/************************************************************************* * (C) 2007 AITNET ltd - Sofia/Bulgaria - * by Michael Pounov * * $Author: misho $ * $Id: patricia.c,v 2012/05/23 11:49:35 misho Exp $ * ************************************************************************** The ELWIX and AITNET software is distributed under the following terms: All of the documentation and software included in the ELWIX and AITNET Releases is copyrighted by ELWIX - Sofia/Bulgaria Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Michael Pounov . All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by Michael Pounov ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX and its contributors. 4. Neither the name of AITNET nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AITNET AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * This product includes software developed by the University of Michigan, * Merit Network, Inc., and their contributors. * * This file had been called "radix.c" in the MRT sources. * * I renamed it to "patricia.c" since it's not an implementation of a general * radix trie. Also I pulled in various requirements from "prefix.c" and * "demo.c" so that it could be used as a standalone API. * * Added and patched existing code by AITNET - Michael Pounov */ #include "global.h" static int num_active_patricia; /* { from prefix.c */ static inline int comp_with_mask(void *addr, void *dest, u_int mask) { int n, m; if (/* mask/8 == 0 || */ !memcmp(addr, dest, mask / 8)) { n = mask / 8; m = ((-1) << (8 - (mask % 8))); if (!(mask % 8) || (((u_char*) addr)[n] & m) == (((u_char*) dest)[n] & m)) return 1; } return 0; } /* this allows imcomplete prefix */ static int my_inet_pton(int af, const char *src, void *dst) { int i, c, val; u_char xp[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if (af == AF_INET) { for (i = 0;; i++) { c = *src++; if (!isdigit(c)) return -1; val = 0; do { val = val * 10 + c - '0'; if (val > 255) return 0; c = *src++; } while (c && isdigit(c)); xp[i] = val; if (!c) break; if (c != '.' || i >= 3) return 0; } memcpy(dst, xp, 4); return 1; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 } else if (af == AF_INET6) { return inet_pton(af, src, dst); #endif /* HAVE_IPV6 */ } else { errno = EAFNOSUPPORT; return -1; } } /* * convert prefix information to ascii string with length * thread safe and (almost) re-entrant implementation */ static char *prefix_toa2x(prefix_t *prefix, char *buff, int with_len) { struct buffer { char buffs[16][48 + 5]; u_int i; } *buffp; u_char *a; if (!prefix) return "(Null)"; assert(prefix->ref_count >= 0); if (!buff) { #if 0 THREAD_SPECIFIC_DATA(struct buffer, buffp, 1); #else { /* for scope only */ static struct buffer local_buff; buffp = &local_buff; } #endif if (!buffp) { /* XXX should we report an error? */ return NULL; } buff = buffp->buffs[buffp->i++ % 16]; } if (prefix->family == AF_INET) { assert (prefix->bitlen <= 32); a = prefix_touchar(prefix); if (with_len) snprintf(buff, with_len, "%d.%d.%d.%d/%d", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], prefix->bitlen); else snprintf(buff, 16, "%d.%d.%d.%d", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]); return buff; } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (prefix->family == AF_INET6) { a = (char*) inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &prefix->add.sin6, buff, 48 /* a guess value */); if (a && with_len) { assert(prefix->bitlen <= 128); snprintf(buff + strlen(buff), with_len - strlen(buff), "/%d", prefix->bitlen); } return buff; } #endif /* HAVE_IPV6 */ else return NULL; } static prefix_t *New_Prefix2(int family, void *dest, int bitlen, prefix_t *prefix) { int dynamic_allocated = 0; int default_bitlen = 32; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 if (family == AF_INET6) { default_bitlen = 128; if (!prefix) { prefix = xcalloc(1, sizeof(prefix6_t)); dynamic_allocated++; } memcpy(&prefix->add.sin6, dest, 16); } else #endif /* HAVE_IPV6 */ if (family == AF_INET) { if (!prefix) { prefix = xcalloc(1, sizeof(prefix4_t)); dynamic_allocated++; } memcpy(&prefix->add.sin, dest, 4); } else return NULL; prefix->bitlen = (bitlen >= 0) ? bitlen : default_bitlen; prefix->family = family; prefix->ref_count = 0; if (dynamic_allocated) prefix->ref_count++; return prefix; } static inline prefix_t *New_Prefix(int family, void *dest, int bitlen) { return New_Prefix2(family, dest, bitlen, NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline char *prefix_toa(prefix_t * prefix) { return prefix_toa2x(prefix, NULL, 0); } inline prefix_t *ascii2prefix(int family, char *string) { u_long bitlen, maxbitlen = 0; char *cp; struct in_addr sin; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 struct in6_addr sin6; #endif /* HAVE_IPV6 */ int result; char save[MAXLINE]; if (!string) return (NULL); /* easy way to handle both families */ if (!family) { family = AF_INET; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 if (strchr(string, ':')) family = AF_INET6; #endif /* HAVE_IPV6 */ } if (family == AF_INET) maxbitlen = 32; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (family == AF_INET6) maxbitlen = 128; #endif /* HAVE_IPV6 */ if ((cp = strchr(string, '/'))) { bitlen = atol(cp + 1); /* *cp = '\0'; */ /* copy the string to save. Avoid destroying the string */ assert(cp - string < MAXLINE); memcpy(save, string, cp - string); save[cp - string] = 0; string = save; if (bitlen < 0 || bitlen > maxbitlen) bitlen = maxbitlen; } else bitlen = maxbitlen; if (family == AF_INET) { if ((result = my_inet_pton(AF_INET, string, &sin)) <= 0) return NULL; return New_Prefix(AF_INET, &sin, bitlen); } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (family == AF_INET6) { if ((result = inet_pton(AF_INET6, string, &sin6)) <= 0) return NULL; return New_Prefix(AF_INET6, &sin6, bitlen); } #endif /* HAVE_IPV6 */ else return NULL; } inline prefix_t *Ref_Prefix(prefix_t *prefix) { if (!prefix) return NULL; if (!prefix->ref_count) { /* make a copy in case of a static prefix */ return New_Prefix2(prefix->family, &prefix->add, prefix->bitlen, NULL); } prefix->ref_count++; return prefix; } inline void Deref_Prefix(prefix_t *prefix) { if (!prefix) return; /* for secure programming, raise an assert. no static prefix can call this */ assert(prefix->ref_count > 0); prefix->ref_count--; assert(prefix->ref_count >= 0); if (prefix->ref_count <= 0) Delete(prefix); } /* } */ /* these routines support continuous mask only */ inline patricia_tree_t *New_Patricia(int maxbits) { patricia_tree_t *patricia; patricia = xcalloc(1, sizeof *patricia); patricia->maxbits = maxbits; patricia->head = NULL; patricia->num_active_node = 0; assert(maxbits <= PATRICIA_MAXBITS); /* XXX */ num_active_patricia++; return patricia; } /* * if func is supplied, it will be called as func(node->data) * before deleting the node */ inline void Clear_Patricia(patricia_tree_t *patricia, void_fn_t func) { assert(patricia); if (patricia->head) { patricia_node_t *Xstack[PATRICIA_MAXBITS+1]; patricia_node_t **Xsp = Xstack; patricia_node_t *Xrn = patricia->head; while (Xrn) { patricia_node_t *l = Xrn->l; patricia_node_t *r = Xrn->r; if (Xrn->prefix) { Deref_Prefix(Xrn->prefix); if (Xrn->data && func) func(Xrn->data); } else assert(!Xrn->data); Delete(Xrn); patricia->num_active_node--; if (l) { if (r) *Xsp++ = r; Xrn = l; } else { if (r) Xrn = r; else Xrn = (Xsp != Xstack) ? *(--Xsp) : NULL; } } } assert (!patricia->num_active_node); /* Delete(patricia); */ } inline void Destroy_Patricia(patricia_tree_t *patricia, void_fn_t func) { Clear_Patricia(patricia, func); Delete(patricia); num_active_patricia--; } /* * if func is supplied, it will be called as func(node->prefix, node->data) */ inline void patricia_process(patricia_tree_t *patricia, void_fn_t func) { patricia_node_t *node; assert(func); PATRICIA_WALK(patricia->head, node) { func(node->prefix, node->data); } PATRICIA_WALK_END; } inline patricia_node_t *patricia_search_exact(patricia_tree_t *patricia, prefix_t *prefix) { patricia_node_t *node; u_char *addr; u_int bitlen; assert(patricia); assert(prefix); assert(prefix->bitlen <= patricia->maxbits); if (!patricia->head) return (NULL); node = patricia->head; addr = prefix_touchar(prefix); bitlen = prefix->bitlen; while (node->bit < bitlen) { if (BIT_TEST(addr[node->bit >> 3], 0x80 >> (node->bit & 0x07))) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if (node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: take right %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: take right at %d\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->r; } else { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if (node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: take left %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: take left at %d\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->l; } if (!node) return NULL; } #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if (node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: stop at %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: stop at %d\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ if (node->bit > bitlen || !node->prefix) return NULL; assert(node->bit == bitlen); assert(node->bit == node->prefix->bitlen); if (comp_with_mask(prefix_touchar(node->prefix), prefix_touchar(prefix), bitlen)) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: found %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ return node; } return NULL; } /* if inclusive != 0, "best" may be the given prefix itself */ inline patricia_node_t *patricia_search_best2(patricia_tree_t *patricia, prefix_t *prefix, int inclusive) { patricia_node_t *node; patricia_node_t *stack[PATRICIA_MAXBITS + 1]; u_char *addr; u_int bitlen; int cnt = 0; assert(patricia); assert(prefix); assert(prefix->bitlen <= patricia->maxbits); if (!patricia->head) return NULL; node = patricia->head; addr = prefix_touchar(prefix); bitlen = prefix->bitlen; while (node->bit < bitlen) { if (node->prefix) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: push %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ stack[cnt++] = node; } if (BIT_TEST(addr[node->bit >> 3], 0x80 >> (node->bit & 0x07))) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if (node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: take right %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: take right at %d\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->r; } else { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if (node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: take left %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: take left at %d\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->l; } if (!node) break; } if (inclusive && node && node->prefix) stack[cnt++] = node; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if (!node) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: stop at null\n"); else if (node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: stop at %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: stop at %d\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ if (cnt <= 0) return NULL; while (--cnt >= 0) { node = stack[cnt]; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: pop %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ if (comp_with_mask(prefix_touchar(node->prefix), prefix_touchar(prefix), node->prefix->bitlen)) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: found %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ return node; } } return NULL; } inline patricia_node_t *patricia_search_best(patricia_tree_t *patricia, prefix_t *prefix) { return patricia_search_best2(patricia, prefix, 1); } inline patricia_node_t *patricia_lookup(patricia_tree_t *patricia, prefix_t *prefix) { patricia_node_t *node, *new_node, *parent, *glue; u_char *addr, *test_addr; u_int bitlen, check_bit, differ_bit; int i, j, r; assert(patricia); assert(prefix); assert(prefix->bitlen <= patricia->maxbits); if (!patricia->head) { node = xcalloc(1, sizeof *node); node->bit = prefix->bitlen; node->prefix = Ref_Prefix(prefix); node->parent = NULL; node->l = node->r = NULL; node->data = NULL; patricia->head = node; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: new_node #0 %s/%d (head)\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ patricia->num_active_node++; return node; } addr = prefix_touchar(prefix); bitlen = prefix->bitlen; node = patricia->head; while (node->bit < bitlen || !node->prefix) { if (node->bit < patricia->maxbits && BIT_TEST(addr[node->bit >> 3], 0x80 >> (node->bit & 0x07))) { if (!node->r) break; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if (node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: take right %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: take right at %d\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->r; } else { if (!node->l) break; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if (node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: take left %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: take left at %d\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->l; } assert(node); } assert(node->prefix); #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: stop at %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ test_addr = prefix_touchar(node->prefix); /* find the first bit different */ check_bit = (node->bit < bitlen) ? node->bit : bitlen; differ_bit = 0; for (i = 0; i * 8 < check_bit; i++) { if (!(r = (addr[i] ^ test_addr[i]))) { differ_bit = (i + 1) * 8; continue; } /* I know the better way, but for now */ for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (BIT_TEST(r, (0x80 >> j))) break; } /* must be found */ assert(j < 8); differ_bit = i * 8 + j; break; } if (differ_bit > check_bit) differ_bit = check_bit; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: differ_bit %d\n", differ_bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ parent = node->parent; while (parent && parent->bit >= differ_bit) { node = parent; parent = node->parent; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if (node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: up to %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: up to %d\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ } if (differ_bit == bitlen && node->bit == bitlen) { if (node->prefix) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: found %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ return node; } node->prefix = Ref_Prefix(prefix); #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: new node #1 %s/%d (glue mod)\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ assert(!node->data); return node; } new_node = xcalloc(1, sizeof *new_node); new_node->bit = prefix->bitlen; new_node->prefix = Ref_Prefix (prefix); new_node->parent = NULL; new_node->l = new_node->r = NULL; new_node->data = NULL; patricia->num_active_node++; if (node->bit == differ_bit) { new_node->parent = node; if (node->bit < patricia->maxbits && BIT_TEST(addr[node->bit >> 3], 0x80 >> (node->bit & 0x07))) { assert(!node->r); node->r = new_node; } else { assert(!node->l); node->l = new_node; } #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: new_node #2 %s/%d (child)\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ return new_node; } if (bitlen == differ_bit) { if (bitlen < patricia->maxbits && BIT_TEST(test_addr[bitlen >> 3], 0x80 >> (bitlen & 0x07))) new_node->r = node; else new_node->l = node; new_node->parent = node->parent; if (!node->parent) { assert(patricia->head == node); patricia->head = new_node; } else if (node->parent->r == node) node->parent->r = new_node; else node->parent->l = new_node; node->parent = new_node; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: new_node #3 %s/%d (parent)\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ } else { glue = xcalloc(1, sizeof *glue); glue->bit = differ_bit; glue->prefix = NULL; glue->parent = node->parent; glue->data = NULL; patricia->num_active_node++; if (differ_bit < patricia->maxbits && BIT_TEST(addr[differ_bit >> 3], 0x80 >> (differ_bit & 0x07))) { glue->r = new_node; glue->l = node; } else { glue->r = node; glue->l = new_node; } new_node->parent = glue; if (!node->parent) { assert(patricia->head == node); patricia->head = glue; } else if (node->parent->r == node) node->parent->r = glue; else node->parent->l = glue; node->parent = glue; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: new_node #4 %s/%d (glue+node)\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ } return new_node; } inline void patricia_remove(patricia_tree_t *patricia, patricia_node_t *node) { patricia_node_t *parent, *child; assert(patricia); assert(node); if (node->r && node->l) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_remove: #0 %s/%d (r & l)\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ /* this might be a placeholder node -- have to check and make sure * there is a prefix aossciated with it ! */ if (node->prefix) Deref_Prefix(node->prefix); node->prefix = NULL; /* Also I needed to clear data pointer -- masaki */ node->data = NULL; return; } if (!node->r && !node->l) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_remove: #1 %s/%d (!r & !l)\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ parent = node->parent; Deref_Prefix(node->prefix); Delete(node); patricia->num_active_node--; if (!parent) { assert(patricia->head == node); patricia->head = NULL; return; } if (parent->r == node) { parent->r = NULL; child = parent->l; } else { assert(parent->l == node); parent->l = NULL; child = parent->r; } if (parent->prefix) return; /* we need to remove parent too */ if (!parent->parent) { assert(patricia->head == parent); patricia->head = child; } else if (parent->parent->r == parent) parent->parent->r = child; else { assert(parent->parent->l == parent); parent->parent->l = child; } child->parent = parent->parent; Delete(parent); patricia->num_active_node--; return; } #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_remove: #2 %s/%d (r ^ l)\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ if (node->r) child = node->r; else { assert(node->l); child = node->l; } parent = node->parent; child->parent = parent; Deref_Prefix(node->prefix); Delete(node); patricia->num_active_node--; if (!parent) { assert(patricia->head == node); patricia->head = child; return; } if (parent->r == node) parent->r = child; else { assert(parent->l == node); parent->l = child; } } /* { from demo.c */ inline void lookup_then_remove(patricia_tree_t *tree, char *string) { patricia_node_t *node; if ((node = try_search_exact(tree, string))) patricia_remove(tree, node); } inline patricia_node_t *make_and_lookup(patricia_tree_t *tree, char *string) { prefix_t *prefix; patricia_node_t *node; prefix = ascii2prefix(AF_INET, string); #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG printf("make_and_lookup: %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif node = patricia_lookup(tree, prefix); Deref_Prefix(prefix); return node; } inline patricia_node_t *try_search_exact(patricia_tree_t *tree, char *string) { prefix_t *prefix; patricia_node_t *node; prefix = ascii2prefix(AF_INET, string); #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG printf("try_search_exact: %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif node = patricia_search_exact(tree, prefix); #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if (!node) printf("try_search_exact: not found\n"); else printf("try_search_exact: %s/%d found\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif Deref_Prefix(prefix); return node; } inline patricia_node_t *try_search_best(patricia_tree_t *tree, char *string) { prefix_t *prefix; patricia_node_t *node; prefix = ascii2prefix(AF_INET, string); #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG printf("try_search_best: %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif node = patricia_search_best(tree, prefix); #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if (!node) printf("try_search_best: not found\n"); else printf("try_search_best: %s/%d found\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif Deref_Prefix(prefix); return node; } /* } */