version 1.1, 2011/12/20 16:04:34
version, 2011/12/20 16:04:34
Line 0
Line 1
#include "global.h" |
#include "rtlm.h" |
#include "mqtt.h" |
#include "client.h" |
io_enableDEBUG; |
extern char compiled[], compiledby[], compilehost[]; |
intptr_t Kill; |
struct tagArgs *args; |
static void |
Usage(void) |
{ |
printf( " -= MQTT Subscriber Client =- Subscriber from ELWIX\n" |
"=== %s@%s === Compiled: %s ===\n\n" |
" Syntax: mqtt_subs [options] <connect_to_broker[:port]> <ConnectID> <topic> [exec_script <value>]\n\n" |
"\t-l <value2file>\t\tSave received values to file\n" |
"\t-s <topic[|QoS]>\tSubscribe for this topic, if wish add different |QoS to topic\n" |
"\t-q <QoS>\t\tQoS level (0-at most 1, 1-at least 1, 2-exactly 1)\n" |
"\t-d\t\t\tSend duplicate message\n\n" |
"\t-C\t\t\tNot clear before connect!\n" |
"\t-p <port>\t\tDifferent port for connect (default: 1883)\n" |
"\t-T <timeout>\t\tKeep alive timeout in seconds\n" |
"\t-U <username>\t\tUsername\n" |
"\t-P <password>\t\tPassword\n" |
"\t-W <topic>\t\tWill Topic\n" |
"\t-M <message>\t\tWill Message\n\n" |
"\t-D\t\t\tDaemon mode\n" |
"\t-v\t\t\tVerbose (more -vvv, more verbose)\n" |
"\t-h\t\t\tHelp! This screen\n\n", |
compiledby, compilehost, compiled); |
} |
static void |
cleanArgs(struct tagArgs * __restrict args) |
{ |
mqtt_msgFree(&args->msg, 42); |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->Will.Msg); |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->Will.Topic); |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->User); |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->Pass); |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->Publish); |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->Value); |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->ConnID); |
io_freeVars(&args->Subscribes); |
} |
static int |
Subscribe(int sock, FILE *lf) |
{ |
return 0; |
} |
int |
main(int argc, char **argv) |
{ |
char ch, batch = 1; |
ait_val_t *v, val; |
u_short port = atoi(MQTT_PORT); |
int sock, ret = 0; |
char szLogName[MAXPATHLEN] = { 0 }; |
FILE *lf; |
if (!(args = malloc(sizeof(struct tagArgs)))) { |
printf("Error:: in arguments #%d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); |
return 1; |
} else |
memset(args, 0, sizeof(struct tagArgs)); |
if (!(args->Subscribes = io_allocVars(1))) { |
printf("Error:: in subscribes array #%d - %s\n", io_GetErrno(), io_GetError()); |
free(args); |
return 1; |
} else |
args->free = cleanArgs; |
if (!(args->msg = mqtt_msgAlloc(USHRT_MAX))) { |
printf("Error:: in mqtt buffer #%d - %s\n", mqtt_GetErrno(), mqtt_GetError()); |
args->free(args); |
free(args); |
return 1; |
} |
AIT_SET_STR(&args->ConnID, ""); |
AIT_SET_STR(&args->User, ""); |
AIT_SET_STR(&args->Pass, ""); |
args->ka = MQTT_KEEPALIVE; |
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "T:U:P:p:s:q:dl:W:M:CDvh")) != -1) |
switch (ch) { |
case 'T': |
args->ka = (u_short) strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); |
break; |
case 'M': |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->Will.Msg); |
AIT_SET_STR(&args->Will.Msg, optarg); |
break; |
case 'W': |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->Will.Topic); |
AIT_SET_STR(&args->Will.Topic, optarg); |
break; |
case 'U': |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->User); |
AIT_SET_STR(&args->User, optarg); |
break; |
case 'P': |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->Pass); |
AIT_SET_STR(&args->Pass, optarg); |
break; |
case 'p': |
port = (u_short) strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); |
break; |
case 's': |
v = io_allocVar(); |
if (!v) { |
printf("Error:: not enough memory #%d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); |
args->free(args); |
free(args); |
return 1; |
} else |
AIT_SET_STR(v, optarg); |
io_arrayElem(args->Subscribes, io_arraySize(args->Subscribes), v); |
break; |
case 'q': |
args->QoS = (char) strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); |
if (args->QoS > MQTT_QOS_EXACTLY) { |
printf("Error:: invalid QoS level %d\n", args->QoS); |
args->free(args); |
free(args); |
return 1; |
} |
break; |
case 'd': |
args->Dup++; |
break; |
case 'C': |
args->notClear++; |
break; |
case 'l': |
strlcpy(szLogName, optarg, sizeof szLogName); |
break; |
case 'D': |
batch = 0; |
break; |
case 'v': |
io_incDebug; |
break; |
case 'h': |
default: |
args->free(args); |
free(args); |
Usage(); |
return 1; |
} |
argc -= optind; |
argv += optind; |
if (argc < 3) { |
printf("Error:: host for connect not found, connection id or topic not supplied!\n\n"); |
args->free(args); |
free(args); |
Usage(); |
return 1; |
} else { |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->ConnID); |
AIT_SET_STR(&args->ConnID, argv[1]); |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->Publish); |
AIT_SET_STR(&args->Publish, argv[2]); |
} |
if (argc > 3) { |
AIT_FREE_VAL(&args->Value); |
AIT_SET_STR(&args->Value, argv[3]); |
} |
if (!io_gethostbyname(*argv, port, &args->addr)) { |
printf("Error:: host not valid #%d - %s\n", io_GetErrno(), io_GetError()); |
args->free(args); |
free(args); |
Usage(); |
return 1; |
} |
ioVERBOSE(1) printf("Connecting to %s:%d ...\n", io_n2addr(&args->addr, &val), io_n2port(&args->addr)); |
if ((sock = InitClient()) == -1) { |
args->free(args); |
free(args); |
return 2; |
} |
printf("Connected ... "); |
switch ((ret = try2Connect(sock))) { |
case -1: |
printf(">> FAILED!\n"); |
break; |
printf(">> OK\n"); |
break; |
printf(">> Incorrect version\n"); |
break; |
printf(">> Incorrect connectID\n"); |
break; |
printf(">> Service unavailable\n"); |
break; |
printf(">> Refuse user/pass\n"); |
break; |
printf(">> DENIED.\n"); |
break; |
} |
if (*szLogName) |
lf = fopen(szLogName, "w"); |
else |
lf = stdout; |
if (lf) { |
ret = Subscribe(sock, lf); |
fclose(lf); |
shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR); |
} else |
printf("Error:: in subscribe file #%d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); |
} else |
ret = 3; |
close(sock); |
args->free(args); |
free(args); |
return ret; |
} |