/************************************************************************* * (C) 2012 AITNET ltd - Sofia/Bulgaria - * by Michael Pounov * * $Author: misho $ * $Id: mem.c,v 2022/10/23 23:46:01 misho Exp $ * ************************************************************************** The ELWIX and AITNET software is distributed under the following terms: All of the documentation and software included in the ELWIX and AITNET Releases is copyrighted by ELWIX - Sofia/Bulgaria Copyright 2004 - 2022 by Michael Pounov . All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by Michael Pounov ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX and its contributors. 4. Neither the name of AITNET nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AITNET AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "global.h" mpool_t *elwix_mpool; /* * mpool_init() - Init memory pool * * @maxmem = If !=0 set maximum memory quota * return: =NULL error or !=NULL new allocated pool */ mpool_t * mpool_init(u_long maxmem) { mpool_t *mp; register int i; mp = malloc(sizeof(mpool_t)); if (!mp) { LOGERR; return NULL; } else memset(mp, 0, sizeof(mpool_t)); pthread_mutex_init(&mp->pool_mtx, NULL); mp->pool_quota.max = maxmem; mpool_lock(mp); for (i = 0; i < MEM_BUCKETS; i++) { TAILQ_INIT(&mp->pool_active[i]); TAILQ_INIT(&mp->pool_inactive[i]); } mpool_unlock(mp); return mp; } /* * mpool_destroy() - Destroy memory pool * * @mp = Memory pool * return: none */ void mpool_destroy(mpool_t ** __restrict mp) { struct tagAlloc *m; register int i; if (!mp && !*mp) return; mpool_lock(*mp); for (i = 0; i < MEM_BUCKETS; i++) { while ((m = TAILQ_FIRST(&(*mp)->pool_active[i]))) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&(*mp)->pool_active[i], m, alloc_node); if (m->alloc_mem) free(m->alloc_mem); free(m); } while ((m = TAILQ_FIRST(&(*mp)->pool_inactive[i]))) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&(*mp)->pool_inactive[i], m, alloc_node); if (m->alloc_mem) free(m->alloc_mem); free(m); } } mpool_unlock(*mp); pthread_mutex_destroy(&(*mp)->pool_mtx); free(*mp); *mp = NULL; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */ static inline long BucketIndex(u_int size) { register long b; if (!size--) return 0; /* min bucket position in array */ for (b = MEM_MIN_BUCKET; b < MEM_MAX_BUCKET; b++) if (!(size >> b)) break; return b - MEM_MIN_BUCKET; /* convert to bucket array index */ } static inline struct tagAlloc * pullInactive(mpool_t * __restrict mp, int idx) { struct tagAlloc *m = NULL; /* must be locked pool before use this function */ if ((m = TAILQ_FIRST(&mp->pool_inactive[idx]))) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&mp->pool_inactive[idx], m, alloc_node); /* statistics */ mp->pool_calls.cache--; mp->pool_bytes.cache -= mem_size(m); /* clear name */ *m->alloc_name = 0; } return m; } /* * mpool_malloc() - Memory allocation * * @mp = Memory pool * @size = Size * @memname = Optional memory block name * return: NULL error or !=NULL ok allocated memory */ void * mpool_malloc(mpool_t * __restrict mp, u_int size, const char *memname) { struct tagAlloc *m; int idx; u_int align; if (!mp) { elwix_SetErr(EINVAL, "Pool not specified"); return NULL; } if (size > MEM_ALLOC_MAX) { elwix_SetErr(ENOMEM, "Memory size is too large"); return NULL; } else size = (size + 3) & ~3; /* must align to 4 because needed room for sentinels */ idx = BucketIndex(size); mpool_lock(mp); /* get memory from cache if exists */ if (!(m = pullInactive(mp, idx))) { /* quota */ if (mp->pool_quota.max && (mp->pool_quota.curr + size) > mp->pool_quota.max) { elwix_SetErr(ENOMEM, "Max.allocate memory quota has been reached"); mpool_unlock(mp); return NULL; } m = malloc(sizeof(struct tagAlloc)); if (!m) { LOGERR; mpool_unlock(mp); return NULL; } else memset(m, 0, sizeof(struct tagAlloc)); } if (memname) strlcpy(m->alloc_name, memname, sizeof m->alloc_name); if (!m->alloc_mem) { align = 1 << (idx + MEM_MIN_BUCKET); m->alloc_mem = malloc(align + 12); /* +12 sentinel bytes */ if (!m->alloc_mem) { LOGERR; free(m); mpool_unlock(mp); return NULL; } else { /* quota */ mp->pool_quota.curr += size; mp->pool_quota.real += 1 << (idx + MEM_MIN_BUCKET); memset(m->alloc_mem, 0, align + 12); } } m->alloc_mem[0] = size / sizeof(u_int); m->alloc_mem[1] = MEM_MAGIC_START; m->alloc_mem[2 + size / sizeof(u_int)] = MEM_MAGIC_STOP; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&mp->pool_active[idx], m, alloc_node); /* statistics */ mp->pool_calls.alloc++; mp->pool_bytes.alloc += size; mpool_unlock(mp); return mem_data(m, void*); } /* * mpool_realloc() Reallocate memory block with new size * * @mp = Memory pool * @data = Allocated memory data * @newsize = New size of memory block * @memname = Optional new memory block name * return: NULL error or !=NULL new reallocated memory block */ void * mpool_realloc(mpool_t * __restrict mp, void * __restrict data, u_int newsize, const char *memname) { int idx, oidx; void *p; u_int osize; /* if !data execute mpool_malloc() */ if (!data) return mpool_malloc(mp, newsize, memname); if (!mp) { elwix_SetErr(EINVAL, "Pool not specified"); return NULL; } /* check address range & sentinel */ if (MEM_BADADDR(data) || MEM_CORRUPT(data)) { elwix_SetErr(EFAULT, "Corrupted memory address"); return NULL; } /* prepare new size */ if (newsize > MEM_ALLOC_MAX) { elwix_SetErr(ENOMEM, "Memory size is too large"); return NULL; } mpool_lock(mp); osize = ((u_int*)data)[-2] * sizeof(u_int); oidx = BucketIndex(osize); newsize = (newsize + 3) & ~3; /* must align to 4 because needed room for sentinels */ idx = BucketIndex(newsize); /* quota */ if (mp->pool_quota.max && (mp->pool_quota.curr + ((u_long) newsize - osize)) > mp->pool_quota.max) { elwix_SetErr(ENOMEM, "Max.allocate memory quota has been reached"); mpool_unlock(mp); return NULL; } if (oidx != idx) { mpool_unlock(mp); p = mpool_malloc(mp, newsize, memname); if (!p) return NULL; memcpy(p, data, MIN(osize, newsize)); mpool_free(mp, data, 0); data = p; } else { p = data; ((u_int*) p)[-2] = newsize / sizeof(u_int); ((u_int*) p)[newsize / sizeof(u_int)] = MEM_MAGIC_STOP; mp->pool_bytes.alloc += (u_long) newsize - osize; mp->pool_quota.curr += (u_long) newsize - osize; mpool_unlock(mp); } return p; } /* * mpool_purge() - Purge memory block cache and release resources * * @mp = Memory pool * @atmost = Free at most in buckets * return: -1 error or 0 ok */ int mpool_purge(mpool_t * __restrict mp, u_int atmost) { register int i, cx; struct tagAlloc *m, *tmp; if (!mp) { elwix_SetErr(EINVAL, "Pool not specified"); return -1; } mpool_lock(mp); for (i = cx = 0; i < MEM_BUCKETS; cx = 0, i++) { TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(m, &mp->pool_inactive[i], alloc_node, tmp) { /* barrier for purge */ if (cx < atmost) { cx++; continue; } TAILQ_REMOVE(&mp->pool_inactive[i], m, alloc_node); /* statistics */ mp->pool_calls.cache--; mp->pool_bytes.cache -= mem_size(m); mp->pool_calls.free++; mp->pool_bytes.free += mem_size(m); /* quota */ mp->pool_quota.curr -= mem_size(m); mp->pool_quota.real -= 1 << (i + MEM_MIN_BUCKET); if (m->alloc_mem) free(m->alloc_mem); free(m); } } mpool_unlock(mp); return 0; } /* * mpool_free() Free allocated memory with mpool_alloc() * * @mp = Memory pool * @data = Allocated memory data * @purge = if !=0 force release memory block * return: <0 error or 0 ok released memory block */ int mpool_free(mpool_t * __restrict mp, void * __restrict data, int purge) { int idx; struct tagAlloc *m, *tmp; if (!data) return 0; if (!mp) { elwix_SetErr(EINVAL, "Pool not specified"); return -1; } /* check address range & sentinel */ assert(!MEM_BADADDR(data) && !MEM_CORRUPT(data)); if (MEM_BADADDR(data) || MEM_CORRUPT(data)) { elwix_SetErr(EFAULT, "Corrupted memory address"); return -2; } else idx = BucketIndex(((u_int*)data)[-2] * sizeof(u_int)); mpool_lock(mp); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(m, &mp->pool_active[idx], alloc_node, tmp) if (mem_data(m, void*) == data) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&mp->pool_active[idx], m, alloc_node); /* statistics */ mp->pool_calls.alloc--; mp->pool_bytes.alloc -= mem_size(m); if (!purge) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&mp->pool_inactive[idx], m, alloc_node); /* statistics */ mp->pool_calls.cache++; mp->pool_bytes.cache += mem_size(m); } else { /* statistics */ mp->pool_calls.free++; mp->pool_bytes.free += mem_size(m); /* quota */ mp->pool_quota.curr -= mem_size(m); mp->pool_quota.real -= 1 << (idx + MEM_MIN_BUCKET); if (m->alloc_mem) free(m->alloc_mem); free(m); } break; } mpool_unlock(mp); return 0; } /* * mpool_free2() Free allocated memory with mpool_alloc() by size and memory name * * @mp = Memory pool * @size = Allocated memory data size * @memname = Memory name * @purge = if !=0 force release memory block * return: <0 error or 0 ok released memory block */ int mpool_free2(mpool_t * __restrict mp, u_int size, const char *memname, int purge) { int idx; struct tagAlloc *m, *tmp; if (!mp || !memname) { elwix_SetErr(EINVAL, "Pool or memory name is not specified"); return -1; } else idx = BucketIndex(size); mpool_lock(mp); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(m, &mp->pool_active[idx], alloc_node, tmp) if (!strcmp(m->alloc_name, memname)) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&mp->pool_active[idx], m, alloc_node); /* statistics */ mp->pool_calls.alloc--; mp->pool_bytes.alloc -= mem_size(m); if (!purge) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&mp->pool_inactive[idx], m, alloc_node); /* statistics */ mp->pool_calls.cache++; mp->pool_bytes.cache += mem_size(m); } else { /* statistics */ mp->pool_calls.free++; mp->pool_bytes.free += mem_size(m); /* quota */ mp->pool_quota.curr -= mem_size(m); mp->pool_quota.real -= 1 << (idx + MEM_MIN_BUCKET); if (m->alloc_mem) free(m->alloc_mem); free(m); } break; } mpool_unlock(mp); return 0; } /* * mpool_strdup() - String duplicate * * @mp = Memory pool * @str = String * @memname = Memory name * return: NULL error or !=NULL new string */ char * mpool_strdup(mpool_t * __restrict mp, const char *str, const char *memname) { char *s = NULL; u_int len; if (!mp) { elwix_SetErr(EINVAL, "Pool not specified"); return NULL; } if (!str) { elwix_SetErr(EINVAL, "String is NULL"); return NULL; } else len = strlen(str) + 1; s = mpool_malloc(mp, len, memname); if (!s) return NULL; else memcpy(s, str, len); return s; } /* * mpool_getmembynam() Find allocated memory block by size and memory name * * @mp = Memory pool * @size = Memory size * @memname = Memory name * return: NULL error or not found and !=NULL allocated memory */ struct tagAlloc * mpool_getmembynam(mpool_t * __restrict mp, u_int size, const char *memname) { int idx; struct tagAlloc *m = NULL; if (!mp || !memname) return NULL; idx = BucketIndex(size); TAILQ_FOREACH(m, &mp->pool_active[idx], alloc_node) if (!strcmp(m->alloc_name, memname)) break; return mem_data(m, void*); } /* * mpool_getsizebyaddr() - Get size of allocated memory block by address * * @addr = allocated memory from mpool_malloc() * return: usable size of allocated memory block */ u_int mpool_getsizebyaddr(void * __restrict data) { if (mpool_chkaddr(data)) return 0; return (((u_int*) data)[-2] * sizeof(u_int)); } /* * mpool_chkaddr() - Check validity of given address * * @data = allocated memory from mpool_malloc() * return: -1 bad address, 1 corrupted address or 0 ok */ int mpool_chkaddr(void * __restrict data) { /* check address range */ if (MEM_BADADDR(data)) return -1; /* check sentinel */ if (MEM_CORRUPT(data)) return 1; /* data address is ok! */ return 0; } /* * mpool_setquota() - Change maximum memory quota * * @mp = Memory pool * @maxmem = New max quota size * return: old maximum memory quota size */ u_long mpool_setquota(mpool_t * __restrict mp, u_long maxmem) { u_long ret; if (!mp) return 0; ret = mp->pool_quota.max; mp->pool_quota.max = maxmem; /* if new max quota is less then current allocated memory, * try to purge memory cache blocks */ if (mp->pool_quota.max < mp->pool_quota.curr) mpool_purge(mp, 0); return ret; } /* * mpool_getquota() - Get memory quota * * @mp = Memory pool * @currmem = Return current memory usage * @realmem = Return current real memory usage * @maxmem = Return max quota size * return: none */ void mpool_getquota(mpool_t * __restrict mp, u_long *currmem, u_long *realmem, u_long *maxmem) { if (!mp) return; if (maxmem) *maxmem = mp->pool_quota.max; if (realmem) *realmem = mp->pool_quota.real; if (currmem) *currmem = mp->pool_quota.curr; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * mpool_statistics() - Dump statistics from memory pool buckets * * @mp = Memory pool * @cb = Export statistics to callback * return: -1 error or >0 bytes in data buffer */ int mpool_statistics(mpool_t * __restrict mp, mpool_stat_cb cb, void *data, u_int datlen) { struct tagAlloc *m; register int i, act, inact; int len = 0; if (!mp || !cb) return -1; for (i = act = inact = 0; i < MEM_BUCKETS; act = inact = 0, i++) { TAILQ_FOREACH(m, &mp->pool_active[i], alloc_node) act++; TAILQ_FOREACH(m, &mp->pool_inactive[i], alloc_node) inact++; len += cb(1 << (i + MEM_MIN_BUCKET), act, inact, data, datlen); } return len; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * mpool_xmalloc() - malloc wrapper * * @size = Size * return: NULL error or !=NULL ok allocated memory */ void * mpool_xmalloc(size_t size) { return mpool_malloc(elwix_mpool, size, elwix_Prog); } /* * mpool_xcalloc() - calloc wrapper * * @num = number of elements * @size = Size of element * return: NULL error or !=NULL ok allocated memory */ void * mpool_xcalloc(size_t num, size_t size) { return mpool_malloc(elwix_mpool, num * size, elwix_Prog); } /* * mpool_xrealloc() - realloc wrapper * * @data = Allocated memory data * @newsize = New size of memory block * return: NULL error or !=NULL new reallocated memory block */ void * mpool_xrealloc(void * __restrict data, size_t newsize) { return mpool_realloc(elwix_mpool, data, newsize, elwix_Prog); } /* * mpool_xfree() - free wrapper * * @data = Allocated memory data * return: none */ void mpool_xfree(void * __restrict data) { mpool_free(elwix_mpool, data, 0); } /* * mpool_xstrdup() - strdup wrapper * * @str = string * return: =NULL error or !=NULL new allocated string */ char * mpool_xstrdup(const char *str) { return mpool_strdup(elwix_mpool, str, elwix_Prog); } /* * mpool_xstatistics() - elwix default memory pool statistics wrapper * * @cb = Export statistics to callback * @data = data buffer * @datlen = data buffer length * return: >0 data in string buffer */ int mpool_xstatistics(mpool_stat_cb cb, void *data, u_int datlen) { return mpool_statistics(elwix_mpool, cb, data, datlen); } static int xdump_show(u_int size, u_int act, u_int inact, void *data, u_int datlen) { if (!act && !inact) return 0; /* skip empty bucket */ if (size < 1024) printf("\t\t* BUCKET %uB size, %u active, %u inactive\n", size, act, inact); else if (size < 1048576) printf("\t\t* BUCKET %uKB size, %u active, %u inactive\n", size / 1024, act, inact); else printf("\t\t* BUCKET %uMB size, %u active, %u inactive\n", size / 1048576, act, inact); return 0; } static int xdump_show2(u_int size, u_int act, u_int inact, void *data, u_int datlen) { char szStr[STRSIZ], *str = data; int len = 0; if (!data || !datlen) return 0; /* skip missing data buffer */ if (!act && !inact) return 0; /* skip empty bucket */ if (size < 1024) len = snprintf(szStr, sizeof szStr, "\t\t* BUCKET %uB size, %u active, %u inactive\n", size, act, inact); else if (size < 1048576) len = snprintf(szStr, sizeof szStr, "\t\t* BUCKET %uKB size, %u active, %u inactive\n", size / 1024, act, inact); else len = snprintf(szStr, sizeof szStr, "\t\t* BUCKET %uMB size, %u active, %u inactive\n", size / 1048576, act, inact); strlcat(str, szStr, datlen); return len; } /* * mpool_dump() - Dump elwix memory pool statistics * * @mp = memory pool, if =NULL dump elwix default memory pool * @fmt = prefix info format string * @... = argument(s) * return: none */ void mpool_dump(mpool_t * __restrict mp, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list lst; mpool_t *p = mp ? mp : elwix_mpool; if (fmt) { va_start(lst, fmt); vprintf(fmt, lst); va_end(lst); } else printf("\n%s(%d)\n", __func__, __LINE__); printf("------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf( " ELWIX memory pool %p ::\n" "\t- quotas Current/Real/Max = %lu/%lu/%lu\n" "\t- calls Alloc/Free/Cache = %lu/%lu/%lu\n" "\t- bytes Alloc/Free/Cache = %lu/%lu/%lu\n" "\t- buckets :\n", mp, p->pool_quota.curr, p->pool_quota.real, p->pool_quota.max, p->pool_calls.alloc, p->pool_calls.free, p->pool_calls.cache, p->pool_bytes.alloc, p->pool_bytes.free, p->pool_bytes.cache); mpool_statistics(p, xdump_show, NULL, 0); printf("------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } /* * mpool_dump2() - Dump elwix memory pool statistics to string * * @mp = memory pool, if =NULL dump elwix default memory pool * @str = string buffer * @strlen = string buffer length * return: >0 data in string buffer */ int mpool_dump2(mpool_t * __restrict mp, char *str, int strlen) { int len; mpool_t *p = mp ? mp : elwix_mpool; len = snprintf(str, strlen, "------------------------------------------------------------\n"); len += snprintf(str + len, strlen - len, " ELWIX memory pool %p ::\n" "\t- quotas Current/Real/Max = %lu/%lu/%lu\n" "\t- calls Alloc/Free/Cache = %lu/%lu/%lu\n" "\t- bytes Alloc/Free/Cache = %lu/%lu/%lu\n" "\t- buckets :\n", mp, p->pool_quota.curr, p->pool_quota.real, p->pool_quota.max, p->pool_calls.alloc, p->pool_calls.free, p->pool_calls.cache, p->pool_bytes.alloc, p->pool_bytes.free, p->pool_bytes.cache); len += mpool_statistics(p, xdump_show2, str + len, strlen - len); len += snprintf(str + len, strlen - len, "------------------------------------------------------------\n"); return len; }