# # ELWIX project build helper subroutines # # (C) AITNET ltd - Sofia/Bulgaria # by Michael Pounov # # $Id: rc.subr,v 2017/06/12 08:47:24 misho Exp $ # ### Dont edit this file !!! CheckVer() { [ -z "$1" -o ! -r "$1" ] && return 1 cat $1 | awk '($1 == "ELWIX") { split($3, arr, ":"); printf("%s", arr[2]); }' return 0 } SnitVer() { install -d ${TOPDIR} V=$(CheckVer $1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # file not found return 1 elif [ X"$V" != X"${VERSION}" ]; then # different ELWIX version return 2 fi # already present file with same version return 0 } Create_etc_motd() { ELWIX_VER="ELWIX-${VERSION}_$2_${TARGET_ARCH}"; ELWIX_HDR_MOTD="${ELWIX_VER} :: Build date ${BUILD_DATE}"; awk -v fo="${1:-motd}" 'BEGIN { print "'"${ELWIX_HDR_MOTD}"'" > fo; } { print $0 >> fo; }' \ ${CFGDIR}/elwix_signature.txt; } # $1 = fs/elwix # $2 = config/etc/default MakeFS_var() { cd $1 install -d altroot; install -d altroot/var; install -d altroot/var/account; install -d altroot/var/at; install -d altroot/var/at/jobs; install -d altroot/var/at/spool; install -d -g 63 -m 0770 altroot/var/authpf; install -d -m 0750 altroot/var/cron; install -d -m 0700 altroot/var/cron/tabs; install -d altroot/var/db; install -d -m 0555 altroot/var/empty; install -d altroot/var/log; install -d -o 80 -g 80 -m 0700 altroot/var/log/lighttpd; install -d -o 101 -g 101 altroot/var/log/quagga; install -d -o 883 -g 883 altroot/var/mqtt; install -d altroot/var/frm; install -d altroot/var/pkg; install -d altroot/var/pkg/keys; install -d altroot/var/pkg/keys/revoked; install -d altroot/var/pkg/keys/trusted; install -d altroot/var/run; install -d -o 80 -g 80 altroot/var/run/lighttpd; install -d -o 101 -g 101 altroot/var/run/quagga; install -d altroot/var/spool; install -d -o 66 -g 68 -m 0775 altroot/var/spool/lock; install -d -o 80 -g 80 -m 0775 altroot/var/spool/lighttpd; install -d -o 80 -g 80 altroot/var/spool/lighttpd/sockets; install -d -g 1 altroot/var/spool/lpd; install -d -g 1 altroot/var/spool/output; install -d -g 1 altroot/var/spool/output/lpd; install -d -o 59 -g 59 altroot/var/unbound; ln -fs /tmp altroot/var/tmp; touch altroot/var/run/utmp touch altroot/var/account/acct touch altroot/var/log/elwix touch altroot/var/log/lastlog touch altroot/var/log/wifi.log touch altroot/var/log/utx.log touch altroot/var/log/auth.log touch altroot/var/log/cron touch altroot/var/log/console.log touch altroot/var/log/debug.log touch altroot/var/log/init.log touch altroot/var/log/lpd-errs touch altroot/var/log/maillog touch altroot/var/log/messages touch altroot/var/log/security touch altroot/var/log/xferlog touch altroot/var/log/ppp.log chgrp 69 altroot/var/log/ppp.log install -v $2/resolv.safe altroot/var/run/resolv.conf cd - } # $1 = fs/elwix # $2 = config/etc/default # $3 = name MakeFS_etc() { InstallDir $2 $1/etc chown -R root:wheel $1/etc; case "$3" in uboot) ;; *) # chmod 0600 $1/etc/opieaccess; # chmod 0600 $1/etc/opiekeys; ;; esac chmod 0600 $1/etc/master.passwd; chmod 0600 $1/etc/spwd.db; chmod 0600 $1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key; chmod 0600 $1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key; chmod 0600 $1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key; chmod 0600 $1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key; chmod 0600 $1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key; chmod 0440 $1/etc/sudoers; # chgrp 80 $1/etc/config.xml; # chmod 0660 $1/etc/config.xml; mkdir -p $1/etc/mqtt; chgrp -R 883 $1/etc/mqtt; chown -R 883 $1/etc/mqtt; ln -sf /etc/rc.s $1/etc/rc.S ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/${TIMEZONE} $1/etc/localtime; ln -sf /usr/share/misc/termcap $1/etc/termcap; ln -sf /var/run/resolv.conf $1/etc/resolv.conf; # ln -sf /elwix/pkg/etc/mk.conf $1/etc/mk.conf; echo ${TARGET_ARCH} >$1/etc/platform; Create_etc_motd $1/etc/motd $3; CleanCVS $1 CleanCVS $1/etc } # $1 = fs/elwix MakeFS_home() { install -d $1/root/.ssh [ -r ${CFGDIR}/root.skel/ssh/authorized_keys2 ] && \ install -v ${CFGDIR}/root.skel/ssh/authorized_keys2 $1/root/.ssh; install -v ${CFGDIR}/root.skel/cshrc $1/root/.cshrc; install -v ${CFGDIR}/root.skel/login $1/root/.login; install -v ${CFGDIR}/root.skel/logout $1/root/.logout; install -v ${CFGDIR}/root.skel/profile $1/root/.profile; install -v ${CFGDIR}/root.skel/vimrc $1/root/.vimrc; } # $1 = fs/elwix MakeFS_backup() { mkdir -p $1/altroot/backup cd $1 # cp -p etc/config.xml altroot/backup tar -czf altroot/backup/.etc.tgz etc cd altroot tar -czf backup/.var.tgz var } # $1 = fs MakeFS_boot() { InstallDir ${WORLD}/boot $1/boot install -m 644 ${CFGDIR}/boot/boot.config $1; case ${TARGET} in i386|amd64) install -m 444 ${CFGDIR}/boot/logo-elwix.4th $1/boot; install -m 444 ${CFGDIR}/boot/brand-elwix.4th $1/boot; install -m 444 ${CFGDIR}/boot/menu.4th $1/boot; ;; *) ;; esac install -m 444 ${KERNDEVHINTS} $1/boot/device.hints; if [ -r ${CFGDIR}/boot/loader_${TARGET_ARCH}.conf ]; then install -m 644 ${CFGDIR}/boot/loader_${TARGET_ARCH}.conf $1/boot/loader.conf; fi; } # $1 = ELWIX install list config # $2 = From World dir # $3 = To Dest dir InstallList() { local TMPFILE=$(mktemp -q /tmp/instlist.XXXXXX) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error:: Can't create temp file, exiting..." exit 1 fi sed -nE -e 's/^ *([^ #]+) */\1/p' < $1 | tr ':' '\n' >$TMPFILE cd $2 for i in $(cat $TMPFILE); do if [ -x $i ]; then echo "Strip '$i'" ${CEXEC} chflags -f noschg $i ${CEXEC} strip -s $i fi done cd - tar -C $2 -cvf - -T $TMPFILE | tar -C $3 -x -f - rm -f $TMPFILE } # $1 = From dir # $2 = To dir InstallDir() { cd $1 pax -rw -pe -X . $2 cd - } # $* = Program arguments for install tool InstallProg() { install -c $* } # $1 = file_pattern # $2 = From dir # $3 = To dir InstallFiles() { if [ -d "$2" ]; then cd $2 find . -type f -name "$1" | tar -cvf - -T - | tar -C $3 -xf - cd - fi } # $1 = From dir # $2 = To dir InstallLibs() { ${CEXEC} find -X $2 ! -name "*.ko" -and -type f | \ xargs readelf -d 2>&- | grep "NEEDED" | sort | uniq | \ awk '($2 == "(NEEDED)") { print substr($5, 2, length($5) - 2); }' \ 2>/dev/null >${DEST}/elwix_mklibs.tmp for i in $(cat ${DEST}/elwix_mklibs.tmp); do echo $i ${CEXEC} find $1 -type f -name $i -exec install -v {} $LIBS \\\; ${CEXEC} chflags -f noschg $LIBS/$i ${CEXEC} strip -s $LIBS/$i done # ${CEXEC} find -X $2 ! -name "*.ko" -and -type f -and -perm +111 | \ # xargs ldd -f "%p\n" 2> /dev/null | sort | uniq | \ # sed 's|^/||' >${DEST}/elwix_mklibs.conf # InstallList ${DEST}/elwix_mklibs.conf $1 $2 } # $1 = Directory for clean CleanCVS() { find $1 -type d -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1 find $1 -type f -name .#\* -exec rm -f {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1 } # $1 = file_pattern # $2 = From dir StripFiles() { if [ -d "$2" ]; then local TMPFILE=$(mktemp -q /tmp/instlist.XXXXXX) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error:: Can't create temp file, exiting..." exit 1 fi cd $2 find . -type f -name "$1" >$TMPFILE for i in $(cat $TMPFILE); do if [ -x $i ]; then echo "Strip '$i'" ${CEXEC} chflags -f noschg $i ${CEXEC} strip -s $i fi done cd - rm -f $TMPFILE fi }