# authentication information # # do not forget to change permission of this file # and remove sample users :-) # # currntly, this file is read at each authentication # [AuthGroup1] Comment "Auth Group1" # User Secret MutualUser MutualSecret (Mutual is optional) # chap secret length is from 12 to 16 (for MS initiator) Auth "iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:saturn" "1234567890abcdef" \ "iqn.2007-09.jp.ne.peach:disk1" "mutualtestxx" Auth "iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:athena" "abcdefghijklmnop" # tag 9999 is defined as AuthGroup for Dicsovery in sample istgt.conf [AuthGroup9999] Auth "iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:saturn" "testchaptest" \ "iqn.2007-09.jp.ne.peach:disk1" "mutualtestxx" # tag 10000 is defined as AuthGroup for UnitControl in sample istgt.conf [AuthGroup10000] Comment "Unit Controller's users" Auth "ctluser" "test" "mutualuser" "mutualsecret" Auth "onlysingle" "secret"