so with the \ref axlDoc instance, a call to \ref
* axl_stream_unlink is also required.
* @param stream The axlStream where the document will be linked to.
* @param element The element to link (may a axlDoc or a axlDtd).
* @param func The function to call once the stream is released.
void axl_stream_link (axlStream * stream,
axlPointer element,
axlDestroyFunc func)
/* call to base implementation */
axl_stream_link_full (stream, element, func, axl_false);
* @brief Allows to associate data references with a destroy function,
* like \ref axl_stream_link, but ensuring the object reference will
* be released once finished the axl stream, no mather if the
* application code calls to \ref axl_stream_unlink.
* @param stream The axlStream where the document will be linked to.
* @param element The element to link (may a axlDoc or a axlDtd).
* @param func The function to call once the stream is released.
* @param free_on_finish axl_true to make the reference to be released on
* \ref axlStream deallocation. Providing \ref axl_false to this value is
* equivalent to call to \ref axl_stream_link directly.
void axl_stream_link_full (axlStream * stream,
axlPointer element,
axlDestroyFunc func,
axl_bool free_on_finish)
AxlStreamAssociatedData * data;
axl_return_if_fail (stream);
axl_return_if_fail (element);
axl_return_if_fail (func);
/* that's all */
if (stream->elements_linked == NULL)
stream->elements_linked = axl_list_new (axl_list_always_return_1,
(axlDestroyFunc) __stream_associated_data_free);
/* create the data to be stored */
data = axl_new (AxlStreamAssociatedData, 1);
data->data = element;
data->destroy_func = func;
data->free_on_finish = free_on_finish;
/* add the item to be destroy once the stream is unrefered */
axl_list_add (stream->elements_linked, data);
* @brief Unlinks the associated \ref axlDoc instance.
* @param stream The stream where the operation will be performed.
void axl_stream_unlink (axlStream * stream)
int iterator;
AxlStreamAssociatedData * data;
axl_return_if_fail (stream);
/* clear document association */
iterator = 0;
while (iterator < axl_list_length (stream->elements_linked)) {
/* get a referece to the node to destroy */
data = axl_list_get_nth (stream->elements_linked, iterator);
/* clear it */
if (! data->free_on_finish) {
data->data = NULL;
data->destroy_func = NULL;
* @brief Allows to deallocate memory used by the \ref axlStream
* received.
* @param stream The stream to be deallocated.
void axl_stream_free (axlStream * stream)
axl_return_if_fail (stream);
/* release memory */
axl_free (stream->stream);
/* release associated document is defined. */
if (stream->elements_linked)
axl_list_free (stream->elements_linked);
/* releaset last chunk */
if (stream->last_chunk != NULL)
axl_free (stream->last_chunk);
/* releaset last near to */
if (stream->last_near_to != NULL)
axl_free (stream->last_near_to);
/* releaset last get following */
if (stream->last_get_following != NULL)
axl_free (stream->last_get_following);
if (stream->fd > 0) {
/* close file descriptor if defined */
close (stream->fd);
/* free memory allocated for chunk matching */
axl_free (stream->chunks);
/* free lengths */
axl_free (stream->lengths);
/* free temporal buffer */
axl_free (stream->temp);
axl_free (stream->decode_temp);
axl_free (stream->source_encoding);
/* release memory allocated by the stream received. */
axl_free (stream);
* @brief Allows to check if the given chunk is a white space in the
* same of the XML 1.0 Third edition.
* The XML standard understand the "white space", also reffered as S,
* as the following characters: \\x20 (the white space itself), \\n, \\r
* and \\t.
* This function allows to check if the given chunk contains a white
* space, in the previous sense.
* @param chunk The chunk to check
* @return axl_true if the chunk contains a white space or axl_false
* if not.
axl_bool axl_stream_is_white_space (char * chunk)
/* do not complain about receive a null refernce chunk */
if (chunk == NULL)
return axl_false;
if (chunk[0] == ' ')
return axl_true;
if (chunk[0] == '\n')
return axl_true;
if (chunk[0] == '\t')
return axl_true;
if (chunk[0] == '\r')
return axl_true;
/* no white space was found */
return axl_false;
* @brief Support function which consumes white spaces in the W3C
* sense.
* @param stream The stream where the operation will be performed.
* @return axl_true if more white spaces could be consumed, axl_false
* if not.
void axl_stream_consume_white_spaces (axlStream * stream)
/* get how many bytes remains to be read */
int remains = stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index;
while (axl_true) {
/* decrase the number of bytes remaining to be read
* and check if it is zero or less than zero to
* prebuffer. NOTE: remains could be 1 (remains one
* byte) making it possible to consume one byte
* more */
if (remains < 0) {
/* we fall outside the stream, so a prebuffer
* operation is required */
if (! axl_stream_prebuffer (stream))
/* update remains value but this time removing
* one unit (the unit to be consumed at the
* next sentence) */
remains = stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index - 1;
/* check for a white space */
if ((stream->stream[stream->stream_index] == ' ') ||
(stream->stream[stream->stream_index] == '\n') ||
(stream->stream[stream->stream_index] == '\t') ||
(stream->stream[stream->stream_index] == '\r')) {
/* update internal indexes */
stream->previous_inspect = 0;
}else {
/* return */
} /* end while */
* @internal
* @brief Allows to compare two strings pointed by
* @param chunk1 The string to be compared.
* @param chunk2 The second string to be compared.
* @param size The amount of bytes to be compared for the two incoming
* values.
* @return axl_true if both string are equal, axl_false if not. If
* some value provided is NULL or the size to compare is not greater
* than 0 the function will return axl_false directly.
axl_bool axl_stream_cmp (const char * chunk1, const char * chunk2, int size)
/* perform some environmental condition checking */
if (chunk1 == NULL)
return axl_false;
if (chunk2 == NULL)
return axl_false;
if (size < 0)
return axl_false;
/* report current comparation status */
if ((chunk1[0] == chunk2[0])) {
if ((size == 1) ||
(axl_memcmp (chunk1 + 1, chunk2 + 1, size -1))) {
return axl_true;
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
return axl_false;
* @brief Provides the same function like axl_stream_cmp but
* ignoring the case of the characters (case insensitive manner).
* @param chunk1 The string to be compared.
* @param chunk2 The second string to be compared.
* @param size The amount of bytes to be compared for the two incoming
* values.
* @return axl_true if both string are equal, axl_false if not. If
* some value provided is NULL or the size to compare is not greater
* than 0 the function will return axl_false directly.
axl_bool axl_stream_casecmp (const char * chunk1, const char * chunk2, int size)
/* perform some environmental condition checking */
if (chunk1 == NULL)
return axl_false;
if (chunk2 == NULL)
return axl_false;
if (size < 0)
return axl_false;
/* returh if both strings are equal. */
#if defined(AXL_OS_WIN32)
return _strnicmp (chunk1, chunk2, size) == 0;
return strncasecmp (chunk1, chunk2, size) == 0;
* @internal
* @brief Allows to check if the provided stream could support
* checking a chunk of, at least, the provided inspected size.
* @param stream The stream where the inspected operation is being
* requested.
* @param inspected_size The size to inspected, that is being
* requested to be checked on the given stream.
* @return \ref axl_true if the provided chunk falls out side the
* stream boundaries, or axl_false if requested inspected size could
* be supported.
axl_bool axl_stream_fall_outside (axlStream * stream, int inspected_size)
/* if the content is inside memory, check it */
if (fall_out_side_checking (stream, inspected_size)) {
return (! axl_stream_prebuffer (stream));
/* otherwise, axl_false is returned */
return axl_false;
* @internal
* @brief Allows to check if the given stream have as a next element
* the provided chunk.
* @param stream The stream where the operation will be performed.
* @param chunk The chunk to check
* @return Returns axl_true if the given stream contains the value requested
* or axl_false if not.
axl_bool axl_stream_check (axlStream * stream, char * chunk, int inspected_size)
int iterator;
/* call to the internal implementation of axl_memcmp */
_memcmp(iterator,chunk,(stream->stream + stream->stream_index), inspected_size);
* @brief Allows to get current status of the stream.
* If the is exhausted and have no more data to be read.
* @param stream The stream that is being checked.
* @return axl_true if the stream is exhausted or axl_false if not.
axl_bool axl_stream_remains (axlStream * stream)
axl_return_val_if_fail (stream, axl_false);
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "checking for stream status with stream index=%d and stream size=%d",
stream->stream_index, stream->stream_size);
/* check if the stream is exhausted */
if (stream->stream_index >= (stream->stream_size)) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "prebufferring from remains");
/* in the case the stream is exhausted, try to read
* more content from the streaming */
return axl_stream_prebuffer (stream);
return axl_true;
/* @} */
* \defgroup axl_string_module Axl String: String functions provided by the Axl Stream module.
* \addtogroup axl_string_module
* @{
* @brief Allows to trim the provided chunk, removing all white spaces
* (returns, white spaces, carry return and tabulars) that comes as
* preffix and suffix for the string provided, referenced by chunk.
* The function retuns the reference to the new chunk already
* translated. The function doesn't perform any memory allocation. It
* uses the memory already used to hold the chunk provided, returning
* a pointer for the first item that is not a white space and
* nullifing the first item that is a white space behind the chunk.
* This function is particular useful while getting the content
* @param chunk The chunk to trim.
void axl_stream_trim (char * chunk)
/* call to trim */
axl_stream_trim_with_size (chunk, NULL);
* @brief The function works like \ref axl_stream_trim, but providing
* the count of bytes trimmed from the string.
* @param chunk The chunk to trim.
* @param trimmed An optional reference that returns the count of bytes
* trimmed by the operation.
void axl_stream_trim_with_size (char * chunk, int * trimmed)
int iterator;
int iterator2;
int end;
int total;
/* perform some environment check */
axl_return_if_fail (chunk);
/* check empty string received */
if (strlen (chunk) == 0) {
if (trimmed)
*trimmed = 0;
/* check the amount of white spaces to remove from the
* begin */
iterator = 0;
while (chunk[iterator] != 0) {
/* check that the iterator is not pointing to a white
* space */
if (! axl_stream_is_white_space (chunk + iterator))
/* update the iterator */
/* check for the really basic case where an empty string is found */
if (iterator == strlen (chunk)) {
/* an empty string, trim it all */
chunk [0] = 0;
if (trimmed)
*trimmed = iterator;
} /* end if */
/* now get the position for the last valid character in the
* chunk */
total = strlen (chunk) -1;
end = total;
while (chunk[end] != 0) {
/* stop if a white space is found */
if (! axl_stream_is_white_space (chunk + end)) {
/* update the iterator to eat the next white space */
/* the number of items trimmed */
total -= end;
total += iterator;
/* copy the exact amount of non white spaces items */
iterator2 = 0;
while (iterator2 < (end - iterator + 1)) {
/* copy the content */
chunk [iterator2] = chunk [iterator + iterator2];
/* update the iterator */
chunk [ end - iterator + 1] = 0;
if (trimmed != NULL)
*trimmed = total;
/* return the result reference */
* @brief Allows to remote occurences of value from the provided
* string (chunk).
* The function do not allocate new memory for the result. All
* operations are applied to the string received (chunk).
* The idea behind the functions is to allow removing values from the
* string, joining remaining content. For example, removing "-" from
* the string "iso-8859-15" yields "iso885915".
* @param chunk The string that holds values to be removed.
* @param value The value to be removed.
* @param first If only the first ocurrence of value must be removed,
* otherwise all ocurrences will be removed from the string.
void axl_stream_remove (char * chunk, const char * value, axl_bool first)
int iterator;
int iterator2;
int length;
int v_length;
axl_return_if_fail (chunk);
axl_return_if_fail (value);
/* get lengths */
length = strlen (chunk);
v_length = strlen (value);
/* check for basic cases */
if (length == v_length) {
/* check if both strings are equal, then nullify */
if (axl_cmp (chunk, value))
chunk [0] = 0;
} else if (length < v_length) {
/* nothing to remove because parent string is too
* small to store the content */
} /* end if */
/* locate the string */
iterator = 0;
while (iterator < length) {
/* check if the string value was found */
if (axl_memcmp (chunk + iterator, value, v_length)) {
/* string found, move content remaining (if is found) */
if ((length - iterator - v_length) > 0) {
iterator2 = 0;
while (iterator2 < (length - iterator - v_length)) {
chunk [iterator + iterator2] = chunk [iterator + iterator2 + v_length];
} /* end while */
} /* end if */
/* update length to the new value */
length -= v_length;
/* check to terminate for first ocurrence */
if (first) {
chunk [length] = 0;
} /* end if */
/* next position */
} /* end while */
/* nullify and terminate */
chunk [length] = 0;
* @brief Allows to copy the given chunk, supposing that is a properly
* format C string that ends with a '\\0' value.
* This function allows to perform a copy for the given string. If a
* copy limited by a size is required, use \ref axl_stream_strdup_n.
* @param chunk The chunk to copy
* @return A newly allocated string or NULL if fails.
char * axl_stream_strdup (const char * chunk)
char * result;
int length;
/* return NULL reference if a NULL reference is received */
if (chunk == NULL)
return NULL;
length = strlen (chunk);
result = axl_new (char, length + 1);
memcpy (result, chunk, length);
return result;
* @brief Allows to perform a copy for the <b>n</b> first bytes from
* the <b>chunk</b> received.
* @param chunk The chunk to copy
* @param n How many bytes to copy from the given chunk.
* @return A newly allocated chunk, copied from the given chunk with a
* size of <b>n</b> bytes. The function will check that the
* <b>chunk</b> and the <b>n</b> values are not null and non-zero.
char * axl_stream_strdup_n (const char * chunk, int n)
char * result;
axl_return_val_if_fail (chunk, NULL);
axl_return_val_if_fail (n, NULL);
result = axl_new (char, n + 1);
memcpy (result, chunk, n);
return result;
* @internal Allows to calculate the amount of memory required to
* store the string that will representing the construction provided
* by the printf-like format received and its arguments.
* @param format The printf-like format to be printed.
* @param args The set of arguments that the printf applies to.
* <i><b>NOTE:</b> not all printf specification is supported. Generally, the
* following is supported: %s, %d, %f, %g, %ld, %lg and all
* combinations that provides precision, number of items inside the
* integer part, etc: %6.2f, %+2d, etc. An especial case not supported
* is %lld, %llu and %llg.</i>
* @return Return the number of bytes that must be allocated to hold
* the string (including the string terminator \0). If the format is
* not correct or it is not properly formated according to the value
* found at the argument set, the function will return -1.
int axl_stream_vprintf_len (const char * format, va_list args)
/** IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: in the case this code is update,
* update exarg_vprintf_len **/
#if defined (AXL_OS_WIN32) && ! defined (__GNUC__)
if (format == NULL)
return 0;
return _vscprintf (format, args) + 1;
# else
char buffer[8192];
if (format == NULL)
return 0;
return _vsnprintf (buffer, 8191, format, args) + 1;
# endif
/* gnu gcc case */
if (format == NULL)
return 0;
return vsnprintf (NULL, 0, format, args) + 1;
* @brief Allows to perform a printf operation on the provided buffer
* (which must be allocated by the caller, and its size signaled by
* buffer_size).
* @param buffer The already allocated buffer to hold the result.
* @param buffer_size The size of the buffer provided.
* @param real_size Optional reference where the real space required
* to hold the content will be placed. In cases where the content is
* enough small to hold in the buffer, this value will contain the
* same value as returned by the function. In the case the buffer
* provide can't hold all the content, the function will return at
* maximum (buffer_size - 1) bytes written, that is, all content that
* was possible to be included plus a trailing \\0 to terminate the
* string, and, if defined <i>real_size</i> variable, it will contain
* the space that will be required.
* @param format The printf like format to use to create the content
* to be placed at the buffer provided.
* @return The amount of bytes written. The function will return at
* maximum buffer_size - 1 bytes written. Use <i>real_size</i>
* variable to check if the function was able to write all content (if
* real_size == value returned).
int axl_stream_printf_buffer (char * buffer,
int buffer_size,
int * real_size,
const char * format, ...)
va_list args;
int result;
#if defined(AXL_OS_WIN32)
int check_size;
/* check foramt and optn */
if (format == NULL) {
/* clean real size if it was defined */
if (real_size)
(*real_size) = 0;
return 0;
/* open stdargs */
va_start (args, format);
# if defined (AXL_OS_WIN32)
/* because undre windows all its string family of functions
* return -1 in the case not enough espace is available, we
* have to check first before calling to _vsnprintf */
check_size = axl_stream_vprintf_len (format, args);
/* call to close to avoid problems with amd64 platforms */
va_end (args);
va_start (args, format);
/* windows case */
result = _vsnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, format, args);
if (result == -1) {
/* nullify last character and update "result" to point
* to the amount of data written (buffer - 1). */
result = (buffer_size - 1);
buffer[result] = 0;
} /* end if */
/* gnu gcc case */
result = vsnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, format, args);
/* close stdarg */
va_end (args);
/* report real size required */
if (real_size) {
#if defined(AXL_OS_WIN32)
(*real_size) = check_size - 1;
(*real_size) = result;
} /* end if */
/* limit result */
if (result > (buffer_size - 1))
result = (buffer_size - 1);
return result;
* @internal Function that allows to get how many bytes will be
* required to hold the format and the arguments provided.
* @param format The printf-like format followed by the rest of
* arguments.
* @return Return the number of bytes that must be allocated to hold
* the string (including the string terminator \0). If the format is
* not correct or it is not properly formated according to the value
* found at the argument set, the function will return -1.
int axl_stream_printf_len (const char * format, ...)
int result;
va_list args;
va_start (args, format);
/* get the result */
result = axl_stream_vprintf_len (format, args);
va_end (args);
return result;
* @brief Allows to produce an newly allocated string produced by the
* chunk received plus arguments, using the printf-like format.
* @param chunk The chunk to copy.
* @return A newly allocated chunk.
char * axl_stream_strdup_printf (const char * chunk, ...)
char * result = NULL;
va_list args;
axl_return_val_if_fail (chunk, NULL);
/* open std args */
va_start (args, chunk);
/* get the string */
result = axl_stream_strdup_printfv (chunk, args);
/* close std args */
va_end (args);
return result;
* @brief DEPRECATED: Allows to produce an string representing the
* message hold by chunk with the parameters provided.
* @param chunk The message chunk to print.
* @param args The arguments for the chunk.
* @return A newly allocated string.
* IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: This function may have a fundamental bug due
* to the design of va_list arguments under amd64 platforms. In short,
* a function receiving a va_list argument can't use it twice. In you
* are running amd64, check your axl_config.h did find
char * axl_stream_strdup_printfv (const char * chunk, va_list args)
/** IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: place update exarg_strdup_printfv
* code in the case this code is updated **/
int size;
char * result = NULL;
axl_return_val_if_fail (chunk, NULL);
/* do the operation using the GNU extension */
if (vasprintf (&result, chunk, args) == -1)
return NULL;
/* get the amount of memory to be allocated */
size = axl_stream_vprintf_len (chunk, args);
/* check result */
if (size == -1) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "unable to calculate the amount of memory for the strdup_printf operation");
return NULL;
} /* end if */
/* allocate memory */
result = axl_new (char, size + 2);
/* copy current size */
# if defined(AXL_OS_WIN32) && ! defined (__GNUC__)
_vsnprintf_s (result, size + 1, size, chunk, args);
# else
vsnprintf (result, size + 1, chunk, args);
# endif
/* return the result */
return result;
* @brief Allows to create a newly allocated chunk, providing its
* values as a printf call function, but also returning the chunk
* size.
* This function works like \ref axl_stream_strdup_printf, but
* providing an integer reference where the result chunk length will
* be returned.
* @param chunk The printf chunk format to allocate.
* @param chunk_size A reference to fill the chunk lenght.
* @return A newly allocated chunk.
char * axl_stream_strdup_printf_len (const char * chunk, int * chunk_size, ...)
int size;
int new_size;
char * result;
va_list args;
axl_return_val_if_fail (chunk, NULL);
/* open std args */
va_start (args, chunk_size);
/* do the operation using the GNU extension */
new_size = vasprintf (&result, chunk, args);
/* reopen to avoid amd64 bug */
va_end (args);
va_start (args, chunk_size);
/* get the amount of memory to be allocated */
size = axl_stream_vprintf_len (chunk, args);
/* reopen to avoid amd64 bug */
va_end (args);
va_start (args, chunk_size);
/* check result */
if (size == -1) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "unable to calculate the amount of memory for the strdup_printf operation");
return NULL;
} /* end if */
/* allocate memory */
result = axl_new (char, size + 2);
/* copy current size */
#if defined(AXL_OS_WIN32) && ! defined (__GNUC__)
new_size = _vsnprintf_s (result, size + 1, size, chunk, args);
new_size = vsnprintf (result, size + 1, chunk, args);
/* close std args */
va_end (args);
/* fill the chunk size result */
if (chunk_size != NULL)
*chunk_size = new_size;
return result;
* @brief Allows to split the provided chunk, into several pieces that
* are separated by the separator (or separators) provided.
* The function will try to split the chunk provide using the
* separator provided, and optionally, all separators provided.
* Here is an example:
* \code
* char ** result;
* // split the provided value using the ':', ';' and ',' as separators.
* result = axl_stream_split (value, 3, ":", ";", ",");
* \endcode
* The value returned must be deallocated using \ref axl_stream_freev.
* @param chunk The chunk to split.
* @param separator_num The number os separators to be used while
* spliting the chunk.
* @return A newly allocated string, that must be deallocated by using
* \ref axl_stream_freev. The function will return a NULL if the chunk
* or the separators provided are NULL.
* NOTE: See also \ref axl_split.
char ** axl_stream_split (const char * chunk, int separator_num, ...)
va_list args;
char ** separators;
char ** result;
int iterator;
int index;
int previous_index;
int count = 0;
int length = 0;
/* check received values */
axl_return_val_if_fail (chunk, NULL);
axl_return_val_if_fail (separator_num > 0, NULL);
separators = axl_new (char *, separator_num + 1);
iterator = 0;
va_start (args, separator_num);
/* get all separators to be used */
while (iterator < separator_num) {
separators[iterator] = va_arg (args, char *);
} /* end if */
va_end (args);
/* now, count the number of strings that we will get by
* separating the string into several pieces */
index = 0;
while (*(chunk + index) != 0) {
/* reset the iterator */
iterator = 0;
while (iterator < separator_num) {
/* compare the current index with the current
* separator */
length = strlen (separators[iterator]);
if (axl_memcmp (chunk + index, separators[iterator], length)) {
/* update items found */
/* update index to skip the item found */
index += length - 1; /* make the last index to be captured the the -1 */
/* break the loop */
/* update the index to the next item */
} /* end if */
/* create the result that will hold items separated */
result = axl_new (char *, count + 2);
/* now copy items found */
count = 0;
index = 0;
/* remember previous_index */
previous_index = index;
while (*(chunk + index) != 0) {
/* reset the iterator */
iterator = 0;
while (iterator < separator_num) {
/* compare the current index with the current
* separator */
length = strlen (separators[iterator]);
if (axl_memcmp (chunk + index, separators[iterator], length)) {
/* copy the chunk found */
result[count] = axl_new (char, index - previous_index + 1);
memcpy (result[count], chunk + previous_index, index - previous_index);
/* axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "item found (last) '%s' (index=%d != previous=%d", result[count], index, previous_index); */
/* update items found */
/* update index to skip the item found */
if (*(chunk + index + length) == 0) {
/* in the case no more elements to read will be found */
/* put an empty space at the end */
result [count] = axl_new (char, 1);
axl_free (separators);
return result;
/* remember previous_index */
index += length;
previous_index = index;
index--; /* make the last index to be captured the the -1 */
/* update the index to the next item */
/* check for a last chunk */
if (index != previous_index) {
/* copy the chunk found */
result[count] = axl_new (char, index - previous_index + 1);
memcpy (result[count], chunk + previous_index, index - previous_index);
/* axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "item found (last) '%s' (index=%d != previous=%d", result[count], index, previous_index); */
/* release memory */
axl_free (separators);
return result;
* @brief Allows to clean an split created by \ref axl_stream_split by
* removing all items found to be empty strings.
* @param split The split to be updated by removing all empty string
* items.
void axl_stream_clean_split (char ** split)
int iterator;
int iterator2;
int iterator3;
/* check input */
axl_return_if_fail (split);
/* remove empty strings */
iterator = 0;
while (split[iterator]) {
if (strlen (split[iterator]) == 0) {
/* clear position joint */
axl_free (split[iterator]);
split[iterator] = NULL;
/* move strings */
iterator3 = 0;
iterator2 = iterator + 1;
while (split[iterator2 + iterator3]) {
/* move reference */
split[iterator + iterator3] = split[iterator2 + iterator3];
/* nullify */
split[iterator2 + iterator3] = NULL;
/* next position */
} /* end while */
} /* end if */
/* next iterator */
} /* end while */
* @brief Allows to implement the oposite operation of \ref
* axl_stream_split, by joing all strings provided inside the array
* (strings), using as separator the value provided.
* @param strings The set of strings to be joined.
* @param separator The separator to be used to join all strings
* provided.
* @return A newly allocated reference, that must be release using
* \ref axl_free.
* NOTE: See also \ref axl_join.
char * axl_stream_join (char ** strings,
const char * separator)
int length;
int sep_length;
int iterator;
char * result;
axl_bool next_sep;
axl_return_val_if_fail (strings && strings[0], NULL);
axl_return_val_if_fail (separator, NULL);
/* get the amount of data to be allocated */
length = 0;
iterator = 0;
/* for each value to be joined */
while (strings [iterator]) {
/* count the number of bytes for each string */
length += strlen (strings[iterator]);
/* next iterator */
} /* end while */
/* check for the basic case */
if (iterator == 1) {
/* only one piece is contained in the set of strings
* provided, so nothing can be joined */
return axl_strdup (strings[0]);
/* add to the length the number of separatos to be added
* (wihtout 1) and add a traling byte to terminate the
* string */
sep_length = strlen (separator);
length += (sep_length * (iterator - 1)) + 1;
result = axl_new (char, length);
iterator = 0;
next_sep = axl_false;
length = 0;
while (strings [iterator]) {
/* copy the content */
if (next_sep) {
memcpy (result + length, separator, sep_length);
/* update the length */
length += sep_length;
} else {
memcpy (result + length, strings[iterator], strlen (strings[iterator]));
/* update the length */
length += strlen (strings[iterator]);
} /* end if */
/* check if next is separator */
next_sep = ! next_sep;
/* update the iterator only if next value to be
* handled is a separator */
if (next_sep)
} /* end while */
/* return string created */
return result;
* @brief Allows to replace the provided string by the provided
* replacement on the provided source string, doing the replacement in
* an effective manner.
* @param source The source string where to look and replace. The
* result will be reported as a new pointer on this parameter. The
* function will dealloc previous string (passed in source).
* @param source_len The replace function can handle binary
* strings. This parameter signals the function how many bytes are
* found on the source pointer.
* @param string The string that will be looked for replacement. The
* string can be binary data but its length must be configured.
* @param string_len String length or -1. The string parameter can be
* binary data (may include \0) but length must be especified. If -1
* is provided, the function will use strlen () to get current string
* size.
* @param replacement The replace string. The replacement can be
* binary data but its length must be configured.
* @param replacement_len Replacement string length or -1. The
* replacement parameter can be binary data (may include \0) but
* length must be especified. If -1 is provided, the function will use
* strlen () to get current string size.
* @return The function returns the new size of the string. The
* function returns the same source length when no replacement was
* done. The function return source_len in the case some argument is NULL.
int axl_stream_replace (char ** source, int source_len,
const char * string, int string_len,
const char * replacement, int replacement_len)
int iterator;
int iterator2;
int count;
char * result;
int old_source_len;
/* check arguments */
axl_return_val_if_fail (source && string && replacement, source_len);
/* get sizes if not configured */
if (source_len == -1)
source_len = strlen (*source);
if (string_len == -1)
string_len = strlen (string);
if (replacement_len == -1)
replacement_len = strlen (replacement);
/* find how many strings must be replaced */
iterator = 0;
count = 0;
while ((iterator + string_len - 1) < source_len) {
/* check if the string is found */
if (axl_memcmp ((*source) + iterator, string, string_len)) {
/* string found ! */
/* skip these bytes */
iterator += string_len;
/* next position */
} /* end while */
/* check if we have found some to replace */
if (count == 0)
return source_len;
/* update source length */
old_source_len = source_len;
source_len = source_len - (string_len * count) + (replacement_len * count);
/* alloc memory for the replacement */
result = axl_new (char, source_len + 1);
/* do replacement */
iterator = 0;
iterator2 = 0;
while (iterator < old_source_len) {
/* check if the string is found */
if (((iterator + string_len - 1) < old_source_len) && axl_memcmp ((*source) + iterator, string, string_len)) {
/* string found!, replace */
memcpy (result + iterator2, replacement, replacement_len);
/* skip these bytes */
iterator += string_len;
iterator2 += replacement_len;
/* copy byte by byte */
result[iterator2] = (*source)[iterator];
/* next position */
} /* end while */
/* release and report new string */
axl_free (*source);
*source = result;
return source_len;
* @brief Allows to concatenate the two given strings into a single
* one.
* The function will concatenate both string into a newly allocated
* string that is the result of taking chunk1 followed by chunk2.
* If the function receive a NULL value for one of the string
* received, the result from this function will be the other
* string. This is done to support a common basic case where the
* string provided for one of the arguments is the one being used two
* hold an iterative result. This variable usually is NULL.
* Once the string returned is no longer needed, \ref axl_free must be
* used to deallocate the result.
* The function will use the strlen function to calculate current
* chunk sizes to provide the result.
* @param chunk1 The first chunk to be placed on the result.
* @param chunk2 The second chunk to be placed on the result.
* @return A newly allocated string, containing both strings, or NULL
* if fails. The only way for this function to fail is to provide two
* NULL references as incoming strings.
* NOTE: See also \ref axl_concat.
char * axl_stream_concat (const char * chunk1, const char * chunk2)
char * result;
int len1;
int len2;
axl_return_val_if_fail ((chunk2 != NULL) || (chunk1 != NULL), NULL);
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "concat called..");
if (chunk1 == NULL) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "concat called.., returning %s", chunk2);
/* return the result */
return axl_strdup (chunk2);
if (chunk2 == NULL) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "concat called.., returning %s", chunk1);
/* return the result */
return axl_strdup (chunk1);
/* return the concatenation */
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "concat called.., returning %s%s", chunk1, chunk2);
/* alloc enough memory to hold both strings */
len1 = strlen (chunk1);
len2 = strlen (chunk2);
result = axl_new (char, len1 + len2 + 1);
/* copy the content */
memcpy (result, chunk1, len1);
memcpy (result + len1, chunk2, len2);
/* return the string created */
return result;
* @brief Returns current number of items inside the chunks reference
* provided.
* @param chunks The chunks reference, which contains a list of
* chunks.
* @return The number of chunks that the reference has or -1 if it
* fails.
int axl_stream_strv_num (char ** chunks)
int iterator = 0;
axl_return_val_if_fail (chunks, -1);
/* release memory used by all elements inside the chunk */
while (chunks[iterator] != 0) {
/* return current number of chunks */
return iterator;
* @brief Allows to release memory used by elements returned by \ref
* axl_stream_split and other function that return a pointer to a char **.
* @param chunks The chunk to release.
void axl_stream_freev (char ** chunks)
int iterator = 0;
axl_return_if_fail (chunks);
/* release memory used by all elements inside the chunk */
while (chunks[iterator] != 0) {
axl_free (chunks[iterator]);
/* now release the chunk inside */
axl_free (chunks);
/* nothing more to do */
* @internal
* @brief Internal function to support \ref axl_stream_to_upper and
* \ref axl_stream_to_lower
* @param chunk The chunk to modify
* @param desp Bits to increase.
void __axl_stream_common_to (char * chunk, axl_bool to_upper)
int iterator = 0;
axl_return_if_fail (chunk);
while (chunk[iterator] != 0) {
/* change first ascii level */
if (to_upper)
chunk[iterator] = toupper (chunk[iterator]);
chunk[iterator] = tolower (chunk[iterator]);
/* update iterators */
* @brief Makes the provided string to be converted to upper case
* letters.
* The function will modify the address provided. If you want to get a
* upper case copy for a particular string, copy it first, by using
* \ref axl_strdup, and then use this function.
* The function, for convenience, will also return the string
* reference received, already modified. This could be used while
* using this function to convert parameters that are expected by
* other functions.
* @param chunk The chunk to upper case.
char * axl_stream_to_upper (char * chunk)
__axl_stream_common_to (chunk, axl_true);
return chunk;
* @brief Allows to convert the provided string into lower cases
* letter.
* The function, for convenience, will also return the string
* reference received, already modified. This could be used while
* using this function to convert parameters that are expected by
* other functions.
* @param chunk The chunk to lower case.
char * axl_stream_to_lower (char * chunk)
__axl_stream_common_to (chunk, axl_false);
return chunk;
* @brief Allows to perform a to upper operation, like \ref
* axl_stream_to_upper, but returning an new allocated reference.
* @param chunk The string reference to upper.
* @return A new reference allocated containing the result or NULL if
* it fails.
char * axl_stream_to_upper_copy (const char * chunk)
char * result;
/* perform some environmental checks */
axl_return_val_if_fail (chunk, NULL);
/* make a copy */
result = axl_strdup (chunk);
/* upper it */
__axl_stream_common_to (result, axl_true);
/* return the result */
return result;
* @brief Allows to perform a to lower operation, like \ref
* axl_stream_to_upper, but returning an new allocated reference.
* @param chunk The string reference to lower.
* @return A new reference allocated containing the result or NULL if
* it fails.
char * axl_stream_to_lower_copy (const char * chunk)
char * result;
/* perform some environmental checks */
axl_return_val_if_fail (chunk, NULL);
/* make a copy */
result = axl_strdup (chunk);
/* lower it */
__axl_stream_common_to (result, axl_false);
/* return the result */
return result;
* @brief Allows to compare two strings provided, s1 and s1 to be
* equal.
* In the case both are equal, \ref axl_true is returned. Otherwise \ref
* axl_false. The function compares that both are equal not only by making
* the first to be contained inside the second string. The check also
* ensures that "test" isn't equal to "test1".
* @param string First string to check.
* @param string2 Second string to check.
* @return \ref axl_true if both string are equal, otherwise \ref axl_false is
* returned.
axl_bool axl_cmp (const char * string, const char * string2)
int iterator = 0;
if (string == NULL)
return axl_false;
if (string2 == NULL)
return axl_false;
/* for each item inside the iterator */
while (string [iterator] != 0 && string2 [iterator] != 0) {
/* check the content */
if (string [iterator] != string2 [iterator])
return axl_false;
/* update the iterator */
} /* end while */
/* check that both string ends at the same point */
if (string [iterator] != 0 ||
string2 [iterator] != 0)
return axl_false;
return axl_true;
axl_bool axl_casecmp (const char * string, const char * string2)
int length;
if (string == NULL)
return axl_false;
if (string2 == NULL)
return axl_false;
/* get length associated to first string */
length = strlen (string);
if (length != strlen (string2))
return axl_false;
/* now check both lengths */
return axl_stream_casecmp (string, string2, length);
* @brief Allows to check if both strings provided are equal on its
* initial size bytes.
* This function is more efficient than common memcmp because it
* doesn't perform the additional work to figure out which are the
* bytes that differ both strings.
* @param string The string to check.
* @param string2 The second string to check.
* @param size The size to check for both strings to be equal.
* @return \ref axl_true if the both strings are equal for its initial
* size bytes or \ref axl_false if not.
axl_bool axl_memcmp (const char * string, const char * string2, int size)
int iterator = 0;
* @brief Perform a memory copy from the string provided.
* @param string The string to copy.
* @return A newly allocated value or NULL if it fails. The value
* returned, must be deallocated using \ref axl_free.
char * axl_strdup (const char * string)
return (string != NULL) ? (char *) axl_stream_strdup ((char *) string) : NULL;
* @internal Function that handles decoding operations when decode
* functions are defined.
* @param stream The stream where the decode operation will be
* performed.
* @param error Optional \ref axlError reference where errors will be
* reported.
* @return axl_true if the operation was completed.
axl_bool axl_stream_decode (axlStream * stream,
char * output,
int output_max_size,
int * output_decoded,
int * op_result,
axlError ** error)
int result;
int size;
/* clear op_result if defined */
if (op_result)
*op_result = 0;
/* decode content from the stream directly */
result = stream->decode_f (
/* source */
/* source size */
/* source encoding: encode used by the source
* content provided */
/* output of content decoded and its size */
/* output max size */
/* output decoded */
/* source remaining */
/* user defined data */
/* set op result if defined */
if (op_result)
*op_result = result;
/* check result */
if (result == 0) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "after decode operation result=%d, output_decoded (new buffer size)=%d (from %d original bytes)",
result, output_decoded ? *output_decoded : 0, stream->decode_temp_last);
axl_error_new (-1, "found internal failure at decode operation, unable to complete entity parsing",
stream, error);
return axl_false;
} /* end if */
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "after decode operation result=%d, output_decoded (new buffer size)=%d",
result, output_decoded ? *output_decoded : 0);
/* update axl stream internal state */
if (result == 1) {
/* then the conversión was complete a no data
* is pending the the temporal decode
* buffer */
stream->decode_temp_index = 0;
stream->decode_temp_last = 0;
} else if (result == 2) {
/* not enough space was found at the destination
* buffer, pack content at the decode buffer at the
* next operation */
size = stream->decode_temp_last - stream->decode_temp_remain;
if (size <= 0) {
"found decode function return 2 (signaling pending data to be decoded) but last - remain yields to %d",
axl_error_new (-1, "found decode function return 2 (signaling pending data to be decoded) but last - remain yields to 0 or less", NULL, error);
return axl_false;
} /* end if */
/* moving data */
while (stream->decode_temp_index < size) {
stream->decode_temp[stream->decode_temp_index] = stream->decode_temp[stream->decode_temp_remain + stream->decode_temp_index];
} /* end while */
/* now reset */
stream->decode_temp_index = 0;
stream->decode_temp_last = size;
/* reset to 1 since we have moved content to
* the begin of the buffer */
result = 1;
} /* end if */
return (result == 1);
* @internal Function used by the axl stream module to call to check
* function defined.
* @return axl_true if the check was fine, otherwise axl_false is returned.
axl_bool axl_stream_content_check (axlStream * stream, const char * content, int content_length, axlError ** error)
if (stream == NULL || content == NULL) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "content check function failed because null reference was received.");
axl_error_new (-1, "content check function failed because null reference was received.", stream, error);
return axl_false;
} /* end if */
/* return appropiate value */
if (stream->check_f (content, content_length, stream->source_encoding, stream->check_f_data, error) == 1)
return axl_true;
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "content check function have failed");
/* check if error reference was defined */
return axl_false;
* @internal Allows to configure a decode functions to be used to
* translate content read into utf-8.
* @param stream The stream to be configured.
* @param source_encoding Original source encode.
* @param decode_f The function to be called to translate/check
* content read into utf-8. If a null value is provided the decode
* function is removed.
* @param error The reference where errors will be reported.
* @return axl_true if the function setup decode handler properly
* otherwise axl_false is returned.
axl_bool axl_stream_setup_decode (axlStream * stream,
const char * source_encoding,
axlStreamDecode decode_f,
axlPointer user_data,
axlError ** error)
axl_return_val_if_fail (stream, axl_false);
/* do not check if the decode_f function is NULL (it's a valid
* case) */
stream->decode_f = decode_f;
stream->decode_f_data = user_data;
/* store source encoding */
if (source_encoding != NULL)
stream->source_encoding = axl_strdup (source_encoding);
/* call to check and decode if required bufferede content */
if (stream->decode_f) {
/* init decode buffer */
stream->decode_temp_size = (stream->buffer_size * 2) + 1;
stream->decode_temp = axl_new (char, stream->decode_temp_size);
/* move content into decode temporal buffer */
memcpy (stream->decode_temp,
stream->stream + stream->stream_index,
stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index);
stream->decode_temp_index = 0;
stream->decode_temp_last = stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index;
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "procesing %d bytes from decode buffer (total size: %d, current index: 0)",
stream->decode_temp_last, stream->decode_temp_size);
/* call to decode content */
if (! axl_stream_decode (stream,
/* output */
(stream->stream + stream->stream_index),
/* output max size */
stream->buffer_size - stream->stream_index,
/* output decoded */
/* do not define op result */
return axl_false;
/* add to the stream size the current index */
stream->stream_size += stream->stream_index;
} /* end if */
/* return result */
return axl_true;
* @brief Function that allows to configure a handler that is executed
* to check content read into the axl stream buffer. See \ref
* axlStreamContentCheck for more information.
* @param stream The stream that is going to be configured.
* @param source_encoding The source encoding detected.
* @param check The function that implements the check.
* @param user_data User defined data to be passed to the check
* function.
* @param error Optional \ref axlError reference where errors will be
* reported.
* @return The function returns axl_true if the cheker was installed and
* first execution was completed.
axl_bool axl_stream_setup_check (axlStream * stream,
const char * source_encoding,
axlStreamContentCheck check,
axlPointer user_data,
axlError ** error)
axl_return_val_if_fail (stream, axl_false);
/* do not check if the decode_f function is NULL (it's a valid
* case) */
stream->check_f = check;
stream->check_f_data = user_data;
/* store source encoding */
if (source_encoding != NULL)
stream->source_encoding = axl_strdup (source_encoding);
if (stream->check_f) {
/* call to check */
if (! axl_stream_content_check (stream, stream->stream + stream->stream_index, stream->stream_size - stream->stream_index, error)) {
__axl_log (LOG_DOMAIN, AXL_LEVEL_CRITICAL, "content check function have failed, looks like there is a problem with content");
return axl_false;
} /* end if */
} /* end if */
return axl_true;
/* @} */
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