' ' Copyright (c) 2007, Cameron Rich ' ' All rights reserved. ' ' Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ' modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ' ' * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ' this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ' * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ' notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ' documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ' * Neither the name of the axTLS project nor the names of its ' contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ' from this software without specific prior written permission. ' ' THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ' "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ' LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ' A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR ' CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ' SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ' TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ' DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY ' OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ' NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ' THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ' ' ' Demonstrate the use of the axTLS library in VB.NET with a set of ' command-line parameters similar to openssl. In fact, openssl clients ' should be able to communicate with axTLS servers and visa-versa. ' ' This code has various bits enabled depending on the configuration. To enable ' the most interesting version, compile with the 'full mode' enabled. ' ' To see what options you have, run the following: ' > axssl.vbnet.exe s_server -? ' > axssl.vbnet.exe s_client -? ' ' The axtls shared library must be in the same directory or be found ' by the OS. ' Imports System Imports System.Net Imports System.Net.Sockets Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports axTLSvb Public Class axssl ' ' do_server() ' Public Sub do_server(ByVal build_mode As Integer, _ ByVal args() As String) Dim i As Integer = 1 Dim port As Integer = 4433 Dim options As Integer = axtls.SSL_DISPLAY_CERTS Dim quiet As Boolean = False Dim password As String = Nothing Dim private_key_file As String = Nothing ' organise the cert/ca_cert lists Dim cert_size As Integer = SSLUtil.MaxCerts() Dim ca_cert_size As Integer = SSLUtil.MaxCACerts() Dim cert(cert_size) As String Dim ca_cert(ca_cert_size) As String Dim cert_index As Integer = 0 Dim ca_cert_index As Integer = 0 While i < args.Length If args(i) = "-accept" Then If i >= args.Length-1 print_server_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If i += 1 port = Int32.Parse(args(i)) ElseIf args(i) = "-quiet" quiet = True options = options And Not axtls.SSL_DISPLAY_CERTS ElseIf build_mode >= axtls.SSL_BUILD_SERVER_ONLY If args(i) = "-cert" If i >= args.Length-1 Or cert_index >= cert_size print_server_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If i += 1 cert(cert_index) = args(i) cert_index += 1 ElseIf args(i) = "-key" If i >= args.Length-1 print_server_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If i += 1 private_key_file = args(i) options = options Or axtls.SSL_NO_DEFAULT_KEY ElseIf args(i) = "-pass" If i >= args.Length-1 print_server_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If i += 1 password = args(i) ElseIf build_mode >= axtls.SSL_BUILD_ENABLE_VERIFICATION If args(i) = "-verify" Then options = options Or axtls.SSL_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION ElseIf args(i) = "-CAfile" If i >= args.Length-1 Or _ ca_cert_index >= ca_cert_size Then print_server_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If i += 1 ca_cert(ca_cert_index) = args(i) ca_cert_index += 1 ElseIf build_mode = axtls.SSL_BUILD_FULL_MODE If args(i) = "-debug" Then options = options Or axtls.SSL_DISPLAY_BYTES ElseIf args(i) = "-state" options = options Or axtls.SSL_DISPLAY_STATES ElseIf args(i) = "-show-rsa" options = options Or axtls.SSL_DISPLAY_RSA Else print_server_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If Else print_server_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If Else print_server_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If End If i += 1 End While ' Create socket for incoming connections Dim ep As IPEndPoint = New IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port) Dim server_sock As TcpListener = New TcpListener(ep) server_sock.Start() '********************************************************************* ' This is where the interesting stuff happens. Up until now we've ' just been setting up sockets etc. Now we do the SSL handshake. '*********************************************************************/ Dim ssl_ctx As SSLServer = New SSLServer(options, _ axtls.SSL_DEFAULT_SVR_SESS) If ssl_ctx Is Nothing Then Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Server context is invalid") Environment.Exit(1) End If If private_key_file <> Nothing Then Dim obj_type As Integer = axtls.SSL_OBJ_RSA_KEY If private_key_file.EndsWith(".p8") Then obj_type = axtls.SSL_OBJ_PKCS8 Else If (private_key_file.EndsWith(".p12")) obj_type = axtls.SSL_OBJ_PKCS12 End If If ssl_ctx.ObjLoad(obj_type, private_key_file, _ password) <> axtls.SSL_OK Then Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Private key '" & _ private_key_file & "' is undefined.") Environment.Exit(1) End If End If For i = 0 To cert_index-1 If ssl_ctx.ObjLoad(axtls.SSL_OBJ_X509_CERT, _ cert(i), Nothing) <> axtls.SSL_OK Then Console.WriteLine("Certificate '" & cert(i) & _ "' is undefined.") Environment.Exit(1) End If Next For i = 0 To ca_cert_index-1 If ssl_ctx.ObjLoad(axtls.SSL_OBJ_X509_CACERT, _ ca_cert(i), Nothing) <> axtls.SSL_OK Then Console.WriteLine("Certificate '" & ca_cert(i) & _ "' is undefined.") Environment.Exit(1) End If Next Dim buf As Byte() = Nothing Dim res As Integer Dim ssl As SSL While 1 If Not quiet Then Console.WriteLine("ACCEPT") End If Dim client_sock As Socket = server_sock.AcceptSocket() ssl = ssl_ctx.Connect(client_sock) ' do the actual SSL handshake While 1 res = ssl_ctx.Read(ssl, buf) If res <> axtls.SSL_OK Then Exit While End If ' check when the connection has been established If ssl.HandshakeStatus() = axtls.SSL_OK Exit While End If ' could do something else here End While If res = axtls.SSL_OK Then ' connection established and ok If Not quiet display_session_id(ssl) display_cipher(ssl) End If ' now read (and display) whatever the client sends us While 1 ' keep reading until we get something interesting While 1 res = ssl_ctx.Read(ssl, buf) If res <> axtls.SSL_OK Then Exit While End If ' could do something else here End While If res < axtls.SSL_OK If Not quiet Console.WriteLine("CONNECTION CLOSED") End If Exit While End If ' convert to String Dim str(res) As Char For i = 0 To res-1 str(i) = Chr(buf(i)) Next Console.Write(str) End While ElseIf Not quiet SSLUtil.DisplayError(res) End If ' client was disconnected or the handshake failed. */ ssl.Dispose() client_sock.Close() End While ssl_ctx.Dispose() End Sub ' ' do_client() ' Public Sub do_client(ByVal build_mode As Integer, _ ByVal args() As String) If build_mode < axtls.SSL_BUILD_ENABLE_CLIENT Then print_client_options(build_mode, args(1)) End If Dim i As Integer = 1 Dim res As Integer Dim port As Integer = 4433 Dim quiet As Boolean = False Dim password As String = Nothing Dim reconnect As Integer = 0 Dim private_key_file As String = Nothing Dim hostname As String = "" ' organise the cert/ca_cert lists Dim ssl As SSL = Nothing Dim cert_size As Integer = SSLUtil.MaxCerts() Dim ca_cert_size As Integer = SSLUtil.MaxCACerts() Dim cert(cert_size) As String Dim ca_cert(ca_cert_size) As String Dim cert_index As Integer = 0 Dim ca_cert_index As Integer = 0 Dim options As Integer = _ axtls.SSL_SERVER_VERIFY_LATER Or axtls.SSL_DISPLAY_CERTS Dim session_id As Byte() = Nothing While i < args.Length If args(i) = "-connect" Then Dim host_port As String If i >= args.Length-1 print_client_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If i += 1 host_port = args(i) Dim index_colon As Integer = host_port.IndexOf(":"C) If index_colon < 0 Then print_client_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If hostname = New String(host_port.ToCharArray(), _ 0, index_colon) port = Int32.Parse(New String(host_port.ToCharArray(), _ index_colon+1, host_port.Length-index_colon-1)) ElseIf args(i) = "-cert" If i >= args.Length-1 Or cert_index >= cert_size Then print_client_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If i += 1 cert(cert_index) = args(i) cert_index += 1 ElseIf args(i) = "-key" If i >= args.Length-1 print_client_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If i += 1 private_key_file = args(i) options = options Or axtls.SSL_NO_DEFAULT_KEY ElseIf args(i) = "-CAfile" If i >= args.Length-1 Or ca_cert_index >= ca_cert_size print_client_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If i += 1 ca_cert(ca_cert_index) = args(i) ca_cert_index += 1 ElseIf args(i) = "-verify" options = options And Not axtls.SSL_SERVER_VERIFY_LATER ElseIf args(i) = "-reconnect" reconnect = 4 ElseIf args(i) = "-quiet" quiet = True options = options And Not axtls.SSL_DISPLAY_CERTS ElseIf args(i) = "-pass" If i >= args.Length-1 print_client_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If i += 1 password = args(i) ElseIf build_mode = axtls.SSL_BUILD_FULL_MODE If args(i) = "-debug" Then options = options Or axtls.SSL_DISPLAY_BYTES ElseIf args(i) = "-state" options = options Or axtls.SSL_DISPLAY_STATES ElseIf args(i) = "-show-rsa" options = options Or axtls.SSL_DISPLAY_RSA Else print_client_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If Else ' don't know what this is print_client_options(build_mode, args(i)) End If i += 1 End While 'Dim hostInfo As IPHostEntry = Dns.Resolve(hostname) Dim hostInfo As IPHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostname) Dim addresses As IPAddress() = hostInfo.AddressList Dim ep As IPEndPoint = New IPEndPoint(addresses(0), port) Dim client_sock As Socket = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, _ SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) client_sock.Connect(ep) If Not client_sock.Connected Then Console.WriteLine("could not connect") Environment.Exit(1) End If If Not quiet Then Console.WriteLine("CONNECTED") End If '********************************************************************* ' This is where the interesting stuff happens. Up until now we've ' just been setting up sockets etc. Now we do the SSL handshake. '*********************************************************************/ Dim ssl_ctx As SSLClient = New SSLClient(options, _ axtls.SSL_DEFAULT_CLNT_SESS) If ssl_ctx Is Nothing Then Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Client context is invalid") Environment.Exit(1) End If If private_key_file <> Nothing Then Dim obj_type As Integer = axtls.SSL_OBJ_RSA_KEY If private_key_file.EndsWith(".p8") Then obj_type = axtls.SSL_OBJ_PKCS8 Else If (private_key_file.EndsWith(".p12")) obj_type = axtls.SSL_OBJ_PKCS12 End If If ssl_ctx.ObjLoad(obj_type, private_key_file, _ password) <> axtls.SSL_OK Then Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Private key '" & _ private_key_file & "' is undefined.") Environment.Exit(1) End If End If For i = 0 To cert_index-1 If ssl_ctx.ObjLoad(axtls.SSL_OBJ_X509_CERT, _ cert(i), Nothing) <> axtls.SSL_OK Then Console.WriteLine("Certificate '" & cert(i) & _ "' is undefined.") Environment.Exit(1) End If Next For i = 0 To ca_cert_index-1 If ssl_ctx.ObjLoad(axtls.SSL_OBJ_X509_CACERT, _ ca_cert(i), Nothing) <> axtls.SSL_OK Then Console.WriteLine("Certificate '" & ca_cert(i) & _ "' is undefined.") Environment.Exit(1) End If Next ' Try session resumption? If reconnect > 0 Then While reconnect > 0 reconnect -= 1 ssl = ssl_ctx.Connect(client_sock, session_id) res = ssl.HandshakeStatus() If res <> axtls.SSL_OK Then If Not quiet Then SSLUtil.DisplayError(res) End If ssl.Dispose() Environment.Exit(1) End If display_session_id(ssl) session_id = ssl.GetSessionId() If reconnect > 0 Then ssl.Dispose() client_sock.Close() ' and reconnect client_sock = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, _ SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) client_sock.Connect(ep) End If End While Else ssl = ssl_ctx.Connect(client_sock, Nothing) End If ' check the return status res = ssl.HandshakeStatus() If res <> axtls.SSL_OK Then If Not quiet Then SSLUtil.DisplayError(res) End If Environment.Exit(1) End If If Not quiet Then Dim common_name As String = _ ssl.GetCertificateDN(axtls.SSL_X509_CERT_COMMON_NAME) If common_name <> Nothing Console.WriteLine("Common Name:" & _ ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & _ ControlChars.Tab & common_name) End If display_session_id(ssl) display_cipher(ssl) End If While (1) Dim user_input As String = Console.ReadLine() If user_input = Nothing Then Exit While End If Dim buf(user_input.Length+1) As Byte buf(buf.Length-2) = Asc(ControlChars.Lf) ' add the carriage return buf(buf.Length-1) = 0 ' null terminate For i = 0 To user_input.Length-1 buf(i) = Asc(user_input.Chars(i)) Next res = ssl_ctx.Write(ssl, buf, buf.Length) If res < axtls.SSL_OK Then If Not quiet Then SSLUtil.DisplayError(res) End If Exit While End If End While ssl_ctx.Dispose() End Sub ' ' Display what cipher we are using ' Private Sub display_cipher(ByVal ssl As SSL) Console.Write("CIPHER is ") Select ssl.GetCipherId() Case axtls.SSL_AES128_SHA Console.WriteLine("AES128-SHA") Case axtls.SSL_AES256_SHA Console.WriteLine("AES256-SHA") Case axtls.SSL_RC4_128_SHA Console.WriteLine("RC4-SHA") Case axtls.SSL_RC4_128_MD5 Console.WriteLine("RC4-MD5") Case Else Console.WriteLine("Unknown - " & ssl.GetCipherId()) End Select End Sub ' ' Display what session id we have. ' Private Sub display_session_id(ByVal ssl As SSL) Dim session_id As Byte() = ssl.GetSessionId() If session_id.Length > 0 Then Console.WriteLine("-----BEGIN SSL SESSION PARAMETERS-----") Dim b As Byte For Each b In session_id Console.Write("{0:x02}", b) Next Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine("-----END SSL SESSION PARAMETERS-----") End If End Sub ' ' We've had some sort of command-line error. Print out the basic options. ' Public Sub print_options(ByVal options As String) Console.WriteLine("axssl: Error: '" & options & _ "' is an invalid command.") Console.WriteLine("usage: axssl.vbnet [s_server|s_client|" & _ "version] [args ...]") Environment.Exit(1) End Sub ' ' We've had some sort of command-line error. Print out the server options. ' Private Sub print_server_options(ByVal build_mode As Integer, _ ByVal options As String) Dim cert_size As Integer = SSLUtil.MaxCerts() Dim ca_cert_size As Integer = SSLUtil.MaxCACerts() Console.WriteLine("unknown option " & options) Console.WriteLine("usage: s_server [args ...]") Console.WriteLine(" -accept arg" & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- port to accept on (default is 4433)") Console.WriteLine(" -quiet" & ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- No server output") If build_mode >= axtls.SSL_BUILD_SERVER_ONLY Console.WriteLine(" -cert arg" & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- certificate file to add (in addition to default) to chain -") Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & _ " Can repeat up to " & cert_size & " times") Console.WriteLine(" -key arg" & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- Private key file to use") Console.WriteLine(" -pass" & ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- private key file pass phrase source") End If If build_mode >= axtls.SSL_BUILD_ENABLE_VERIFICATION Console.WriteLine(" -verify" & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- turn on peer certificate verification") Console.WriteLine(" -CAfile arg" & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- Certificate authority") Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & _ " Can repeat up to " & ca_cert_size & " times") End If If build_mode = axtls.SSL_BUILD_FULL_MODE Console.WriteLine(" -debug" & _ ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- Print more output") Console.WriteLine(" -state" & _ ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- Show state messages") Console.WriteLine(" -show-rsa" & _ ControlChars.Tab & "- Show RSA state") End If Environment.Exit(1) End Sub ' ' We've had some sort of command-line error. Print out the client options. ' Private Sub print_client_options(ByVal build_mode As Integer, _ ByVal options As String) Dim cert_size As Integer = SSLUtil.MaxCerts() Dim ca_cert_size As Integer = SSLUtil.MaxCACerts() Console.WriteLine("unknown option " & options) If build_mode >= axtls.SSL_BUILD_ENABLE_CLIENT Then Console.WriteLine("usage: s_client [args ...]") Console.WriteLine(" -connect host:port - who to connect to " & _ "(default is localhost:4433)") Console.WriteLine(" -verify" & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- turn on peer certificate verification") Console.WriteLine(" -cert arg" & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- certificate file to use") Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & _ " Can repeat up to " & cert_size & " times") Console.WriteLine(" -key arg" & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- Private key file to use") Console.WriteLine(" -CAfile arg" & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- Certificate authority") Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & _ " Can repeat up to " & ca_cert_size & " times") Console.WriteLine(" -quiet" & _ ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & "- No client output") Console.WriteLine(" -pass" & ControlChars.Tab & _ ControlChars.Tab & _ "- private key file pass phrase source") Console.WriteLine(" -reconnect" & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- Drop and re-make the " & _ "connection with the same Session-ID") If build_mode = axtls.SSL_BUILD_FULL_MODE Then Console.WriteLine(" -debug" & _ ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- Print more output") Console.WriteLine(" -state" & _ ControlChars.Tab & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- Show state messages") Console.WriteLine(" -show-rsa" & ControlChars.Tab & _ "- Show RSA state") End If Else Console.WriteLine("Change configuration to allow this feature") End If Environment.Exit(1) End Sub End Class Public Module MyMain Function Main(ByVal args() As String) As Integer Dim runner As axssl = New axssl() If args.Length = 1 And args(0) = "version" Then Console.WriteLine("axssl.vbnet " & SSLUtil.Version()) Environment.Exit(0) End If If args.Length < 1 runner.print_options("") ElseIf args(0) <> "s_server" And args(0) <> "s_client" runner.print_options(args(0)) End If Dim build_mode As Integer = SSLUtil.BuildMode() If args(0) = "s_server" Then runner.do_server(build_mode, args) Else runner.do_client(build_mode, args) End If End Function End Module