Annotation of libaitcli/inc/aitcli.h, revision

1.1       misho       1: /*************************************************************************
                      2: * (C) 2010 AITNET ltd - Sofia/Bulgaria - <>
                      3: *  by Michael Pounov <>
                      4: *
                      5: * $Author: misho $ ! misho       6: * $Id: aitcli.h,v 2010/06/07 09:04:46 misho Exp $
1.1       misho       7: *
                      8: *************************************************************************/
                      9: #ifndef __AITCLI_H
                     10: #define __AITCLI_H
                     12:   misho      13: #include <termios.h>
                     14: #include <sys/queue.h>
                     16:   misho      17: #define STRSIZ         256
                     18:   misho      19: /* Key definitions */
                     21: #define        K_F1            "\x1b\x4f\x50"
                     22: #define        K_F2            "\x1b\x4f\x51"
                     23: #define        K_F3            "\x1b\x4f\x52"
                     24: #define        K_F4            "\x1b\x4f\x53"
                     25: #define        K_F5            "\x1b\x5b\x31\x35\x7e"
                     26: #define        K_F6            "\x1b\x5b\x31\x37\x7e"
                     27: #define        K_F7            "\x1b\x5b\x31\x38\x7e"
                     28: #define        K_F8            "\x1b\x5b\x31\x39\x7e"
                     29: #define        K_F9            "\x1b\x5b\x32\x30\x7e"
                     30: #define        K_F10           "\x1b\x5b\x32\x31\x7e"
                     31: #define        K_F11           "\x1b\x5b\x32\x33\x7e"
                     32: #define        K_F12           "\x1b\x5b\x32\x34\x7e"
                     33: #define K_CTRL_F1      "\x1b\x5b\x6b"
                     34: #define K_CTRL_F2      "\x1b\x5b\x6c"
                     35: #define K_CTRL_F3      "\x1b\x5b\x6d"
                     36: #define K_CTRL_F4      "\x1b\x5b\x6e"
                     37: #define K_CTRL_F5      "\x1b\x5b\x6f"
                     38: #define K_CTRL_F6      "\x1b\x5b\x70"
                     39: #define K_CTRL_F7      "\x1b\x5b\x71"
                     40: #define K_CTRL_F8      "\x1b\x5b\x72"
                     41: #define K_CTRL_F9      "\x1b\x5b\x73"
                     42: #define K_CTRL_F10     "\x1b\x5b\x74"
                     43: #define K_CTRL_F11     "\x1b\x5b\x75"
                     44: #define K_CTRL_F12     "\x1b\x5b\x76"
                     45: #define K_CTRL_SH_F1   "\x1b\x5b\x77"
                     46: #define K_CTRL_SH_F2   "\x1b\x5b\x78"
                     47: #define K_CTRL_SH_F3   "\x1b\x5b\x79"
                     48: #define K_CTRL_SH_F4   "\x1b\x5b\x7a"
                     49: #define K_CTRL_SH_F5   "\x1b\x5b\x40"
                     50: #define K_CTRL_SH_F6   "\x1b\x5b\x5b"
                     51: #define K_CTRL_SH_F7   "\x1b\x5b\x5c"
                     52: #define K_CTRL_SH_F8   "\x1b\x5b\x5d"
                     53: #define K_CTRL_SH_F9   "\x1b\x5b\x5e"
                     54: #define K_CTRL_SH_F10  "\x1b\x5b\x5f"
                     55: #define K_CTRL_SH_F11  "\x1b\x5b\x60"
                     56: #define K_CTRL_SH_F12  "\x1b\x5b\x7b"
                     58: #define K_INS          "\x1b\x5b\x32\x7e"
                     59: #define K_DEL          "\x1b\x5b\x33\x7e"
                     60: #define K_PGUP         "\x1b\x5b\x35\x7e"
                     61: #define K_PGDN         "\x1b\x5b\x36\x7e"
                     62: #define K_HOME         "\x1b\x5b\x48"
                     63: #define K_END          "\x1b\x5b\x46"
                     64: #define K_UP           "\x1b\x5b\x41"
                     65: #define K_DOWN         "\x1b\x5b\x42"
                     66: #define K_RIGHT                "\x1b\x5b\x43"
                     67: #define K_LEFT         "\x1b\x5b\x44"
                     69: #define K_NULL         "\x0"
                     70: #define K_CR           "\xd"
                     71: #define K_BTAB         "\x1b\x5b\x5a"
                     72: #define K_TAB          "\x9"
                     73: #define K_ENTER                "\xa"
                     74: #define K_ESC          "\x1b"
                     75: #define K_BACKSPACE    "\x7f"
                     76: #define K_SPACE                "\x20"
                     78: #define K_CTRL_SPACE   K_NULL
                     79: #define K_CTRL_2       K_NULL
                     80: #define K_CTRL_A       "\x1"
                     81: #define K_CTRL_B       "\x2"
                     82: #define K_CTRL_C       "\x3"
                     83: #define K_CTRL_D       "\x4"
                     84: #define K_CTRL_E       "\x5"
                     85: #define K_CTRL_F       "\x6"
                     86: #define K_CTRL_G       "\x7"
                     87: #define K_CTRL_H       "\x8"
                     88: #define K_CTRL_I       K_TAB
                     89: #define K_CTRL_J       K_ENTER
                     90: #define K_CTRL_K       "\xb"
                     91: #define K_CTRL_L       "\xc"
                     92: #define K_CTRL_M       K_ENTER         // K_CR
                     93: #define K_CTRL_N       "\xe"
                     94: #define K_CTRL_O       "\xf"
                     95: #define K_CTRL_P       "\x10"
                     96: #define K_CTRL_Q       "\x11"
                     97: #define K_CTRL_R       "\x12"
                     98: #define K_CTRL_S       "\x13"
                     99: #define K_CTRL_T       "\x14"
                    100: #define K_CTRL_U       "\x15"
                    101: #define K_CTRL_V       "\x16"
                    102: #define K_CTRL_W       "\x17"
                    103: #define K_CTRL_X       "\x18"
                    104: #define K_CTRL_Y       "\x19"
                    105: #define K_CTRL_Z       "\x1a"
                    106: #define K_CTRL_LBRACE  "\x1b"
                    107: #define K_CTRL_PIPE    "\x1c"
                    108: #define K_CTRL_RBRACE  "\x1d"
                    109: #define K_CTRL_6       "\x1e"
                    110: #define K_CTRL__       "\x1f"
                    113: #define K_X_CTRL_INS   "\x1b\x5b\x32\x3b\x35\x7e"
                    114: #define K_X_CTRL_DEL   "\x1b\x5b\x33\x3b\x35\x7e"
                    115: #define K_X_CTRL_PGUP  "\x1b\x5b\x35\x3b\x35\x7e"
                    116: #define K_X_CTRL_PGDN  "\x1b\x5b\x36\x3b\x35\x7e"
                    117: #define K_X_CTRL_HOME  "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x35\x48"
                    118: #define K_X_CTRL_END   "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x35\x46"
                    119: #define K_X_CTRL_UP    "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x35\x41"
                    120: #define K_X_CTRL_DOWN  "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x35\x42"
                    121: #define K_X_CTRL_RIGHT "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x35\x43"
                    122: #define K_X_CTRL_LEFT  "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x35\x44"
                    124: #define K_X_ALT_INS    "\x1b\x5b\x32\x3b\x33\x7e"
                    125: #define K_X_ALT_DEL    "\x1b\x5b\x33\x3b\x33\x7e"
                    126: #define K_X_ALT_PGUP   "\x1b\x5b\x35\x3b\x33\x7e"
                    127: #define K_X_ALT_PGDN   "\x1b\x5b\x36\x3b\x33\x7e"
                    128: #define K_X_ALT_HOME   "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x33\x48"
                    129: #define K_X_ALT_END    "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x33\x46"
                    130: #define K_X_ALT_UP     "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x33\x41"
                    131: #define K_X_ALT_DOWN   "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x33\x42"
                    132: #define K_X_ALT_RIGHT  "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x33\x43"
                    133: #define K_X_ALT_LEFT   "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x33\x44"
                    135: #define K_X_CTL_A_INS  "\x1b\x5b\x32\x3b\x37\x7e"
                    136: #define K_X_CTL_A_DEL  "\x1b\x5b\x33\x3b\x37\x7e"
                    137: #define K_X_CTL_A_PGUP "\x1b\x5b\x35\x3b\x37\x7e"
                    138: #define K_X_CTL_A_PGDN "\x1b\x5b\x36\x3b\x37\x7e"
                    139: #define K_X_CTL_A_HOME "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x37\x48"
                    140: #define K_X_CTL_A_END  "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x37\x46"
                    141: #define K_X_CTL_A_UP   "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x37\x41"
                    142: #define K_X_CTL_A_DOWN "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x37\x42"
                    143: #define K_X_CTL_A_RIGHT        "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x37\x43"
                    144: #define K_X_CTL_A_LEFT "\x1b\x5b\x31\x3b\x37\x44"
                    147: /* History types */
                    149: struct tagHistory {
                    150:        int             hist_len;
                    151:        char            hist_line[BUFSIZ];
                    153:        TAILQ_ENTRY(tagHistory) hist_next;
1.1       misho     154: };   misho     155: typedef TAILQ_HEAD(tqHistoryHead, tagHistory) history_t;
                    157: /* Bind keys structure types */
                    159: typedef int (*bindkey_func_t)(int idx, /*linebuffer_t **/ void * __restrict buffer);
                    160: typedef struct {
                    161:        int             key_len;
                    162:        unsigned char   key_ch[8];
                    163:        bindkey_func_t  key_func;
                    164: } bindkey_t;
                    166:   misho     167: /* Commands structure for CLI */
                    169: typedef int (*cmd_func_t)(/*linebuffer_t **/ void * __restrict buffer, int argc, char ** __restrict argv);
                    170: struct tagCommand {
                    171:        int                     cmd_level;
                    173:        int                     cmd_len;
                    174:        char                    cmd_name[STRSIZ];
                    176:        char                    cmd_info[STRSIZ];
                    177:        char                    cmd_help[STRSIZ];
                    179:        cmd_func_t              cmd_func;
                    181:        SLIST_ENTRY(tagCommand) cmd_next;
                    182: };
                    183: typedef SLIST_HEAD(slCommandHead, tagCommand) commands_t;
                    185:   misho     186: /* Main structure, Buffer for CLI work with thread models ;-) special designed by M.Punov */
                    188: typedef struct {
                    189:        char                    line_mode;
                    191:        char                    *line_prompt;
                    193:        int                     line_bol;
                    194:        int                     line_eol;
                    195:        int                     line_len;
                    196:        char                    *line_buf;
                    198:        const struct tagHistory *line_h;
                    199:        history_t               line_history;
1.1       misho     200:   misho     201:        bindkey_t               *line_keys;
1.1       misho     202:   misho     203:        commands_t              line_cmds;
                    204:   misho     205:        int                     line_in;
                    206:        int                     line_out;
                    207: } linebuffer_t;
                    210: /* Error support functions */
1.1       misho     211: 
                    212: // cli_GetErrno() Get error code of last operation
                    213: inline int cli_GetErrno();
                    214: // cli_GetError() Get error text of last operation
                    215: inline const char *cli_GetError();
                    217:   misho     218: /* CLI Functions */
1.1       misho     220: /*   misho     221:  * cli_BindKey() Bind function to key
                    222:  * @key = key structure
                    223:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    224:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok, >0 bind at position
                    225: */
                    226: int cli_BindKey(bindkey_t * __restrict key, linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer);
                    227: ! misho     228: 
        !           229: /*
        !           230:  * cli_addCommand() Add command to CLI session
        !           231:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
        !           232:  * @csCmd = Command name
        !           233:  * @cliLevel = Level in CLI, -1 unprivi(view from all), 0 main config, 1 sub config ...
        !           234:  * @funcCmd = Callback function when user call command
        !           235:  * @csInfo = Inline information for command
        !           236:  * @csHelp = Help line when call help
        !           237:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok
        !           238: */
        !           239: int
        !           240: cli_addCommand(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer, const char *csCmd, int cliLevel, cmd_func_t funcCmd, 
        !           241:                const char *csInfo, const char *csHelp);
        !           242: /*
        !           243:  * cli_delCommand() Delete command from CLI session
        !           244:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
        !           245:  * @csCmd = Command name
        !           246:  * @cliLevel = Level in CLI, -1 unprivi(view from all), 0 main config, 1 sub config ...
        !           247:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok
        !           248: */
        !           249: int
        !           250: cli_delCommand(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer, const char *csCmd, int cliLevel);
        !           251: /*
        !           252:  * cli_updCommand() Update command in CLI session
        !           253:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
        !           254:  * @csCmd = Command name
        !           255:  * @cliLevel = Level in CLI, -1 unprivi(view from all), 0 main config, 1 sub config ...
        !           256:  * @funcCmd = Callback function when user call command
        !           257:  * @csInfo = Inline information for command
        !           258:  * @csHelp = Help line when call help
        !           259:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok
        !           260: */
        !           261: int
        !           262: cli_updCommand(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer, const char *csCmd, int cliLevel, cmd_func_t funcCmd, 
        !           263:                const char *csInfo, const char *csHelp);
        !           264: 
        !           265:   misho     266: /*
                    267:  * cli_addHistory() Add line to history
                    268:  * @buffer = CLI buffer   misho     269:  * @str = Add custom text or if NULL use readed line from CLI buffer   misho     270:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok
                    271: */
                    272: int cli_addHistory(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer, const char * __restrict str);
                    273: /*
                    274:  * cli_saveHistory() Save history to file
                    275:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    276:  * @histfile = History filename, if NULL will be use default name
                    277:  * @lines = Maximum history lines to save
                    278:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok
                    279: */
                    280: int cli_saveHistory(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer, const char *histfile, int lines);
                    281: /*
                    282:  * cli_loadHistory() Load history from file
                    283:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    284:  * @histfile = History filename, if NULL will be use default name
                    285:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok
                    286: */
                    287: int cli_loadHistory(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer, const char *histfile);
                    288: /*
                    289:  * cli_resetHistory() Reset history search in CLI session
                    290:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    291:  * return: none
                    292: */
                    293: inline void cli_resetHistory(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer);
                    295: /*
                    296:  * cli_freeLine() Clear entire line
                    297:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    298:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok
                    299: */
                    300: inline int cli_freeLine(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer);
                    301: /*
                    302:  * cli_setPrompt() Set new prompt for CLI session
                    303:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    304:  * @prompt = new text for prompt or if NULL disable prompt
                    305:  * return: none
                    306: */
                    307: inline void cli_setPrompt(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer, const char *prompt);   misho     308: /*
                    309:  * cli_Printf() Send message to CLI session
                    310:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    311:  * @fmt = printf format string
                    312:  * @... = arguments defined in fmt
                    313:  * return: none
                    314: */
                    315: inline void cli_Printf(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer, char *fmt, ...);   misho     316: 
                    317: /*
                    318:  * cliEnd() Clear data, Free resources and close CLI session
                    319:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    320:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok
                    321: */
                    322: void cliEnd(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer);
                    323: /*
                    324:  * cliInit() Start CLI session, allocate memory for resources and bind keys
                    325:  * @fin = Input device handle
                    326:  * @fout = Output device handle
                    327:  * @prompt = text for prompt, if NULL disable prompt
                    328:  * return: NULL if error or !=NULL CLI buffer
                    329: */
                    330: linebuffer_t *cliInit(int fin, int fout, const char *prompt);
                    332: /*   misho     333:  * cliReadLine() Read line from opened CLI session
                    334:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    335:  * return: NULL if error or !=NULL readed line, must be free after use!
                    336: */
                    337: char *cliReadLine(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer);
                    338: /*
                    339:  * cliLoop() CLI main loop
                    340:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    341:  * @csHistFile = History file name
                    342:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok
                    343: */
                    344: int cliLoop(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer, const char *csHistFile);
                    346: /*
                    347:  * cliLoop() CLI main loop
                    348:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    349:  * @csHistFile = History file name
                    350:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok
                    351: */
                    352: int cliLoop(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer, const char *csHistFile);
                    353: /*
                    354:  * cliNetLoop() CLI network main loop binded to socket
                    355:  * @buffer = CLI buffer
                    356:  * @csHistFile = History file name
1.2       misho     357:  * @sock = client socket
                    358:  * @term = stdin termios
                    359:  * @win = window size of tty   misho     360:  * return: RETCODE_ERR error, RETCODE_OK ok
1.2       misho     361: */   misho     362: int cliNetLoop(linebuffer_t * __restrict buffer, const char *csHistFile, int sock, 
                    363:                struct termios *term, struct winsize *win);
1.2       misho     364: 
1.1       misho     365:   misho     366: /* CLI Helper functions */
1.1       misho     367: 
                    368: /*
                    369:  * cli_Cmd_Unsupported() Builtin helper function for unsupported commands
                    370:  * @cmds = Commands list
                    371:  * @idx = Selected command ID
                    372:  * @out = Output handle
                    373:  * @args = Parsed arguments array
                    374:  * return: -1 error, 0 = ok, 1 exit from Cli!
                    375: */
                    376: int cli_Cmd_Unsupported(void *cmds, int idx, FILE *out, char ** __restrict args);
                    377: /*
                    378:  * cli_Cmd_Help() Builtin helper function for Help screen
                    379:  * @cmds = Commands list
                    380:  * @idx = Selected command ID
                    381:  * @out = Output handle
                    382:  * @args = Parsed arguments array
                    383:  * return: -1 error, 0 = ok
                    384: */
                    385: int cli_Cmd_Help(void *cmds, int idx, FILE *out, char ** __restrict args);
                    386: /*
                    387:  * cli_Cmd_Exit() Builtin helper function for Exit from Cli
                    388:  * @cmds = Commands list
                    389:  * @idx = Selected command ID
                    390:  * @out = Output handle
                    391:  * @args = Parsed arguments array
                    392:  * return: 1 exit from Cli!
                    393: */
                    394: int cli_Cmd_Exit(void *cmds, int idx, FILE *out, char ** __restrict args);
                    397: /*
                    398:  * cli_Register_Commands - Declare helper function for register and export Commands variable
                    399: */
                    400: #define CLI_REGISTER_COMMANDS(CMDS)    \   misho     401:        extern commands_t CMDS[];
1.1       misho     402: /*
                    403:  * cli_Make_Comp_Commands - Declare helper function for Commands completion arguments
                    404: */
                    405: #define CLI_MAKE_COMP_COMMANDS(FUNC, CMDS)     \
                    406:        char *FUNC(const char *text, int state) \
                    407:        { \
                    408:                register int i; \
                    409:                int len = strlen(text); \
                    410:                for (i = state; CMDS[i].cmd_name; i++) { \
                    411:                        if (strncmp(CMDS[i].cmd_name, "---", 3) && \
                    412:                                        !strncmp(CMDS[i].cmd_name, text, len)) \
                    413:                                return strdup(CMDS[i].cmd_name); \
                    414:                } \
                    415:                return NULL; \
                    416:        }
                    418: /*
                    419:  * cli_Make_Comp_Args - Declare helper function for Arguments completion
                    420: */
                    421: #define CLI_MAKE_COMP_ARGS(FUNC, ARGS) \
                    422:        char *FUNC(const char *text __attribute__((unused)), int state) \
                    423:        { \
                    424:                while (ARGS[state]) \
                    425:                        return strdup(ARGS[state]); \
                    426:                return NULL; \
                    427:        }
                    430: #endif

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