.\" .br - line break (nothing else on the line) .\" .B - bold .\" .I - green or kursive (on HTML) .\" .TP - paragraph ? (header line, followed by indented lines) .\" .TH igmpproxy.conf 5 "" "@PACKAGE_STRING@" .SH NAME igmpproxy.conf \- Configuration file for .BR igmpproxy (8) multicast daemon .SH DESCRIPTION .B igmpproxy.conf contains the configuration for the .B igmpproxy multicast daemon. It defines which network interfaces should be used by the routing daemon. Each interface must be give one of the following roles: .B upstream , .B downstream or .B disabled . The .B upstream network interface is the outgoing interface which is responsible for communicating to availible multicast data sources. There can only be one upstream interface. .B Downstream network interfaces are the distribution interfaces to the destination networks, where multicast clients can join groups and receive multicast data. One or more downstream interfaces must be configured. On .B disabled network interfaces all IGMP or multicast traffic is ignored altogether. If multiple IP addresses is used on one single interface (ae. eth0:1 ...), all interface aliases not in use should be configured as disabled. Any line in the configuration file starting with .B # is treated as a comment. Keywords and parameters can be distributed over many lines. The configuration file has two main keywords: .B quickleave .RS Enables quickleave mode. In this mode the daemon will send a Leave IGMP message upstream as soon as it recieves a Leave message for any downstream interface. The daemon will then ask for Membership reports on the downstream interfaces, and if a report is recieved the group is joined again upstream. Normally this is not noticed at all by clients on the downstream networks. If it's vital that the daemon should act exactly as a real multicast client on the upstream interface, this function should not be used. Disabling this function increases the risk of bandwidth saturation. .RE .B phyint .I interface .I role [ ratelimit .I limit ] [ threshold .I ttl ] [ altnet .I networkaddr ... ] .RS Defines the state and settings of a network interface. .RE .SH PHYINT OPTIONS .B interface .RS The name of the interface the settings are for. This option is required for phyint settings. .RE .B role .RS The role of the interface. This should be either .B upstream (only one interface), .B downstream (one or more interfaces) or .B disabled . This option is required. .RE .B ratelimit .I limit .RS Defines a ratelimit for the network interface. If ratelimit is set to 0 (default), no ratelimit will be applied. This setting is optional. .RE .B threshold .I ttl .RS Defines the TTL threshold for the network interface. Packets with a lower TTL than the threshols value will be ignored. This setting is optional, and by default the threshold is 1. .RE .B altnet .I networkaddr ... .RS Defines alternate sources for multicasting and IGMP data. The network address must be on the following format 'a.b.c.d/n'. By default the router will accept data from sources on the same network as configured on an interface. If the multicast source lies on a remote network, one must define from where traffic should be accepted. This is especially useful for the upstream interface, since the source for multicast traffic is often from a remote location. Any number of altnet parameters can be specified. .RE .SH EXAMPLE ## Enable quickleave quickleave .br ## Define settings for eth0 (upstream) .br phyint eth0 upstream altnet ## Disable alternate IP on eth0 (eth0:0) .br phyint eth0:0 disabled ## Define settings for eth1 (downstream) .br phyint eth1 downstream ratelimit 0 threshold 1 ## Define settings for eth2 (also downstream) .br phyint eth2 downstream .SH SEE ALSO .BR igmpproxy (8) .SH AUTHOR Originally written by Johnny Egeland