Annotation of gpl/axl/test/, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: h_files = fact.dtd.h channel.dtd.h xml-rpc.dtd.h tls.dtd.h 
        !             2: c_files = gen-codes.c gen-table.c read-codes.c test_01.c 
        !             3:        test_01a.c test_02a.c test_02b.c test_03a.c test_03c.c \
        !             4:        test_04a.c test_04b.c 
        !             5: dtd_files = channel.dtd fact.dtd test_30b.dtd test_30.dtd test_31a.dtd \
        !             6:        test_31.dtd test_32.dtd test_38.dtd test3.dtd \
        !             7:        test4.dtd test5.1.dtd test5.dtd test.dtd tls.dtd xml-rpc.dtd 
        !             8: xml_files = \
        !             9:        test_42.xml test_42a.xml test_42c.xml test_42d.xml \
        !            10:         test_41.iso-8859-8.xml test_41.iso-8859-7.xml  \
        !            11:        test_41.iso-8859-6.xml test_41.iso-8859-5.xml test_41.iso-8859-4.xml  \
        !            12:        test_41.iso-8859-3.xml test_41.utf-8.withoutheader.xml  \
        !            13:        test_41.utf-8.wrongwithoutheader.xml \
        !            14:        test_41.utf-8.withoutencoding.xml test_13f.xml test_41.iso-8859-15.2.xml \
        !            15:        test_41.iso-8859-15.xml test_41.iso-8859-1.xml test_41.iso-8859-2.xml  \
        !            16:        test_41.iso-8859-9.xml test_41.utf-8.wrong.xml test_41.utf-8.xml  \
        !            17:        test_41.utf-16.xml test_41.utf-32be.xml test_41.utf-32.xml \
        !            18:        test_13e.xml test_40.xml test_01f2.xml test_01f.xml test_01e.xml \
        !            19:        test_38.xml test_35.xml test_13d.xml test_32.xml test_31.xml \
        !            20:        test_30b.xml test_30a.xml test_30.xml test_29.xml test_28.xml \
        !            21:        test_27.xml test_26d.xml test_23d.xml test_26c.xml test_26b.xml  \
        !            22:        test_26.xml large.xml test_23b.xml test_23.xml test_21.xml  \
        !            23:        test_01d.xml test_20a.xml test_20.xml test_01b.xml test_13b.xml \
        !            24:        test_13c.xml test_19a.xml test_19b.xml test_19c.xml test_19d.xml \
        !            25:        test_19e.xml test_19f.xml test_19g.xml test_19.xml test13.xml  \
        !            26:        channel5.xml channel4.xml channel2.xml channel3.xml channel.xml \
        !            27:        test5.xml test3.xml test4.xml gmovil2.xml gmovil.xml small.xml  \
        !            28:        test2.xml test.xml  test_22.xml test_22b.xml test_22c.xml
        !            29: xdl_files = test17.xdl test03.xdl test04.xdl test01.xdl test02.xdl 
        !            30: misc_files = test_01.vcproj
        !            31: 
        !            32: EXTRA_DIST      = $(h_files) $(c_files) $(dtd_files) $(xml_files) $(misc_files) $(xdl_files)
        !            33: 
        !            34: knife_files = \
        !            35:        knife.test_01.xml knife.test_01.ref \
        !            36:        knife.test_01.b.xml knife.test_01.b.ref \
        !            37:        knife.test_01.c.xml knife.test_01.c.ref \
        !            38:        knife.test_01.d.xml knife.test_01.d.ref 
        !            39: 
        !            40: if ENABLE_AXL_LOG
        !            41: LOG = -DSHOW_DEBUG_LOG
        !            42: endif
        !            43: 
        !            44: if ENABLE_AXL_NS
        !            45: NS = -DAXL_NS_SUPPORT
        !            46: NS_LIB = $(top_builddir)/ns/
        !            47: endif
        !            48: 
        !            49: if ENABLE_AXL_BABEL
        !            50: BABEL = -DAXL_BABEL_SUPPORT
        !            51: BABEL_LIB = $(top_builddir)/babel/
        !            52: endif
        !            53: 
        !            54: INCLUDES = -DTEST_DIR=$(top_srcdir)/test -I$(top_srcdir)/src/ -I$(top_srcdir)/ns -I$(top_srcdir)/babel -Wall $(LOG) $(NS) $(BABEL) -DVERSION=\""$(AXL_VERSION)"\" -D__axl_disable_broken_bool_def__ 
        !            55: 
        !            56: # replace with bin_PROGRAMS to check performance
        !            57: noinst_PROGRAMS = test_01 test_01a test_02a test_03a
        !            58: TESTS = test_01
        !            59: 
        !            60: if ENABLE_PY_AXL
        !            61: AXL_PY_PREPARE = prepare_files
        !            62: endif
        !            63: 
        !            64: bin_SCRIPTS = $(AXL_PY_PREPARE)
        !            65: 
        !            66: test_01_SOURCES = test_01.c
        !            67: test_01_LDADD   = $(top_builddir)/src/ $(NS_LIB) $(BABEL_LIB)
        !            68: 
        !            69: test_01a_SOURCES = test_01a.c
        !            70: test_01a_LDADD   = $(top_builddir)/src/ 
        !            71: 
        !            72: test_02a_SOURCES = test_02a.c
        !            73: test_02a_LDADD   = $(top_builddir)/src/ 
        !            74: 
        !            75: test_03a_SOURCES = test_03a.c
        !            76: test_03a_LDADD   = $(top_builddir)/src/
        !            77: 
        !            78: # copy all test files 
        !            79: prepare_files: 
        !            80:        test -e test.xml || cp $(top_srcdir)/test/*.xml $(top_srcdir)/test/*.xdl $(top_srcdir)/test/*.dtd .
        !            81:        @cd ../py-axl; make; cd -
        !            82:        @test -d axl || mkdir axl
        !            83:         # copy dynamic libraries
        !            84:        @cp `find ../py-axl -name libpy_axl$(SHARED_EXTENSION) -type l` axl/
        !            85:         # copy python imports
        !            86:        @test -e axl/ || cp ../py-axl/ axl/
        !            87:        @diff axl/ ../py-axl/ || cp ../py-axl/ axl/
        !            88: 
        !            89: refresh: 
        !            90:        $(top_builddir)/knife/axl-knife --input fact.dtd --dtd-to-c --output fact.dtd.h --ifnewer
        !            91:        $(top_builddir)/knife/axl-knife --input channel.dtd --dtd-to-c --output channel.dtd.h  --ifnewer
        !            92:        $(top_builddir)/knife/axl-knife --input xml-rpc.dtd --dtd-to-c --output xml-rpc.dtd.h  --ifnewer
        !            93:        $(top_builddir)/knife/axl-knife --input tls.dtd --dtd-to-c --output tls.dtd.h  --ifnewer
        !            94: 
        !            95: leak-check:
        !            96:        libtool --mode=execute valgrind --leak-check=yes ./test_01
        !            97: 
        !            98: compref:
        !            99:        gcc -g -Wall `pkg-config --libs --cflags libxml-2.0` test_01b.c -o test_01b
        !           100:        gcc -g -Wall `pkg-config --libs --cflags libxml-2.0` test_02b.c -o test_02b
        !           101:        gcc -g -Wall  `pkg-config --libs --cflags glib-2.0` -I$(top_srcdir)/src $(top_builddir)/src/.libs/ test_03c.c -o test_03c
        !           102: 

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