# 2005 January 13 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. The # focus of this file is testing corner cases of the INSERT statement. # # $Id: insert3.test,v 2012/02/21 17:04:16 misho Exp $ set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl # All the tests in this file require trigger support # ifcapable {trigger} { # Create a table and a corresponding insert trigger. Do a self-insert # into the table. # do_test insert3-1.0 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t1(a,b); CREATE TABLE log(x UNIQUE, y); CREATE TRIGGER r1 AFTER INSERT ON t1 BEGIN UPDATE log SET y=y+1 WHERE x=new.a; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO log VALUES(new.a, 1); END; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('hello','world'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5,10); SELECT * FROM log ORDER BY x; } } {5 1 hello 1} do_test insert3-1.1 { execsql { INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a, b+10 FROM t1; SELECT * FROM log ORDER BY x; } } {5 2 hello 2} do_test insert3-1.2 { execsql { CREATE TABLE log2(x PRIMARY KEY,y); CREATE TRIGGER r2 BEFORE INSERT ON t1 BEGIN UPDATE log2 SET y=y+1 WHERE x=new.b; INSERT OR IGNORE INTO log2 VALUES(new.b,1); END; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(453,'hi'); SELECT * FROM log ORDER BY x; } } {5 2 453 1 hello 2} do_test insert3-1.3 { execsql { SELECT * FROM log2 ORDER BY x; } } {hi 1} ifcapable compound { do_test insert3-1.4.1 { execsql { INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT 'a:', x, y FROM log UNION ALL SELECT 'b:', x, y FROM log2 ORDER BY x; } } {a: 5 4 b: 10 2 b: 20 1 a: 453 2 a: hello 4 b: hi 2 b: world 1} do_test insert3-1.4.2 { execsql { SELECT 'a:', x, y FROM log UNION ALL SELECT 'b:', x, y FROM log2 ORDER BY x, y; } } {a: 5 4 b: 10 2 b: 20 1 a: 453 2 a: hello 4 b: hi 2 b: world 1} do_test insert3-1.5 { execsql { INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES('xyz'); SELECT * FROM log ORDER BY x; } } {5 4 453 2 hello 4 xyz 1} } do_test insert3-2.1 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t2( a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b DEFAULT 'b', c DEFAULT 'c' ); CREATE TABLE t2dup(a,b,c); CREATE TRIGGER t2r1 BEFORE INSERT ON t2 BEGIN INSERT INTO t2dup(a,b,c) VALUES(new.a,new.b,new.c); END; INSERT INTO t2(a) VALUES(123); INSERT INTO t2(b) VALUES(234); INSERT INTO t2(c) VALUES(345); SELECT * FROM t2dup; } } {123 b c -1 234 c -1 b 345} do_test insert3-2.2 { execsql { DELETE FROM t2dup; INSERT INTO t2(a) SELECT 1 FROM t1 LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT 987 FROM t1 LIMIT 1; INSERT INTO t2(c) SELECT 876 FROM t1 LIMIT 1; SELECT * FROM t2dup; } } {1 b c -1 987 c -1 b 876} # Test for proper detection of malformed WHEN clauses on INSERT triggers. # do_test insert3-3.1 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t3(a,b,c); CREATE TRIGGER t3r1 BEFORE INSERT on t3 WHEN nosuchcol BEGIN SELECT 'illegal WHEN clause'; END; } } {} do_test insert3-3.2 { catchsql { INSERT INTO t3 VALUES(1,2,3) } } {1 {no such column: nosuchcol}} do_test insert3-3.3 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t4(a,b,c); CREATE TRIGGER t4r1 AFTER INSERT on t4 WHEN nosuchcol BEGIN SELECT 'illegal WHEN clause'; END; } } {} do_test insert3-3.4 { catchsql { INSERT INTO t4 VALUES(1,2,3) } } {1 {no such column: nosuchcol}} } ;# ifcapable {trigger} # Tests for the INSERT INTO ... DEFAULT VALUES construct # do_test insert3-3.5 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t5( a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b DEFAULT 'xyz' ); INSERT INTO t5 DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM t5; } } {1 xyz} do_test insert3-3.6 { execsql { INSERT INTO t5 DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM t5; } } {1 xyz 2 xyz} ifcapable bloblit { do_test insert3-3.7 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t6(x,y DEFAULT 4.3, z DEFAULT x'6869'); INSERT INTO t6 DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM t6; } } {{} 4.3 hi} } foreach tab [db eval {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'}] { db eval "DROP TABLE $tab" } db close sqlite3 db test.db #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # While developing tests for a different feature (savepoint) the following # sequence was found to cause an assert() in btree.c to fail. These # tests are included to ensure that that bug is fixed. # do_test insert3-4.1 { execsql { CREATE TABLE t1(a, b, c); CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1(a, b); BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randstr(10,400),randstr(10,400),randstr(10,400)); } set r "randstr(10,400)" for {set ii 0} {$ii < 10} {incr ii} { execsql "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT $r, $r, $r FROM t1" } execsql { COMMIT } } {} do_test insert3-4.2 { execsql { PRAGMA cache_size = 10; BEGIN; UPDATE t1 SET a = randstr(10,10) WHERE (rowid%4)==0; DELETE FROM t1 WHERE rowid%2; INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randstr(10,400), randstr(10,400), c FROM t1; COMMIT; } } {} finish_test