/************************************************************************* * (C) 2008 AITNET ltd - Sofia/Bulgaria - * by Michael Pounov * * $Author: misho $ * $Id: aitsess.c,v 2011/08/21 14:13:41 misho Exp $ * ************************************************************************** The ELWIX and AITNET software is distributed under the following terms: All of the documentation and software included in the ELWIX and AITNET Releases is copyrighted by ELWIX - Sofia/Bulgaria Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 by Michael Pounov . All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by Michael Pounov ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX and its contributors. 4. Neither the name of AITNET nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AITNET AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "global.h" #include "aitsess.h" #pragma GCC visibility push(hidden) int sess_Errno; char sess_Error[STRSIZ]; #pragma GCC visibility pop // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Error maintenance functions ... // sess_GetErrno() Get error code of last operation inline int sess_GetErrno() { return sess_Errno; } // sess_GetError() Get error text of last operation inline const char * sess_GetError() { return sess_Error; } // sess_SetErr() Set error to variables for internal use!!! inline void sess_SetErr(int eno, char *estr, ...) { va_list lst; sess_Errno = eno; memset(sess_Error, 0, sizeof sess_Error); va_start(lst, estr); vsnprintf(sess_Error, sizeof sess_Error, estr, lst); va_end(lst); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- /* * initSession() Initializing session structure, if session file not exists creating with specified tech * @pnID = Technology using in session. SHARED_IPC IPC tech; SHARED_MAP BSD MemoryMap tech or if =NULL SHARED_IPC * @csFName = Session filename for build key and identified * @Sess = Session item, if =NULL allocate memory for session after use must be free! * return: 0 OK new key created, -1 error: no memory or file not created, 1 OK key finded */ inline int initSession(int *pnID, const char *csFName, tagSess ** __restrict Sess) { int h, ret = 0, id = SHARED_IPC; char szStr[STRSIZ]; if (!*Sess) { *Sess = malloc(sizeof(tagSess)); if (!*Sess) { LOGERR; return -1; } } else memset(*Sess, 0, sizeof(tagSess)); if (pnID && *pnID) id = *pnID; h = open(csFName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, MEM_MODE); if (h == -1) { if (errno != EEXIST) { LOGERR; free(*Sess); return -1; } /* If key file exist, session already connected */ h = open(csFName, O_RDONLY); if (h == -1) { LOGERR; free(*Sess); return -1; } ret = read(h, szStr, sizeof szStr); if (ret == -1) { LOGERR; close(h); free(*Sess); return -1; } if (!strncmp(szStr, "IPC@", 4)) id = SHARED_IPC; else if (!strncmp(szStr, "MAP@", 4)) id = SHARED_MAP; else { sess_SetErr(EPROTONOSUPPORT, "Error:: Session type not supported"); close(h); free(*Sess); return -1; } ret = 1; /* key found */ } else { /* Build new key & new session */ switch (id) { case SHARED_IPC: strlcpy(szStr, "IPC@", sizeof szStr); break; case SHARED_MAP: strlcpy(szStr, "MAP@", sizeof szStr); break; default: sess_SetErr(EPROTONOSUPPORT, "Error:: Session type not supported"); close(h); unlink(csFName); free(*Sess); return -1; } strlcat(szStr, "ELWIX_Session ("PACKAGE_STRING")\n", sizeof szStr); write(h, szStr, strlen(szStr)); ret = 0; /* new key created */ } close(h); (*Sess)->type = id; return ret; } /* * freeSession() Free allocated memory for session item and delete session file if present name * @csFName = Session filename for delete, if NULL nothing delete * @Sess = Session item */ inline void freeSession(const char *csFName, tagSess ** __restrict Sess) { assert(Sess); if (!Sess) return; (*Sess)->type = SHARED_UNKNOWN; if (csFName) unlink(csFName); if (*Sess) free(*Sess); *Sess = NULL; } /* * map_createSession() MMAP Created session and allocated resources * @csFName = Session name for identified * @cnSeed = Seed for securing key * @cnSize = Allocated shared memory size in bytes * @Sess = Session item * return: 0 Ok successful, -1 error: not allocated resources */ int map_createSession(const char *csFName, const int cnSeed, const u_int cnSize, tagSess ** __restrict Sess) { int ret = 0, id = SHARED_MAP; char szSName[2][FILENAME_MAX]; ret = initSession(&id, csFName, Sess); if (ret == -1 || !*Sess) return -1; /* genkey */ (*Sess)->key = ftok(csFName, cnSeed); if ((*Sess)->key == -1) { LOGERR; freeSession(csFName, Sess); return -1; } /* build semaphore & shared memory name */ memset(szSName, 0, sizeof szSName); snprintf(szSName[0], MAX_SEMNAME, "/%X.ANS", (u_int) (*Sess)->key); snprintf(szSName[1], FILENAME_MAX, "%s-%x.ANM", csFName, (u_int) (*Sess)->key); /* create semaphore & add 1 */ (*Sess)->id.sid = sem_open(szSName[0], O_CREAT, MEM_MODE); if ((*Sess)->id.sid == SEM_FAILED) { LOGERR; map_destroySession(csFName, Sess); return -1; } else sem_post((*Sess)->id.sid); /* create file for shared memory storage */ (*Sess)->mem.fd = open(szSName[1], O_RDWR | O_CREAT, MEM_MODE); if ((*Sess)->mem.fd == -1) { LOGERR; map_destroySession(csFName, Sess); return -1; } /* if is new shared memory session, fill file with zeros */ if (!ret) { if (lseek((*Sess)->mem.fd, cnSize - 1, SEEK_SET) == -1) { LOGERR; map_destroySession(csFName, Sess); return -1; } else write((*Sess)->mem.fd, "", 1); lseek((*Sess)->mem.fd, 0, SEEK_SET); } (*Sess)->eom = cnSize; return ret; } /* * map_destroySession() MMAP free shared resources * @csFName = Session name for delete * @Sess = Session item */ void map_destroySession(const char *csFName, tagSess ** __restrict Sess) { int flg = 1; char szSName[2][FILENAME_MAX]; assert(Sess); if (!Sess || !*Sess) return; memset(szSName, 0, sizeof szSName); snprintf(szSName[0], MAX_SEMNAME, "/%X.ANS", (u_int) (*Sess)->key); snprintf(szSName[1], FILENAME_MAX, "%s-%x.ANM", csFName, (u_int) (*Sess)->key); if ((*Sess)->id.sid != SEM_FAILED) { if (sem_close((*Sess)->id.sid) == -1) flg = 0; if (sem_unlink(szSName[0]) == -1) /*flg = 0*/; } if ((*Sess)->mem.fd != -1) { if (close((*Sess)->mem.fd) == -1) flg = 0; if (unlink(szSName[1]) == -1) /*flg = 0*/; } (*Sess)->eom ^= (*Sess)->eom; freeSession(flg ? csFName : NULL, Sess); } /* * ipc_createSession() IPC Created session and allocated resources * @csFName = Session name for identified * @cnSeed = Seed for securing key * @cnSize = Allocated shared memory size in bytes * @Sess = Session item * return: 0 Ok successful, -1 error: not allocated resources */ int ipc_createSession(const char *csFName, const int cnSeed, const u_int cnSize, tagSess ** __restrict Sess) { int ret = 0, id = SHARED_IPC; union semun sems; ret = initSession(&id, csFName, Sess); if (ret == -1 || !*Sess) return -1; /* genkey */ (*Sess)->key = ftok(csFName, cnSeed); if ((*Sess)->key == -1) { LOGERR; freeSession(csFName, Sess); return -1; } /* create semaphore */ (*Sess)->id.semid = semget((*Sess)->key, 1, MEM_MODE | IPC_CREAT); if ((*Sess)->id.semid == -1) { LOGERR; ipc_destroySession(csFName, Sess); return -1; } /* if is new shared memory session, init sempahore with 1 */ if (!ret) { sems.val = 1; if (semctl((*Sess)->id.semid, 0, SETVAL, sems) == -1) { LOGERR; ipc_destroySession(csFName, Sess); return -1; } } /* create shared memory object */ (*Sess)->mem.shmid = shmget((*Sess)->key, cnSize, MEM_MODE | IPC_CREAT); if ((*Sess)->mem.shmid == -1) { LOGERR; ipc_destroySession(csFName, Sess); return -1; } (*Sess)->eom = cnSize; return ret; } /* * ipc_destroySession() IPC free shared resources * @csFName = Session name for delete * @Sess = Session item */ void ipc_destroySession(const char *csFName, tagSess ** __restrict Sess) { int flg = 1; union semun sems; struct shmid_ds ds; assert(Sess); if (!Sess || !*Sess) return; if ((*Sess)->id.semid != -1) if (semctl((*Sess)->id.semid, 0, IPC_RMID, &sems) == -1) flg = 0; if ((*Sess)->mem.shmid != -1) if (shmctl((*Sess)->mem.shmid, IPC_RMID, &ds) == -1) flg = 0; (*Sess)->eom ^= (*Sess)->eom; freeSession(flg ? csFName : NULL, Sess); } /* * map_attachSession() MMAP Attach to shared memory & return begin address * @s = Session item * @procMem = Custom start address (optionl) *default must be 0* * return: NULL failed attach, !=NULL begin address of memory */ inline void * map_attachSession(tagSess * __restrict s, void *procMem) { struct stat sb; if (!s) return NULL; /* Learn size of shared memory block */ sync(); if (fstat(s->mem.fd, &sb) == -1) { LOGERR; return NULL; } else s->eom = sb.st_size; /* attach to memory */ s->addr = mmap(procMem, s->eom, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, s->mem.fd, 0); if (s->addr == MAP_FAILED) { LOGERR; s->addr = NULL; } return s->addr; } /* * map_detachSession() MMAP Detach from shared memory * @s = Session item */ inline void map_detachSession(tagSess * __restrict s) { if (!s) return; msync(s->addr, 0, MS_SYNC | MS_INVALIDATE); if (s->addr && s->eom) { munmap(s->addr, s->eom); s->addr = NULL; } } /* * ipc_attachSession() IPC Attach to shared memory & return begin address * @s = Session item * @procMem = Custom start address (optionl) *default must be 0* * return: NULL failed attach, !=NULL begin address of memory */ inline void * ipc_attachSession(tagSess * __restrict s, void *procMem) { if (!s) return NULL; s->addr = shmat(s->mem.shmid, procMem, 0); if (s->addr == (void*) -1) { LOGERR; s->addr = NULL; } return s->addr; } /* * ipc_detachSession() IPC Detach from shared memory * @s = Session item */ inline void ipc_detachSession(tagSess * __restrict s) { if (!s) return; if (s->addr) { shmdt(s->addr); s->addr = NULL; } } /* * isAttached() Check for mapped/(attached) shared memory * @s = Session item * return: -1 null session item, 0 not attached, 1 attached memory */ inline int isAttached(tagSess * __restrict s) { if (!s) return -1; return (s->addr ? 1 : 0); } /* * map_notSemaphore() MMAP negative block if semaphore isn`t signaled * @s = Session item */ inline void map_notSemaphore(tagSess * __restrict s) { int i = -1; if (!s) return; sem_getvalue(s->id.sid, &i); for (;i > 0; i--) sem_wait(s->id.sid); } /* * map_isSemaphored() MMAP Check semaphore * @s = Session item * return: -1 error: can`t return semaphore, 0 = false, 1 = true */ inline int map_isSemaphored(tagSess * __restrict s) { int val = -1; if (!s) return -1; sem_getvalue(s->id.sid, &val); return val ? 0 : 1; } /* * map_addSemaphore() MMAP unblock semaphore, increment semaphore * @s = Session item * return: 0 Ok, -1 error: can`t increment */ inline int map_addSemaphore(tagSess * __restrict s) { if (!s) return -1; return sem_post(s->id.sid); } /* * map_decSemaphore() MMAP block semaphore, decrement semaphore * @s = Session item * return: 0 Ok, -1 error: can`t decrement */ inline int map_decSemaphore(tagSess * __restrict s) { if (!s) return -1; return sem_wait(s->id.sid); } /* * ipc_notSemaphore() IPC negative block if semaphore isn`t signaled * @s = Session item */ inline void ipc_notSemaphore(tagSess * __restrict s) { struct sembuf sb = { 0, 0, 0 }; if (s) semop(s->id.semid, &sb, 1); } /* * ipc_isSemaphored() IPC Check semaphore * @s = Session item * return: -1 error: can`t return semaphore, 0 = false, 1 = true */ inline int ipc_isSemaphored(tagSess * __restrict s) { struct sembuf sb = { 0, 0, IPC_NOWAIT }; if (!s) return -1; return semop(s->id.semid, &sb, 1) + 1; } /* * ipc_addSemaphore() IPC unblock semaphore, increment semaphore * @s = Session item * return: 0 Ok, -1 error: can`t increment */ inline int ipc_addSemaphore(tagSess * __restrict s) { struct sembuf sb = { 0, 1, 0 }; if (!s) return -1; return semop(s->id.semid, &sb, 1); } /* * ipc_decSemaphore() IPC block semaphore, decrement semaphore * @s = Session item * return: 0 Ok, -1 error: can`t decrement */ inline int ipc_decSemaphore(tagSess * __restrict s) { struct sembuf sb = { 0, -1, 0 }; if (!s) return -1; return semop(s->id.semid, &sb, 1); }