# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
# import base library
import axl
def test_01():
# do two consecutive parse operations
(doc, err) = axl.parse ("<?xml version='1.0' ?><axldoc />", 32)
if err:
error ("Found error: " + str (err.code) + ", message: " + err.msg)
return False
(doc, err) = axl.parse ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" \t \n \r encoding='utf-8\" ?> <data />", 63)
if err:
error ("Found error: " + str (err.code) + ", message: " + err.msg)
return False
# check doc encoding
if doc.encoding != "utf-8":
error ("Error, expected to find enconding value utf-8 but found: " + doc.encoding)
return False
# do a fail parse operation
(doc, err) = axl.parse ("aefadsadsf<?xml version=\"1.0\" \t \n \r encoding='utf-8\" ?> <data />", 73)
if not err:
error ("Expected to find error but found no error report")
return False
# check error returned
if not err.code == -2:
error ("Expected to find error code -2 but found: " + str (err.code))
# check standalone configuration
(doc, err) = axl.parse ("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?> <data/>", 65)
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper document parse but a failure was found: " + err.msg)
return False
if not doc.standalone:
error ("Expected to find standalone enabled but found it disabled")
return False
return True
def test_01b():
# parse document
(doc, err) = axl.file_parse ("test_01b.xml")
if err:
error ("Found error: " + str (err.code) + ", message: " + err.msg)
return False
info ("Test 01-b: finished document parsing, getting root node")
# get root node
node = doc.root
info ("Test 01-b: checking node name..")
# check node name
if node.name != "document":
error ("Expected to find node name 'document' but found: " + node.name)
return False
info ("Test 01-b: about to get first reference..")
# get first child
node = node.first_child
info ("Test 01-b: returning..")
# check node name
if node.name != "child1":
error ("Expected to find node name 'child1' but found: " + node.name)
return False
# get next
node = node.next
# check node name
if node.name != "child2":
error ("Expected to find node name 'child2' but found: " + node.name)
return False
return True
def test_01c():
# parse document
(doc, err) = axl.file_parse ("test_01b.xml")
if err:
error ("Found error: " + str (err.code) + ", message: " + err.msg)
return False
# get root node
node = doc.root
# check node name
if node.name != "document":
error ("Expected to find node name 'document' but found: " + node.name)
return False
# get first child
node = node.first_child
# check node name
if node.name != "child1":
error ("Expected to find node name 'child1' but found: " + node.name)
return False
# get parent
parent = node.parent
# check node name
if parent.name != "document":
error ("Expected to find node name 'document' but found: " + parent.name)
return False
node = node.next
# check node name
if node.name != "child2":
error ("Expected to find node name 'child2' but found: " + node.name)
return False
# check parent again
parent = node.parent
# check node name
if parent.name != "document":
error ("Expected to find node name 'document' but found: " + parent.name)
return False
node = node.next
# check node name
if node.name != "child3":
error ("Expected to find node name 'child3' but found: " + node.name)
return False
# check parent again
parent = node.parent
# check node name
if parent.name != "document":
error ("Expected to find node name 'document' but found: " + parent.name)
return False
node = node.next
# check node name
if node.name != "child4":
error ("Expected to find node name 'child4' but found: " + node.name)
return False
# check parent again
parent = node.parent
# check node name
if parent.name != "document":
error ("Expected to find node name 'document' but found: " + parent.name)
return False
node = node.next
# check node name
if node.name != "child5":
error ("Expected to find node name 'child5' but found: " + node.name)
return False
# check next is none
if node.next:
error ("Expected to find none value for the next child node found next to child5")
return False
node = node.previous
# check node name
if node.name != "child4":
error ("Expected to find node name 'child4' but found: " + node.name)
return False
# check node name
if parent.name != "document":
error ("Expected to find node name 'document' but found: " + parent.name)
return False
node = node.previous
# check node name
if node.name != "child3":
error ("Expected to find node name 'child3' but found: " + node.name)
return False
# check node name
if parent.name != "document":
error ("Expected to find node name 'document' but found: " + parent.name)
return False
node = node.previous
# check node name
if node.name != "child2":
error ("Expected to find node name 'child2' but found: " + node.name)
return False
# check node name
if parent.name != "document":
error ("Expected to find node name 'document' but found: " + parent.name)
return False
node = node.previous
# check node name
if node.name != "child1":
error ("Expected to find node name 'child1' but found: " + node.name)
return False
# check node name
if parent.name != "document":
error ("Expected to find node name 'document' but found: " + parent.name)
return False
# check previous is none
if node.previous:
error ("Expected to find none value for the previous child node found previous to child1")
return False
# now test called api
node = doc.root.first_child
# get <child5>
node = node.next_called ("child5")
if node.name != "child5":
error ("Expected to find child node with name child5 but found: " + node.name)
return False
# get <child5>
node = node.next_called ("child5")
if node:
error ("Expected to find none node after calling next_called with child5 but found: " + node.name)
return False
node = doc.root.first_child.next_called ("child5")
if not node:
error ("Expected to find a xml node but found none")
return False
if node.name != "child5":
error ("Expected to find child node child5 but found: " + node.name)
return False
# get <child1>
node = node.previous_called ("child1")
if not node:
error ("Expected to find a xml node child1 but found none")
return False
if node.name != "child1":
error ("Expected to find child node child1 but found: " + node.name)
return False
node = node.previous_called ("child1")
if node:
error ("Expected to not find a xml node but found somethind defined: " + node.name)
return False
return True
def test_01d():
(doc, err) = axl.file_parse ("test_01d.xml")
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper parse operation but found an error: " + err.msg)
return False
child = doc.root.nth_child (0)
if child.name != "child1":
error ("Expected to find child1 node but found: " + child.name)
return False
child = doc.root.nth_child (1)
if child.name != "child2":
error ("Expected to find child2 node but found: " + child.name)
return False
child = doc.root.nth_child (2)
if child.name != "child3":
error ("(2) Expected to find child3 node but found: " + child.name)
return False
child = doc.root.nth_child (3)
if child.name != "child4":
error ("Expected to find child4 node but found: " + child.name)
return False
child = doc.root.nth_child (4)
if child.name != "child5":
error ("Expected to find child5 node but found: " + child.name)
return False
# get the child 0 located at the child 2
child = doc.root.nth_child (2).nth_child (0)
if child.name != "a":
error ("Expected to find node name <a> but found: " + child.name)
return False
child = doc.root.nth_child (2).nth_child (1)
if child.name != "b":
error ("Expected to find node name <b> but found: " + child.name)
return False
child = doc.root.nth_child (2).nth_child (2)
if child.name != "c":
error ("Expected to find node name <c> but found: " + child.name)
return False
child = doc.root.nth_child (2).nth_child (3)
if child.name != "f":
error ("Expected to find node name <f> but found: " + child.name)
return False
child = doc.root.nth_child (2).nth_child (4)
if child.name != "g":
error ("Expected to find node name <g> but found: " + child.name)
return False
return True
def test_01f():
# parse document
(doc, err) = axl.file_parse ("test_01f.xml")
if err:
error ("Expected proper document parse but found a failure: " + err.msg)
return False
# get root content
(content, size) = doc.root.content
# check content
if content != " ":
error ("Expected to find ' ' but found: " + content)
return False
# parse another document
(doc, err) = axl.file_parse ("test_01f2.xml")
if err:
error ("Expected proper document parse but found a failure: " + err.msg)
return False
# get content from node id found as child of the root node
(content, size) = doc.root.child_called ("id").content
# check content
if content != " ":
error ("(2) Expected to find ' ' but found: " + content)
return False
(content, size) = doc.root.child_called ("id2").content
# check content
if content != "":
error ("Expected to find '' but found: " + content)
return False
return True
def test_03():
(doc, err) = axl.parse ("<?xml version='1.0' ?>\n\
<td> 23 </td>\n\
</complex>", -1)
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper document load, but a failure was found: " + err.msg)
return False
if doc.root.name != "complex":
error ("Expected to find complex node name but found: " + doc.root.name)
return False
node = doc.get ("/complex/data2/td")
if not node:
error ("Expected to find node found at /complex/data2/td")
return False
# check node name
if node.name != "td":
error ("Expected to find node name td but found: " + node.name)
return False
node = doc.get ("/complex/data3/td")
if node:
error ("Expected to not find node in wrong path but found: " + node.name)
return False
(content, size) = doc.get ("/complex/data2/td").content
if content != " 23 ":
error ("Expected to find content ' 23 ' but found: " + content)
return False
node = doc.get ("complex/data3/td")
if node:
error ("Expected to find no node but found: " + node.name)
return False
return True
def test_04():
(doc, err) = axl.parse ("<?xml version='1.0' ?>" +
" <?test \"my content\" ?>" +
" <complex>" +
" <data>" +
" <row>" +
" <!-- A comment inside the middle of the document " +
" more comments ... " +
" more comments \n \r <td>..</td> -->" +
" <td>10</td>" +
" <test />" +
" \n \n \r <?test \"my content\" ?> \n \n" +
" <?test \"my content\" ?>" +
" <more>" +
" <test3 attr='2.0' />" +
" </more>" +
" </row>" +
" <test2 />" +
" <non-xml-document>" +
" \n \r \n \t" +
" <![CDATA[<xml><<<<<<>>>>>><<<>>>><<<<<<>>>]]>"
" \r \n \r \t" +
" </non-xml-document>" +
" </data>" +
" <!-- <data>" +
" <row>" +
" A comment inside the middle of the document " +
" more comments ... " +
" more comments \n \r <td>..</td> " +
" <td>10</td>" +
" <test />" +
" <more>" +
" <test2 attr='2.0' attr2='3.0' attr4='4.0'/>" +
" </more>" +
" </row>" +
" <test2 />" +
" </data> -->" +
" </complex>", -1)
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper parse result but found a failure: " + err.msg)
return False
if doc.get ("/complex/data/row/td").content[0] != "10":
error ("Expected to find content 10 but found: " + doc.get ("/complex/data/row/td").content[0])
return False
node = doc.get ("/complex/data/row/more/test3")
if not node.has_attr ("attr"):
error ("Expected to find attribute attr but not found")
return False
# now check attr content
if node.attr ("attr") != "2.0":
error ("Expected to find attribute value 2.0 but found: " + node.attr ("attr"))
return False
# check pi instructions support
if not doc.has_pi ("test"):
error ("Expected to find pi instruction test but not found")
return False
if doc.pi ("test") != "\"my content\"":
error ("Expected to find 'my content' but found: " + doc.pi ("test"))
return False
# check node content
if doc.get ("/complex/data/non-xml-document").content[0] != "<xml><<<<<<>>>>>><<<>>>><<<<<<>>>":
error ("Expected to find <xml><<<<<<>>>>>><<<>>>><<<<<<>>> but found: " + doc.get ("/complex/data/non-xml-document").content[0])
return False
return True
def test_05():
(doc, err) = axl.file_parse ("test.xml")
if doc.get ("/complex/data/row/td").content[0] != "10":
error ("Expected to find 10 but found: " + doc.get ("/complex/data/row/td").content[0])
return False
(doc, err) = axl.file_parse ("test2.xml")
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper document parsing, but error was found: " + err.msg)
return False
(dtd, err) = axl.dtd_file_parse ("test.dtd")
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper dtd parsing, but error was found: " + err.msg)
return False
# validate content
err = dtd.validate (doc)
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper DTD validation, but a failure was found: " + err.msg)
return False
return True
def test_22():
# create a document
doc = axl.Doc ()
# set root node
doc.root = axl.Node ("root-node")
# check if the node has an attribute not available
if doc.root.has_attr ("attribute-not-found"):
error ("Expected to not find attribute: attribute-not-found, but found it")
return False
# check none value
if doc.root.attr ("attribute-not-found"):
error ("Expected to find None value associated to missing attribute, but found something defined")
return False
# configure attribute
doc.root.attr ("attribute1", "value1")
# check if the node has an attribute available
if not doc.root.has_attr ("attribute1"):
error ("Expected to find attribute: attribute1, but it wasn't found")
return False
if not doc.root.attr ("attribute1") == "value1":
error ("Expected to find value1 as value associated to attribute1 but found: " + doc.root.attr ("attribute1"))
return False
# set more attributes
doc.root.attr ("attribute2", "value2")
doc.root.attr ("attribute3", "value3")
doc.root.attr ("attribute4", "value4")
doc.root.attr ("attribute5", "value5")
doc.root.attr ("attribute6", "value6")
# check attr iterator
cursor = doc.root.attr_cursor_new ()
while cursor.has_item ():
if cursor.key == "attribute2" and cursor.value != "value2":
error ("Expected to find value2 for attribute2 but found: " + cursor.value)
return False
if cursor.key == "attribute3" and cursor.value != "value3":
error ("Expected to find value3 for attribute3 but found: " + cursor.value)
return False
if cursor.key == "attribute4" and cursor.value != "value4":
error ("Expected to find value4 for attribute4 but found: " + cursor.value)
return False
if cursor.key == "attribute5" and cursor.value != "value5":
error ("Expected to find value5 for attribute5 but found: " + cursor.value)
return False
if cursor.key == "attribute6" and cursor.value != "value6":
error ("Expected to find value6 for attribute6 but found: " + cursor.value)
return False
# next cursor
cursor.next ()
return True
def test_33():
# creates a document with default version, default encoding and standalone = true
doc = axl.Doc ()
# create a node
node = axl.Node ("test")
# set as root
doc.root = node
iterator = 0
while iterator < 2:
# get a temp reference to the current node
temp = doc.root
# create a new root
node = axl.Node ("test")
# set new root
doc.root = node
# set new child
node.set_child (temp)
# next position
iterator += 1
# now create empty nodes
node = axl.Node ("test")
return True
def py_test_01():
# parse content
(doc, err) = axl.parse ("<content />")
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper parse operation but found an error: " + err.msg)
return False
# get the node
node = doc.root
# get document containing node
doc2 = node.doc
if doc2.root.name != "content":
error ("Expected to find node name: content but found: " + doc2.root.name)
return False
return True
def py_test_02():
# parse content
(doc, err) = axl.parse ("<content><load><value test='10' /></load></content>")
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper parse operation but found an error: " + err.msg)
return False
# get the node
node = doc.get ("/content/load/value")
node2 = axl.Node ("test")
node2.attr ('id', "10")
# do replace
node.replace (node2)
(content, size) = doc.dump ()
# check value
if content != "<?xml version='1.0' ?><content><load><test id='10' /></load></content>":
return False
# now swap two nodes
(doc, err) = axl.parse ("<content><load><value test='10' /><value2 test='20' /></load></content>")
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper parse operation but found an error: " + err.msg)
return False
node = doc.get ("/content/load/value")
node2 = doc.get ("/content/load/value2")
# disconnect node from document
node.deattach ()
# now place after
node2.set_child_after (node)
(content, size) = doc.dump ()
# check value
if content != "<?xml version='1.0' ?><content><load><value2 test='20' /><value test='10' /></load></content>":
return False
return True
def py_test_03():
# parse content
(doc, err) = axl.parse ("<content><load><value test='10' /></load></content>")
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper parse operation but found an error: " + err.msg)
return False
# get the node
node = doc.get ("/content/load/value")
info ("Got root node, creating child nodes..")
iterator = 0
while iterator < 100:
# now add content to the node
# info ("About to create child node, iterator=" + str (iterator))
node2 = axl.Node ("test")
node.set_child (node2)
iterator += 1
return True
def py_test_04_load ():
# parse content
(doc, err) = axl.parse ("<content><load><value test='10' /></load></content>")
if err:
error ("Expected to find proper parse operation but found an error: " + err.msg)
return False
# get the node
return doc.get ("/content/load/value")
def py_test_04():
# call to get the node from a document
node = py_test_04_load ()
iterator = 0
while iterator < 100:
# check value
if node.attr ("test") != "10":
return False
# next position
iterator += 1
return True
def py_test_05 ():
# create empty node
node = axl.Node ("test")
# set is as child
node.set_child (axl.Node ("test2"))
# query empty
node.child_called ("test")
node.child_called ("test")
del node
return True
# intraestructure support #
def info (msg):
print "[ INFO ] : " + msg
def error (msg):
print "[ ERROR ] : " + msg
def ok (msg):
print "[ OK ] : " + msg
def run_all_tests ():
test_count = 0
for test in tests:
# print log
info ("TEST-" + str(test_count) + ": Running " + test[1])
# call test
if not test[0]():
error ("detected test failure at: " + test[1])
return False
# next test
test_count += 1
ok ("All tests ok!")
return True
# declare list of tests available
tests = [
# note test functions starting with test_ are using the same reg test
# as defined by test_01.c (axl reg test). Tests that are specific to
# py-axl must start with py_test_.
(test_01, "Check PyVortex context initialization"),
(test_01b, "Check Basic XML parsing, XML document position"),
(test_01c, "Check Basic XML parsing, XML document traversing"),
(test_01d, "Check Basic XML parsing, node nth access"),
(test_01f, "Check Basic XML parsing, white space node content"),
(test_03, "Check complex xml error detection"),
(test_04, "Check complex xml parsing"),
(test_05, "Check DTD basic parsing"),
(test_22, "Check Axl node attributes"),
(test_33, "Check Recursive root node replace"),
(py_test_01, "Check PyAxlNode type attributes"),
(py_test_02, "Check PyAxlNode replace, deattach, set_child_after method"),
(py_test_03, "Check PyAxlNode and PyAxlDoc relation"),
(py_test_04, "Check PyAxlNode reference after PyAxlDoc reference finish"),
(py_test_05, "Check PyAxlNode setting childs references crated")
info (" LibAxl: Another XML library (regression test).")
info (" Copyright (C) 2008 Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.")
info (" Axl regression tests: version=" + axl.VERSION)
info (" To gather information about time performance you can use:")
info ("")
info (" >> time ./test_01.py")
info ("")
info (" To gather information about memory consumed (and leaks) use:")
info ("")
info (" >> valgrind --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes --suppressions=suppressions.valgrind --gen-suppressions=yes ./test_01.py ")
info ("")
info (" Report bugs to:")
info ("")
info (" <axl@lists.aspl.es> Axl mailing list")
info ("")
if __name__ == '__main__':
iterator = 0
for arg in sys.argv:
# according to the argument position, take the value
if iterator == 1:
host = arg
elif iterator == 2:
port = arg
# next iterator
iterator += 1
# call to run all tests
run_all_tests ()
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